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Posts posted by Wiggum

  1. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    Um you can’t destroy any of them unless you take fire from them and have positively identified enemy in them.

    You can’t just flatten the place with Arty before you drive up to it. smile.gif

    As to what type, they remind me of buildings in small rural towns in Turkey. Normally they are only partly finished because the inflation rate means that either the owner can’t pay to complete it or the builder goes bust trying to fulfil a fixed price contract.

    I hadn’t looked at them as objectives (since the US orders don’t list them as an objective) and I play with all that “non realistic” stuff off.

    I’m just heading for BEAR and ELK as per the brief.

    Ah, ok. That means that the objective is reached if the buildings are "not destroyed" at the end of the game ?
  2. Originally posted by YankeeDog:


    So it seems that roughly half the forum thinks buildings don't offer enough cover, while the other half thinks they offer too much cover.

    Guess BFC must have it about right. :D

    For myself, I'm not really sure. . . whether I'm playing Red or Blue, when I put MY guys in buildings, they seem to get wiped out easily by just small arms fire, but when I'm trying to take out enemy infantry buildings, I can throw all sorts of ordnance at the building without killing everyone inside.

    I do think it's instructive to read AARs from Iraq, particularly MOUT stuff like Fallujah. You don't have to look very hard to find accounts of US Forces throwing all sorts of ordnance at enemy-occupied buildings without completely killing, or even stopping return fire.



    Thats right but the point is the small arms lethality.

    In reality soldier will get more or longer supressed or whipped out (fleeing) than simpy die (like in CMSF).

    If im in CMSF in a building and take havy small arms fire my guys die fast, thats all. I wish to see that they get supressed and go to cover or flee to a saver position. That would make MOUT much more realistic.

  3. Originally posted by YankeeDog:


    So it seems that roughly half the forum thinks buildings don't offer enough cover, while the other half thinks they offer too much cover.

    Guess BFC must have it about right. :D

    For myself, I'm not really sure. . . whether I'm playing Red or Blue, when I put MY guys in buildings, they seem to get wiped out easily by just small arms fire, but when I'm trying to take out enemy infantry buildings, I can throw all sorts of ordnance at the building without killing everyone inside.

    I do think it's instructive to read AARs from Iraq, particularly MOUT stuff like Fallujah. You don't have to look very hard to find accounts of US Forces throwing all sorts of ordnance at enemy-occupied buildings without completely killing, or even stopping return fire.



    Thats right but the point is the small arms lethality.

    In reality soldier will get more or longer supressed or whipped out (fleeing) than simpy die (like in CMSF).

    If im in CMSF in a building and take havy small arms fire my guys die fast, thats all. I wish to see that they get supressed and go to cover or flee to a saver position. That would make MOUT much more realistic.

  4. Originally posted by YankeeDog:


    So it seems that roughly half the forum thinks buildings don't offer enough cover, while the other half thinks they offer too much cover.

    Guess BFC must have it about right. :D

    For myself, I'm not really sure. . . whether I'm playing Red or Blue, when I put MY guys in buildings, they seem to get wiped out easily by just small arms fire, but when I'm trying to take out enemy infantry buildings, I can throw all sorts of ordnance at the building without killing everyone inside.

    I do think it's instructive to read AARs from Iraq, particularly MOUT stuff like Fallujah. You don't have to look very hard to find accounts of US Forces throwing all sorts of ordnance at enemy-occupied buildings without completely killing, or even stopping return fire.



    Thats right but the point is the small arms lethality.

    In reality soldier will get more or longer supressed or whipped out (fleeing) than simpy die (like in CMSF).

    If im in CMSF in a building and take havy small arms fire my guys die fast, thats all. I wish to see that they get supressed and go to cover or flee to a saver position. That would make MOUT much more realistic.

  5. Originally posted by Lanzfeld:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Taki:

    A Comprehensable Small Arms Modell. Some things just dont really work out as they should work (like 3 US Squads fighting FUll Auto 1 Syrian Squad and get more Casualties then they do).

    And an Overworked Moral and Supression Modell. Units recover way to fast from Supression.

    I have to agree about something being "off" with the firefights. Too many US casulties even when you are pounding the hell out of the source with a huge firepower advantage.

    Also, and this has happened many mant times, when I hit a target in a building with a .50 cal the fire seems like it is not even going through the walls. I have targeted troops on balconies with .50 cal fire with no effect. Comeon now....

    Otherwise I am very impressed. Just needs some tweeking. </font>

  6. Originally posted by Lanzfeld:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Taki:

    A Comprehensable Small Arms Modell. Some things just dont really work out as they should work (like 3 US Squads fighting FUll Auto 1 Syrian Squad and get more Casualties then they do).

    And an Overworked Moral and Supression Modell. Units recover way to fast from Supression.

    I have to agree about something being "off" with the firefights. Too many US casulties even when you are pounding the hell out of the source with a huge firepower advantage.

    Also, and this has happened many mant times, when I hit a target in a building with a .50 cal the fire seems like it is not even going through the walls. I have targeted troops on balconies with .50 cal fire with no effect. Comeon now....

    Otherwise I am very impressed. Just needs some tweeking. </font>

  7. Originally posted by Lanzfeld:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Taki:

    A Comprehensable Small Arms Modell. Some things just dont really work out as they should work (like 3 US Squads fighting FUll Auto 1 Syrian Squad and get more Casualties then they do).

    And an Overworked Moral and Supression Modell. Units recover way to fast from Supression.

    I have to agree about something being "off" with the firefights. Too many US casulties even when you are pounding the hell out of the source with a huge firepower advantage.

    Also, and this has happened many mant times, when I hit a target in a building with a .50 cal the fire seems like it is not even going through the walls. I have targeted troops on balconies with .50 cal fire with no effect. Comeon now....

    Otherwise I am very impressed. Just needs some tweeking. </font>

  8. Originally posted by Webwing:


    I'm slow player and I like to take my time too. I used to think all battles should have a maximum time limit ( 2 hours ) for them and let the player decide when he want to finish it. So, I know where you are coming from.

    Fact is that after reading posts from people that think otherwise and playing good missions that have a time pressure well implemented in them I changed my mind about this.

    Usually the Blue side can win ANY mission if given unlimited time.

    The missions we try to replicate in the game would in real life take a lot longer, that's true. But they would most likely take more than 2 hours.

    Do we need more than 2 hours in our missions then?

    That's another topic I changed my mind about.

    Today I think what we need is for the campaigns to carry the damage from one mission to the next. This way you can have a campaign in the same map that would simulate an engagement that would take 4, 6, 10 hours and have reinforcements, resuplies, etc. Also this would be more fun than a 4 hour missoin in one go.


    I understande you. My problem with short time limits is that CMSF goes into the "fast action" direction when i have to do things to fast.

    I think give 2h time but let the blue not much room for KIA is a option.

  9. Originally posted by Webwing:

    By the way, what did you think of the first one?

    The only negative thing i found is the time limit, but this is a general problem in CMSF Scenarios.

    I think 30min are not enough to take out 2 havy defended MG positions with infantery only, not in real life and not in game. I only take the first MG position (with only one WIA) but then with only 5min on the clock i "rush" the second one and take 1KIA and 4WIA while dont reach the objective. More time makes the mission more realistic i think, you can move your troops carfully, fall back, attack from a differend direction ect.

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