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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Paper Tiger

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Everything posted by Paper Tiger

  1. No actual problems other than the final three missions being too difficult when compiled so I guess the answer is yes to both questions
  2. Hmmm... the upload didn't work for some reason. I was told that it was all done and assumed that all was well but when I looked this morning, it was still the old version. So I've deleted the old file (v1.0) and uploaded the file afresh. Of course, that will require yet another LONG delay while BFC clears it.
  3. I have just finished uploading a revised version of my Marines campaign, Gung Ho!. However, it might take some time for the revised version to make it through BFC's screening process :mad: Be sure to check that the version is v1.2 and the upload date is 17th October 2010 otherwise you'll download the original version. I have made quite a few changes to this short campaign based on my experience working on the NATO campaigns. Here is a list of the important changes: Mission 1 - Flintstones: No changes Mission 2 - The High Chapparal: Mission time extended to 3 hours in both versions. Otherwise, no changes Mission 3 - CAAT Fight: Reduced the 155mm Heavy Howitzer ammo to LIMITED to give BLUE a wee bit more of a challenge, but otherwise no change. It was too much fun to make any more changes. Mission 4 - Detectives: Reduced Syrian morale by at least one level. Special Forces reduced in experience. Mission 5 - Bridges: The Syrian Special Forces have been toned down substantially in experience and morale. They will only appear if you have won all the previous missions. Otherwise, you will encounter a second Reserve Infantry Company in their place. Also found and corrected a major error in the AI plans. Mission 6 - Al Qusayr: You should now be able to use heavy artillery in this mission. Syrian Airborne forces have been dumbed down by at least one level of experience and morale. Also added DUEY to v3. They should have been present in this version but not HUEY but I forgot to add them in. The campaign script I have also revised the campaign script to resuply BLUE's forces more frequently. The chances of vehicular damage being repaired between missions is much higher (90%) if you are winning missions but drops off dramatically if you lose. After that, the chances of repair between missions gradually increases the more you win. Hopefully, these changes should allow more folks to get through to the final mission and give them a good chance to win it as well. I figure AkumaSD never managed to beat the final mission because he had virtually no artillery assets available in it.
  4. I'm back at work on this campaign again. I never had a chance to post a revised version of the campaign as I was to busy with other things. I am toning down the difficulty of the last three missions and should have a new version up, hopefully later today or tomorrow to give you guys something to chew on until NATO is released.
  5. Woah! You finished Sulit Airfield and went to the Depot mission and then couldn't progress beyond that point, right? That was corrected a LONG time ago. Using the method outlined above, you should go either to SAM Hill or to Sagger Point depending on your success earlier in the campaign. What is the name of the mission you played after Sulit?
  6. Erwin It is possible to continue the campaign from a game save as per some trick that came with V1.20. Check the manual for how to do this. However, the new FINAL Dinas campaign will feature a few tweaks to some of the existing missions. It's nearly two years old now and when I open up some of these missions in the Scenario editor, I cringe (especially 'Suib'). Not only that but I think it would be fun to add a Shilka to the Core Forces. Since you will need the NATO module to get the Syrian airpower, I might as well add this too. (The jury's still out on this one though as it might be better to put the Shilka in 'Hasrabit FINAL' with the Guards) BTW, I will leave the original version on the Repository as I appreciate not everyone will want to buy NATO.
  7. Since the cat is out of the bag about Syrian airpower coming in NATO, I am planning to redo Dinas shortly after the module is released. So, if you're planning on buying the NATO module, you might want to wait a wee bit longer...
