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baron Jacquinot

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Everything posted by baron Jacquinot

  1. Why all this muslims always fight's with Soviet weapon, where the m16, abrams, m113, bradly, etc? Soviet Union make big mistake when give weapon to all 3rd world Papuans, someday we all regret about that.
  2. Oh, yes you right, I just always watch on left side, thanks.
  3. Nice helmet covers, but what is 3 and 4 camo types? And if you can pleas make blurred edge and palm tree covers, please.
  4. The first explode looks like weakened AT mine, second like broken RPG grenade, so I can say rebels have old soviet equipment from 3rd world countries, some weapon looks like with run out guarantee.
  5. Looks like advertising of Russian tanks)))))))))) Abrams sucks)))
  6. Anyway it is better than be brainwashed sheep.
  7. I don't faith in conspiracy, I just faith that in world some people(hidden elite) know much more then we and that's knowledge give power to manipulate us. Maybe this elite survive and came from ancient civilization. Maybe some day we will know truth.
  8. Ok, we can use term like New World Order or World Government or Illuminati revolution, like you want, I think some hidden power stay behind Communists, now that power try to start WW3 to decide her problem and save control. You can call me paranoiac, but many people understand now that's something wrong with our national elites, looks like all process be govern from one center.
  9. for me all of this - Dresden, Katyn, Leningrad, etc, all of this genocide of Europeans.
  10. Polish officers in Katyn was killed for similar reasons like many people in Russia, I think we can call it "class genocide", my own term, in Commie doctrine some classes of people must be killed - kulaks, priesthood, nobility, old regime officers, etc, all who can offer resistance to Zionist revolution.
  11. No, I just want to show you how we can acquit crimes.
  12. I understand that's was just easy and cheep way to win war with Japan, but it's war crime. I can tell to you that the Katyn massacre was just need to kill Polish officers that they are not moved to the side of the Germans, but that in any case this is war crime, so there is no need to make excuses all sorts of motives.
  13. I think we need some politic area on this forum.
  14. Guys, looks like you don't want to recognize any war crimes of Anglo-Saxons, this very very sad and forces us to prepared for a new war, especially given the events in Detroit.
  15. Yes, looks like US Empire go to collapse.
  16. No, like all Russians I'm a peaceful man, when unarmed)))
  17. And what you think about nuclear bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bombardment of Dresden and plans to nuclear bombing of USSR? Roosevelt and Churchill would be in limbo? For me Anglo-Saxons looks more dangerous than any continental Europe nation, especial now when we can just switch off gas to West Europe)))), they looks our potential ally. I know some German repatriates from Soviet Union, they say if Russian-Nato war begins they will be on Russian side))), but better if that never happens, better to fight with Islamites together.
  18. I think Stalin and West Allies want, that Hitler attack first on other side and after that just shot both tired "dogs".
  19. Last "Chechen" war against Islamites, film calls "Real war" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNy2nfJtJLk, you can saw some tactics of modern Russian army, Russian uniform and armor, and of course dead islamites. p.s. At 35min you can see start assault of Grozny.
  20. No, we just try to understand point of view from all sides(Europe, Anglo-Saxon, Russia), I think it can avert new war.
  21. "And baron the Brits did everything they could to appease the Nazis, not fight them" - exactly, they unleashed hands of Hitler.
  22. I just want to say, that's all sides was evil, who sponsored this war and who start this war, and who divide Poland with Nazis. Do you really think that some of this guys(Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Hitler) was angel?
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