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Lille Fiskerby

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Posts posted by Lille Fiskerby

  1. Decided to form 2 groups : one with the Panther Bn. + one PzG. Coy 

    and the second group with the Pz. IV. Bn. and the tigers + one PzG. Coy

    and holding one PzG. Coy in reserve.

    Panthergroup one the left, Pz. IV.+Tigers group in the center and reserve Coy. on the right flank

    Dont know how to hide the spoiler so I do it the old way







    Got 4 Pz. IV. KO'ed in front of the center heavy bridge by Zis 3 but managed to keep their heads down till I got

    the Coy mortar in position to fire direct on the AT guns, and those 251/9 also helped to destroy the AT guns.

    On the left the Pantergroup also came under AT fire but managed to destroy 4 guns without losing a single

    Panther the frontal armor of the Panther is much better than on the Pz. IV.

    Nothing much happening on the right until crossing the river.

  2. I don't think the number of AT assets is really an issue Fiskerby, I think you've got that one nailed down! They'll punish an unwary or careless player but you can suppress, isolate and destroy them if you do your recon properly and don't over expose yourself... 


    The first mission should not be to difficult but then again

    I don't want the player to have to many panthers in the final mission

    it will get to growded  :)  

  3. Found an old number (73) of  the "After the Battle" Magazine in a danish book shop, the first article is called 

    "with the company commander" by Patrick Hargreaves and it's about Company CO Charles B. MacDonald

    Company I, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, and his experiences in the battle of the twin towns Krinkelt and Rocherath

    in december 1944.

    Very interesting reading and a nice way to kill time while we wait.






    This mission really taught me the survivability of panthers against light AT assets... frontally they are VERY tough - one stopp toe-to-toe with 2 guns at 300 meters and by the end I counted 7 non-penetrating gouges in the armour, while both guns were, predictably, quite dead.  


    Yeah, maybe a full 57 mm battery is to much, but as you say the 57 mm has a hard time penetrate a Panthers frontal armor and the 45 mm almost none.

    it can destroy the 75 mm main gun on the Panther, thats the biggest problem.


    "Finally: what is the purpose of the lone T-70 chilling on the edge of the marsh, aside from target practice in the first 15 minutes of the game?"

    Supposed to be overwatch for the recon group but its misplaced there, has to be closer to the recon group.


    Thanks for all your feed back, its really nice to hear other ideas.


    I think the village has to be a touch OBJ.

  5. Thanks guys


    All the feedback I can get would be nice, its my first campaign, but hope

    not my last, I'm working on several ideas at the moment.

    More presentable text and maps for reinforcements would be nice, just learning now

    to use windows programs for this.

    Just learned how to make text more easy to read : in notebook make long lines of text

    hope it makes some sence.

  6. Hi guys


    The Relief of Army Group North - Campaign ready for download at :






    German campaign with 5 missions


    Campaign text here :