  8. It's not just CMSF that ran into problems with their existing fan base shortly after release. I'm a REAL Civilization fan and have the new game pre-loaded on my computer and am all ready to rock tomorrow morning. But it was released in the US a couple of days ago and so the fans have been posting their comments. I have been following the discussions on their boards as well. Let's just say that the changes that have been made to the game do not sit well with some long time fans who hate the changes made to their precious game. And the folks who love the new game just rip into them. Now they're accusing the new player base of being responsible for the 'dumbing down' of the game. They are not true Civ fans. This reminds me of those long-gone days of Thunder here. Some people embrace change and get on with their lives. Others seem less able to do so. apologies for this being off topic. I wanted to post a link to a particularly virulent thread but I think we all get the gist
  9. GSX: Is the reason that the campaigns take so long to get right the fact that the Modules are delayed so long? Absolutely not! I can hold my head up here and state quite definitely for the record that the campaigns are not holding up the release of the module one iota. If the modules are so slowed up by the Campaign, then why not relaease the Module before the campaign? Of course, since the first part of this sentence is in error the second part is meaningless. The campaigns are NOT holding things up. You have no idea how hard folks work on the Beta Team and I know you don't like us much, prefering to belittle us personally and our work both here and in that cesspit you moderate, but give us SOME credit, please. Elmar: Will we be seeing the individual battles released as scenarios at some point? You will definitely see mine some time after the module is released. But they won't be the same missions. They'll be more difficult than the campaign missions. Some folks were really struggling to win a mission I made for the Canadian Campaign and so the campaign version is somewhat easier than the 'original' version you'll eventually see on the Repository.
  10. Ah finally a man who understands. Don't kid yourself! I knew what you were posting about and you know it. Further, your history of posts in this thread demonstrates that you are simply an opportunistic poster with little or no intellectual integrity. You've just been lashing out, hoping that someone would enter into the debate (the 80% brigade) and back you up. (1:1 representation, removal of a real QB system, can't play WEGO tcpip, linear campaigns vs operations, RTS simulation) Really trying to punch all the buttons. Ok I'll post one quick last thing before I start feeling like a retard again for arguing on the internet. (but in your case my friend, I'm not arguing ) Dietrich has provided you with a face saving exit from this thread which you avail yourself of and give the finger to the brainwashed masses in doing so. You are SO transparent.
  11. Again, there are situations (especially in WW2 where "blufor" didn't have "hand of god" weapons facing off against scruffy guys with no training and only 50 year old assault rifles, and a few completely outdated tanks), where suppressing/covering fire will not be possible, or desirable. For example, in the video that I asked you to watch their mission was a prisoner snatch (unfortunately the video clipped out a couple shots where they showed them scaring the **** out of the Germans and having them throw their hands up while one of the Americans was screaming in German)... it was at night, they were instructed to not wear helmets (so as to not have the moon shine off them). It was stealth. Obviously you can't have a 30 cal opening up from across the river until AFTER the team has gotten the prisoners and is on the way back. So situations where you need this option: 1) Stealth situations 2) Situations where your squad is too depleted of men to be able to split squad 3) Situations where you've managed to sneak your squad(s) into a good position and want your whole force to charge into a building(s) guns blazing instead of having your covering element open fire giving their position away to that tiger parked down the street so they can get decimated while your assault team is clearing out said building(s). LOL. You really don't know when the horse is dead, do you? But agree to disagree. I doubt I'm going to convince you, and you're not going to convince me. And there we agree on something.
  12. The Vulture: Yes, I read your post. The reason I singled that particular comment out is because Mord did so first in post #18 [Now, that I've never noticed, I'll have to keep an eye out.] and I didn't want him to think that the game was somehow deficient.
  13. When did I say I didn't provide cover fire when assaulting? OF course I do. I think everyone on here knows that "target light" orders while half your squad moves in is how you clear a building. The point is here though, that it shouldn't be necessary... My point is, you should not need to have to use cover fire to assault a building You want the game to do it all for you then? Where's the fun in that? Where's the intelligence? You claim you know that you can achieve all this by splitting your squad up and providing lots of covering fire and then complain that you shouldn't have to do this? There's no serious serious issue here. I am happy to create my own drills as far as the game allows me to do so. You want commands that do all that for you.
  14. But they open up at short range on the assaulting team, and the morale state of the whole squad is affected, leavign the overwatch pinned or worse and crawling for cover, and putting out no covering fire. This is simply a result of keeping the squad intact. If you split them up, the morale status of one team does not influence the other until the two/three split teams are reintegrated. Once again, proper tactics will overcome these 'perceived' flaws. I just finished running a test to make sure what I was posting was correct and it works exactly the way I thought it did.
