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baron Jacquinot

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Everything posted by baron Jacquinot

  1. Yes just put this files in Z folder. This is mod for Wehrmacht, tan and water smock, and m43 splinter tunic.
  2. It's Ramelle battle, when you play for US paratroopers, AI just push his SS units forward like in movie.
  3. Yes, but you need send some infantry to the mountains to have cover from RPG attacks.
  4. Uniform mod - late special forces+Late Soviet Para_Green_TTsKO Terrain mod - CMA-Bushes and trees
  5. Of course)))))))) Use this with Palm tree 5/6 camo smock to more fun.
  6. Mods is updated, just replace old files with new in Z folder - http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4839/details http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4858/details P.S. Blurred edge camo smock texture was updated too with little changes.
  7. I have edited the camouflage Palm forest, this time I removed some unneeded halftones that made the picture voluminous, now there are only three colors, and image looks flat as it should be. Now I updating my 12SScamo and waffenSScamo mods.
  8. Thanks.) I saw many video on youtube, it was a real scare, many people thought that the war began. Some people call to his relatives in Moscow to ask who is attack.
  9. Before playing scenario I watch film about Wittman last battle on youtube, so I knew that I had to do. I just intelligently use my recon units to find enemy ambushes, look movie I don't understood why Wittmann was ambushed, because not have rudimentary reconnaissance ? who knows?
  10. I don't like this coward cold war conflicts, like say Sgt Barnes in film "Platoon" - These politicians are fighting with one hand while the other kept himself at balls.
  11. In Korean war, Soviet pilots be dressed in Chinese uniform and don't have any Soviet documents at flight. If you don't have uniform and documents you are not soldier of any side, just mercenary. If I come to US and start shooting to US soldiers, Russian government say that I just crazy man and don't will be start war, because I not official member of army, I have no uniform, documents and orders.
  12. Yes but, we don't know any official event when soldiers in uniform with documents firing each other, all this specialists and pilots have no documents and uniform, if they will be taken like prisoners of war, both sides can tell that this people just mercenary or something.
  13. You are wrong Augusto, lets imagine you staying with armed gun and in front of you staying man with armed gun(like on wild west), your first think - "what will be if he shot first?" No chance to close combat, both sides will think about their Anti missle defence, that she maybe save some lives. You can read Russian army doctrine, nuclear weapon will be used immediately. Do you remember when Russian airborn battalion take airport in Prishtina, why Britons did not kill them with their heavy tanks? Because they know, Soviet nuclear rockets always behind this small paratrooper unit.
  14. I won almost all battles for my favorite SS troops, except for one.
  15. Yes I won and with heavy loses for Allies, on veteran level.
  16. Nuclear weapon can't be compared with chemical, nuclear weapon is easy way to win or fast revenge.
  17. Damn I replay this scenario 100 times to win with SS.
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