    Eastern Front 18th August 1944 84km SW of the Gulf of Riga.
    The destruction of Army Group Centre in June 1944 and the collapse of the Western Front
    following the Allied invasion of France in the same month caused a major drain of German 
    manpower and materiel. Within two months dozens of divisions were wiped from the German Order
    of Battle by the sweeping Russian offensives in Byelorussia and Ukraine, or bled white in 
    the war of attrition in the Normandy countryside. During the summer of 1944 the German army
    was beaten both in Russia and in Western Europe and fell back in full retreat. 
    The German army reserves could not cope with the dreadful losses and ad hoc measures had to
    be taken in order to stabilise the situation. New kinds of units saw their birth that summer:
    infantry divisions were raised as so-called "Volksgrenadier-divisions" and new tank forces
    were created in the form of "Panzer-Brigades".
    The first of these was Panzerbrigade 101 under the command of the highly decorated 
    Generalmajor Hyacinth Graf von Strachwitz und Camminetz 
    (Major-general Hyacinth Count of Strachwitz and Camminetz), known as the Panzergraf or 
    ‘Panzer Count’. Von Strachwitz was awarded the Knight’s Cross with Swords as commander of 
    the Grossdeutschland (Greater Germany) Panzer Regiment, the lowest ranking officer 
    given the award at the time, and was then the third Army officer to be awarded the 
    Knight’s Cross with Diamonds for the relief
    of the Cherkassy Pocket.
    The appearance of Panzer-Brigades was no novelty within the German armed forces. 
    From the beginning of the war in 1939 Panzer-Brigades were present and operational in the 
    German Order of Battle until at least the summer of 1943. Apart from the official Order of 
    Battle, German tank forces often operated in ad hoc formations, especially after the 
    reverse of fortunes on the battlefield required makeshift units to tackle mounting 
    crisis situations. 
    One of the most successful battlegroups, so-called "Kampfgruppen" (KG), was "schweres Panzer 
    Regiment Bäke", called after the commander dr. Franz Bäke. This unit operated in Ukraine 
    during the beginning of 1944 and managed to knock out hundreds of Russian tanks with the 
    permanent loss of only five tanks. The success of Bäke undoubtedly inspired Hitler to 
    create strong and well-equipped regimental sized tank units. Unsurprisingly he was one of 
    the first commanders assigned to the Panzer-Brigades. 
    The philosophy behind these brigades was that smaller but stronger tank units could 
    manoeuvre and counteract swifter than cumbersome tank divisions, which can be easily 
    detected by enemy intelligence. Nevertheless when Hitler ordered the creation of the 
    Panzer-Brigades in July 1944, they were rather born out of necessity than a new defence 
    doctrine of the German armed forces.
    On paper it looked strong but the Brigades had at least two major drawbacks, no artillery
    Battailon and only one Infantry Battalion.
    We are fighting alongside SS-Panzerbrigade Gross under command of Stubaf. Gross and
    the plan is to link up with them on the 19th August to create Panzerverband Strachwitz,
    Panzerbrigade 101 and SS-Panzerbrigade Gross in one formation under command of
    Major-general Hyacinth Count of Strachwitz.  
    Destroy enemy forces from Soviet 51st Army and make contact with 16th Army, part of Army
    group North, to establish connection between Army Group North and Army Group Center in
    5 Missions :
    Mission 1.
    Clearing the way.
    Mission 2.
    Obstinate Russians.
    Mission 3.
    Throwing Down the Gauntlet.
    Mission 4.
    Turning North.
    Mission 5.
    Breakthrough to 16th Army.
    Friendly Forces:
    Core unit - Panzerbrigade 101, 4 units.
    German-English translation at the bottom of the page, 
    text on units in game will be in german.
    Unit 1.
    Panzerabteilung 2101.
    36 x Panther G Tanks
    3 Companys of 11 tanks each, each coy. 3 Platoons with 3 tanks and HQ with
    2 tanks and Battalion HQ with 3 tanks.
    FlaK Platoon (Zug) 
    4 x SP 37mm Möbelwagen.
    Unit 2.
    Panzergrenadier (PzG.) Bataillon 2101.
    2 x PzG. Company, each with 3 Infantry Platoons and one Heavy Platoon
    (3 x HMG, 2 x 251/9 and 2 x 81 mm. Mortar) all in SPW 251/1 D, 
    each Platoon HQ in 251/17 (20mm).
    1 x Heavy Company with 8 x 120 mm. Mortars, FO Team and 6 x 251/9.
    Unit 3.
    Panzer-Pionier-Kompanie 2101.
    3 Platoons :
    2 Pionier Platoons with 1 portable flamethrower each, one Platoon in 251/7,
    one in 251/1 and one Platoon with 6 x 251/16.
    Unit 4.
    Aufklärungszug 2101 (Recon).
    1 x Recon Platoon, 3 squads in 251/1.
    Enemy Forces :
    Soviet 51st Army formations :
    417th Rifle Division.
    3rd Guards Mech. Corps.
    51st Army attached units : SU Regiments, Artillery Battalions etc.
    Soviet Airforce.
    German-English translation
    Brigade - Brigade
    Regiment - Regiment
    Bataillon - Battalion
    Kompanie - Company
    Zug - Platoon
    Gruppe - Squad
    Trupp - Fireteam
    Stab - HQ
    Panzergrenadiere - Armored Infantry
    Pionier - Engineer/Pioneer
    Aufklärung - Recon
    FlaK - Anti-air
    Kampfgruppe (KG) - Taskforce
    schwere - Heavy
    Werfer - Mortar
    Nebelwerfer - Rocketlauncher
    Kanone - Cannon
    Stuka zu Fuss - Stuka "on foot" : 251/1 with 6 x 280 mm rocketlaunchers, 3 on each
    side not in the TOE so I use the 280 mm Nebelwerfer Artillery, which has very
    short range, 1300-1400 meters in the game.
    (-) - Element of unit, not full unit.
    The Campaign will not end if you loose a mission but it will
    affect the end result.
    You will not receive any core reinforcements during the
    campaign, if you loose core troops its gone for the rest
    of the campaign.
    Their is a slight chance that you will get some vehicles repaired
    during the campaign but don't rely on it.
    You will get resupplied during the campaign
    so fire away !
    Your core units will get rest between missions.
    The maps are made from QB maps + one Orsha mastermap + one map by H1nd, so
    many thanks to Mark Ezra, Benpark and H1nd for all your work, without it I
    would never have started on this campaign.



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