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Posts posted by Rambler

  1. These look outstanding. Awesome job!

    They are basically finished at this point, the reason this is a preview and not a release thread is that I'll need to wait for the 2.0 upgrade to come out. I have no idea what effect this upgrade might have on the buildings, and if any changes will be needed. I hope they'll be worth the wait.

    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about how the upgrade will affect them at this point. That's most likely months into the future, and we haven't even been told when it might come out. Whether you release them now and revisit them after the upgrade or hold on to them until the upgrade and then release, you're still having to do update work either way. This is, of course, assuming that they're totally finished and release ready today. Also, not everyone will be purchasing the upgrade. Ultimately it's your call, but these are just some things to think about.

  2. Great stuff Rumbler! Will it be compatible with the upcoming 2.0 update?

    I can't see why it wouldn't be. If the new normal maps in the update are handled the same way as the water normal map currently in CMBN, it's just a separate bmp file. As long as they don't change the actual texture map or filename, it should be good to go.

    Another little update. Here's what one of the new M1s will be looking like. Still very wip:


  3. Been awhile since I've done an update. Work is still progressing on this mod. In fact, there's only two weapons left to finish; the M1s and the Vickers MG. Here's a couple of quick screen grabs of some of the revised base game weapons.

    K98s with the correct style sling cutout on the left side of the stock, new buttplates courtesy of LukeFF and redone wear and tear.


    M1 carbines sans bayonet lugs.


  4. ...apart from Upham whom I wanted to shoot myself.

    I felt the same way you did about Upham after I first saw the film. However, I've actually come to really appreciate him in subsequent viewings. Why? Upham makes us confront our own fear and weakness. We all would like to think we would be the brave hero and come to the aid of our buddies come hell or high water, but, put in Upham's situation, how can we really know if we would for sure? It's easy to say that you would, but actions can be harder than words. Upham is actually one of the reasons why I think SPR is a great war film, and I think his character was a thoughtful inclusion by Spielberg.

  5. Hey GaJ! I saw your request, but haven't had chance to get around to it until tonight. I added in the far trees, and I also added a more translucent version in addition to the original. You can now choose between 5% or 10% opacity close/far trees, or mix the different opacities. The close and far trees for each opacity level are their own seperate brzs. It's available for immediate download at CMMODS here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4730/details and will be on the repository whenever it gets approved. Enjoy!

  6. I gave Sam Houston's ghost the slip, but the gators almost got me ;).

    I thought about how I wanted to release them awhile ago, and decided to release them all at once. I decided on this route because I wanted anyone who downloaded it to get everything in one go, instead of having to go around and find different packs. Think of it as a weapons pack for the CMBN family of games. Sorry to disappoint, but I think it will be worth it in the end!

  7. Just uploaded it to cmmods and the repository. Link to cmmods: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4708/details

    It's pretty easy to do. If you open up one of the leaves bmps, there's a channel included called an alpha channel (you can find it under the channels tab in Photoshop). This controls the opacity of a texture or parts of a texture. Black is transparent and white is opaque. Shades of gray control different levels of opacity. I just selected all the white areas of the alpha channel and painted them 90% black. This makes the game display the leaves as translucent. PM if you want a step-by-step on how to do it.

  8. :) Yes, I'm still working on them. The project has turned into much more than just the CW stuff. I'm going back and overhauling everything I did previously, as well as adding some stuff in I didn't do the last go around. Progress is slow due to being busy with real life stuff, and I tend to mod in small chunks of time here and there. It prevents burn out that way. It's also summer, and I live 45 minutes from the beach ;).

    These will be released, don't worry.

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