  15. Well obviously you've been playing a different game from me. Unless you shell the living crap out of a building before entering it, your huge Marine squad WILL get killed by a few dudes with AKs (or at least 50%+ of them). This is a serious serious issue. There needs to be an "assault building" order where the guys storm in, possibly throwing a grenade in in advance, and then be ready to shoot anyone in there the instant they go in the room. Nah! We're playing the same game. However, I'd say I'm definitely playing it very differently from you. I LOVE the Modern Era infantry game and I've been doing this kind of thing a LOT of this lately and I'd say a lot of the problems you are experiencing are simply due to bad tactics. I split squads up and give the overwatching split teams Target Light fire commands while the assault team approaches the building, often using infantry-placed smoke to boot. But I don't just rush the assault team in there. I stop them outside the door and give them a Target Light command for a few seconds and then go in. Very different results from your approach. This can be done in WEGO too. You just need to use the PAUSE command to your assaulting team issuing them with the TARGET command at the waypoint. Do you know where I learned to do this? The tactics section of the original Squad leader rule book. Most, if not all of my CM tactics are SL/ASL derived. Masses of overwatching/Prep firing guys while only a small part of your force moves. It works in CMx2 too. If your tactics don't work, try doing something different instead.
  16. As long as BFC give us the option to choose which quick battle map we play on, I don't see that there is anything to worry about. And yes, I usually played CMx1 QBs on my own maps or scenario maps because the random maps frequently sucked so badly that they were total immersion killers for me.
  17. Still, it is fun to see the RT guys being the calm, rational, patient ones in these discussions I'm not sure that I fall under the category of 'calm, rational patient ones' . Maybe in this instance, yes.
  18. Thomm CMx2 having no Command delays is a design decision and not an engine limitation. A bit like the deploy/set-up times for various weapons systems in the game. I'm sure it could be coded in if Steve wanted them in the game. So that's not one of the 'Reasons to be Miserable Part 3'. John(FMG) In your opinion. what has been fudged? The WEGO experience is considerably better for the game being based on a RT engine. Since the v1.11 patch, nearly two years ago, you've had CMx1's WEGO functionality restored. Just be happy, guys. It's a game...
  19. No worries, you're definitely not being rude. I think the idea is that we'll get the full up-to-date Russian kit when CMSF2 comes out, hopefully sometime next year (optimist!). Also, coding any new models would require Charles, or the second programmer, to spend time away from coding the WW2 title. I think everybody would rather see the attention going on WW2 instead of more stuff for Syria.
  20. Wow! Three posts complaining about the implementation of RT. You don't see many of us RT guys complaining about the attention that has been given to WEGo. We're very happy that folks have that option to play with. Why can't you just be happy for us too.
  21. When I was working on the 'CAAT Fight' mission for the 'Gung Ho!' campaign, I noticed that helos can do something really cool. I am curious to see if any of you are aware of this neat feature. Namely, when I'm preparing to attack an enemy position I issue a helicopter with a target arc that covers the terrain I expect to be occupied. While waiting for the helo to prepare its run-in I get my troops into position and then begin my attack when the helo comes in. Now, something cool happens. Instead of spraying random targets within its target arc, the helo spots the firing enemy units within its arc and takes them out for me. My ground units don't even need to spot where the incoming fire is originating from. The helos are good at spotting and they work in conjunction with the boys on the ground. So how do you guys use your helicopters?
  22. CM:N on Steam? Eat lots of cabbage prior to playing the game and you'll be fine.
  23. Only the skins are moddable so, no, you won't be able to create your own unique buildings for CM:N. BTW, it would appear that building skins are a LOT of work for the artist to do. That's why there are so few of them. Two to the best of my knowledge, Pete Wenman's and M1A1 TC I think? (MikeyD's was actually added to the official skins for CMSF and so I'm not including that one - beautiful work though it is) Another building artist in the community would be very welcome.
  24. Adam: I can't see any good reason why screenshots and videos/aar's shouldn't be pouring out of the Battlefront PR machine right now. Many companies start their marketing efforts years (or at least "a" year) before release, and posting these things is free for the company! BFC certainly is different from other gaming companies I deal with with respect to publicising their work in advance of release. New developments and modules for other games that I follow get touted long in advance of release with screenshots and in-depth discussions of new features. They're so eager to show off their work and talk about their ideas. I like this. BFC keep everything very close to their chest though and there's absolutely nothing anybody can do to change their mind. That's just the way they like to play things. Frustrating as hell!
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