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Posts posted by permanent666

  1. I recently found a book about the german 5th mountain division, written by the division commander. Despite his racist attitude and the heroization of the german soldiers I am really fascinated about Operation Mercur.

    It would be great if BF would release a Crete module for CMFI.

  2. Thanks bf for this patch i got a lot of new features for free with this patch! I am looking forward to buy myself MG as Christmas present.

    I just tested close assaulting tanks and it works great with the new aiming penalty but would it be possible to make firing below and beyond the max and min elevation impossible for immobilized tanks?

  3. the thing about manual setting up the battles is really disappointing. I think there would be overwhelming support for a game which is able to interact with cm. I am still dreaming about a strategic layer for cm like in close combat games.

    I am not a programmer but maybe you know how much time and effort it would cost to make at least the aar data and core unit data accessible for third party software.

  4. Nobody thought to convert this mod to CMFI, Italian as Japannese versus Brits & American!

    llf thought about it but i think the italians would make crap japanese island defenders because of the unsplitable squads.

    I stopped playing cmbn for now but recently I bought risingstorm which is really good. and they have a lot of sounds and textures - maybe there is someone who could port them for cmbn

  5. wow! I love this pictures.

    There is only one thing I would change: Maybe you could add more foliage in the built up areas. I do not know if there were occasional trees and shrubs in the 1940s in the Netherlands but streets would look more lively with foliage - IMO.

    As it was in Austria only in the last 40 or so years they started to cut down trees and alleys to make room for broader streets and parking space.

  6. I think MG is almost finished but they wait with the announcement until Gustav Line is released.

    There may be several reasons:

    they do not want to split attention between the two Modules

    releasing Gustav Line before announcing MG will increase the chance that people will buy CMFI+Gustav Line to get their hands on German paras earlier

    it is to much work to do PR for two titles at the same time

    all the beta-testers are still occupied with Gustav Line

    they realized they could not release MG without some crucial features so they will wait until 3.0 is released


    this is just guessing

  7. Sure you can make multiple versions of the map for AI play and H2H - this solution is just an alternative.

    Today I had the idea to use an exit objective on the unit dump. So the units will vanish if you play H2H.


    Yes it does not look very good but you can use trees to hide the unit dump.

    There is one more problem: water - if you use water on the map you have to make sure that the dump level is not below the water level. Also it could mess up your victory conditions.

    Another thing is if you want to put armor into the dump it has to be quite big. I think you can only place one tank per action Spot. Maybe you could declare one map edge as unit dump.

  8. I do not know if someone else ever came up with this solution but I found a way to give one side more troops if played by the AI. I have problems right now to take screenshots as i switched to vista but I will try to write it down how it works:

    1. Make a Map

    2. Choose a location which is from low importance. lower the elevation by at least 5 (10 is better) and fix the elevation around it like this: 201020. I will call it the dump.

    3. Buy units for the AI and decide which units should not be available for H2H. Put them in one or more AI groups.

    4. Place those units into the dump. (Important: do not paint a regular setup zone over the dump)

    5. Then assign a Setup zone in the AI editor for those groups outside the dump.

    6. This is it. Now the AI will move those units out of the dump but in H2H the player cannot use them.

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