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Everything posted by Brit

  1. I just uploaded a new version. I did reduce the memory used by borders, but I'm doubtful that this was the problem. Let me know about the game's memory usage after this update. If you are still having trouble, maybe you could zip the save-game and email it to me. I'll put my email address into your private messages.
  2. An early update. This is mostly just bug fixes. Notable changes/fixes: - When the AI sends a "violating my borders" message, it will tell you exactly which units are violating its borders - Reduced the amount of memory used by borders - Fixed a bug that would cause the AI to falsely complain about border violations - Fixed a bug with the rules-editor that could cause the game to crash - Players can see other players borders if they are near their own borders - Fixed a crash during Turn-Processing. It's related to expired Trade Agreements
  3. Shipyards allow ships to be repaired. Barracks allow ground units to be repaired. Airforce Bases allows air units to be repaired.
  4. Brit


    Hey. Welcome back. It's true that the AI knows when you violate his borders (human players don't know), but it doesn't actually serve much of a sentry function, since he doesn't scramble to intercept you. It will lower his feelings towards you, which might trigger him to declare war, but you can still launch a sneak attack in the meantime.
  5. The radar lets you see all units that are 'Radar Visible'. This includes most of the aircraft in the game (but not the stealth aircraft). The radar let's you know if players are flying aircraft in the area, and whether he has patrols going through the area. Yeah, I guess I was thinking of 'radar' as a whole bunch of detection systems. It detects submarines out to a distance of 40, which is actually pretty short. But, yeah, I should probably remove submarines from the detectable units.
  6. You're right. I found a rounding error in the code. I fixed it for the next version, but I *think* this issue only happens if: you are not in the player #1 slot, and one of your units are very close to a national boundary (your own border or someone else's). In those cases, it can wind up thinking that your unit is on someone's territory (and it might not even be the person's boundary you are crossing). Example: you are player #3, your unit ends it's turn on your own boundary, and suddenly, player #1 or player #2 complains about your units in their territory. I guess there's one other situation that also comes up - if you are playing as Player #1, and your unit ends it's turn on the boundary of Player #3, it might erroneously detect that you are in Player #2's territory. (The issue here is that the transition from unowned territory to Player #3's territory gets rounded to Player #1's or Player #2 territory.)
  7. Okay. When the AI complains about a border-violation, his message now contains a selectable list of units that have violated his border. (Clicking on individual units in his email will select the unit on the map.) I also turned-off border violations for aircraft. Normally, aircraft can't trigger border violations because at the start of each turn, they are landed in an airbase (not inside the enemy territory), but Zeppelins don't land each turn, meaning that they might be inside enemy territory at the start of a new turn. These changes will be available in the next update.
  8. Yikes. I knew there were some memory problems when people play the largest map and 10 players, but you've got 4GB. How big is your save-file, by the way? I'm not sure what this issue is related to. I went out of my way to keep memory down for the border calculations. Maybe I'm doing something dumb somewhere in the new code.
  9. Okay. I sent you a private message with my email.
  10. I ran a few tests using grouped and ungrouped tactical bombers against a Battleship. There were some variations in the combat results, but I didn't notice any correlation with whether or not my tactical bombers were grouped together or not. Grouping is mainly just for convenience. It doesn't really provide any combat advantages. (I didn't want someone who already has a big group of units to get additional bonuses on top of the units themselves.)
  11. Yeah, I created the borders mainly to stop the exploit that allowed players to buildup units on enemy islands before attacking them. The AI should be changed to respect other people's borders as well.
  12. Do you have a saved copy of the game I could look at?
  13. The AI will make some adjustments to modding, but it won't be escorting it's battleships with destroyers if battleship->submarine combat is weakened.
  14. Hm. This shouldn't have anything to do with the borders.
  15. With one purchase, you should be able to install on two computers at the same time.
  16. Notable Fixes and Changes: - Fixed bug: Sometimes the city-build window wouldn't appear, causing player to think the game locked up - Added Borders - - Borders are created automatically, based on cities and resources - - The AI gets irritated if you violate his borders - Fixed a crash during turn-processing - Fixed a lockup during turn-processing - Adjusted some things on the MapEditor interface to make changing from map to scenario more obvious - Aircraft can be given more complex (move to, land, move to, land) orders - Added 'sentry for five turns' - Units which are set to 'sentry until repaired' will not attack enemies based on field-orders - UnitGroups can be given orders to 'sentry until repaired' (until all units inside the group are repaired) - Repairs cost iron. The iron cost is equivalent to the original iron cost (e.g. a ship at 50% damage will require 50% of the iron that it cost to build it originally). - Fixed bug: AI was not accepting trade agreements Have a good New Year!
  17. That's something I hadn't thought of before. The issue I see with that is that the host actually has a complete game-map on their system. None of the client machines have a complete-map. In order for any machine to act as host, I think what would have to happen is that the host would have to upload the game data to the internet server. This is essentially the host's save-game file, which can get quite large; more than 10MB.
  18. Hello. Welcome to the forums. Yes, the game will run at 1024x600 resolution. I actually tried to keep the game working even on an 800x600 resolution. You might like to try out the demo first. I don't know how it will run on a Netbook system, or whether the specifications are sufficient (in terms of memory and CPU speed).
  19. As far as PBEM: Yeah, I was thinking that the player's game-server would have to be on and connected to the EOS game-server all the time. I suppose that's not really practical for some people. A variation on that would be that the game-server is only available and connected some of the time, and players can only get their turn-updates and submit their turn when the game-server is on and connected to the internet. I suppose one varation on that could be that the EOS game-server could hold people's updates and turn-submit-orders until the game-server is online. The data is actually quite small (in the first few turns of the game, it's 10K-20K per player for the turn-update, and about 2K for the player's orders being sent to the server). It does make things more complicated, though. For example, "declaring war" and "open-market trades" couldn't happen immediately.
  20. Okay. I just added that to the next update, too.
  21. Thanks. I just think that's how software should be done. Plus, I want to make a great game. Yes, you're probably right about that. I'll pass it on to the publisher.
  22. At this point, there don't seem to be very many people in the chatroom. I think I may need to add a few features to help players meet up and play.
  23. You'll be happy to know that these three things will be added in the the next update.
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