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Posts posted by Wiggum

  1. would you belive me if i tell you you never faced anything else then conscripts and a lot of greens in the city? the "hardened" fighters are up valley, past the city.

    If i believe you in this ?

    ...no ! :D

    I pounded many buildings to dust with HE Shells from my tanks and these insurgents stay in the debris ar the building next to and keep shooting at me.

    I thought that green soldiers will rout quick if enemy fire hits them hard (thats what i saw when i played "green" syrian soldiers.

  2. Ok, finished it.

    First of all i have to say that i like your Red vs. Red Scenarios a lot. The Map on this one is great as well as the briefing.

    Now to the mission:


    I had some trouble getting my forces through that bottleneck. To move all that bmps and tanks there is nearly work... :D

    I killed all enemy tanks without problems because i have good ATGM positions.

    I smoked the city with my mortar and get my GMG's and MG's into position. After i killed some of the enemys that showed up i wanted to move my bmps and tanks forward but 3 of them get hit and it took me a while to clear that threat.

    Then i moved them ito positions on the hill to get good shots on all buildings.

    Now it was time to move the infantry in...

    The enemy fights like a lion...!

    I kicked them with all my firepower but they make every building into a fortress.

    Finally i took the south and the central but no time was left.

    I have to say that i only fought with the tanks (T-62 and T55), the support in the pickups, the A Co. and recon guys.

    I think i was not aggresive enough. And im not good at logistic... :D

    I got a tactical defeat.


    What i would like to see:

    - Maybe a small point to move infantry up to the hill at the beginning

    - More "green" and all in all less enemys at the city... :D

    I have to say that i dident do a good job, there are lots of things i could do better in a second try.

    Great Scenario Pandur, it feels very realistic and makes lot of fun !


  3. After i realised that with this force...only crazy people would take that city...i decided to only kill these HMG's (took me nearly all the time) and detect some targets for the airforce to shot at.

    I get a loose...but i feal like the winner because i only took 3 KIA and 8 WIA !

    And the enemy lost all in all 100 Man. :D

  4. weekend´s over :) any luck so far?

    i know this is a big one, also its not everyones insta favourite with RED on RED setting, but i die for some feedback by anyone who played it wich is not me ;)


    Hi Pandur,

    i have not finished it so far. Iam not yet in the city... (1:45 left) :D

    It is really hard to get your firepower (all that bmps, and tanks) through that bottleneck.

    But, what i can say for sure is that i like this scenario very much (The Map is Great) !

    I think i will finish it today or tomorrow, so i can give you some more Feedback !

  5. Hi,

    if i play the syrian army, my soldiers have ak's. I think that these weapons use 7.62mm ammo.

    The Ammo panel in the game shows from left to right:

    small arms ammunition / MG ammunition [...]

    Now if i add 7.62mm ammo to the syrian squad the "MG ammunition" rises. If i add 5.56mm ammo to them (why carry the bmp this type of ammo ??) the "small arms ammunition" rises...

    Can anyone help my...i am confused.


    Damn...just read that the "AK-74" uses 5,45 x 39 mm.... :D

    God i am so dump !

  6. Hi,

    How can i see how many Artillery and Airstrike remains ?

    I just played a mission and called a motar 3 times (short firemissions)...and still there are all green dots...so i thought i can call much more but then...empty... ??

    The same with Airstrike. I had two Apache...so i thought i can only call 2 airstrikes. After both Apache finished their missions, they still aviable. I could call them both 3 times...and maybe much more but i have no idea how i can see how often i can call a aircraft or how much munition for the artillery is left.

    Anyone can help ?

  7. Hi!

    What you typed appears to be correct PROVIDED that you typed it inside the "Target" line. (not the "execute in" line). If you want, take a screenshot of your properties window for the shortcut you created and submit as ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk.

    Hi Moon,

    Yes i did this in the target line. Then i clicked the shortcut and get an error...some dll was missing. But this was with my first installation where all maps went black.

    Now i installed everything new (with patch 1.10 over the base game befor installing the modules) and it works right now, so no need to unlicense Marines Module at the Moment.

    But thanks for help.

  8. Ok, but like LT Mike wrote:

    I bought the Brit / Marine bundle. There's nothing for the Marines!

    When I do the unlicense shortcut. it only works for the brit mod

    If i click the unlicense shortcut only the unlicense for brittish module appears.

    Maybe i did something wrong with the manually unlicensing...

    [...] CMSF Marines Module.exe"_-unlicense

    Is the above correct ? The _ is to show you that i used a space.

  9. Hi Moon,

    I downloaded and installed and licensed the Brits and Marines Bundle over CMSF 1.0 (Paradox Version).

    I get some realy nasty problem...all maps are black..i chose to uninstall the game.

    So i clicked the unlicense button...but only the brits module gets unlicensed, the marines dont. Manually unlicensing Marines Module dont works for me...

    Then i uninstalled the game and do these steps:

    1. Install CMSF 1.0 (Paradox)

    2. Install CMSF 1.10 Patch (Paradox) <- Maybe that solved my problem ?

    3. Install British and Marines Bundle

    After the installation I just have to license the british modules again, not the marines. Seems ok to me, i dont unlicensed the Marines Module like i wrote above.

    And...no more black maps ! :D

    After that trouble im happy that it works now.

    But i have a question.

    If i anytime have to unlicense marines to...what can i do ?

    If i contact battlefront to unlicense my keys, what information do you need ?

    ...eh, and now i dont need that bad cd anymore to play cmsf ! ;)

  10. I just bought MARINE and BRITS Module.

    Now, i installed CMSF on my new computer. So i have CMSF 1.0.

    If i understand it all correct i now just have to install the MARINE Module (then it will be 1.10) and then the BRITS Module (then it will be 1.20)...and its done ?

    And Another Question...

    The Manual says:

    After you have successfully downloaded the Combat Mission:

    Shock Force - British Forces setup file (filename

    CMSF_British_Forces_Setup.exe), copy this file to a folder

    on your hard drive and then double-click on it to launch the


    Why it says "copy this file to a folder on your hard drive" ? I mean...if i downloade it it is anyway in a folder on my harddrive ?

    And another question... ;)

    I sometimes have problems with my internet, now if the download of the file breaking off because my internet connection makes problems one more time ?

    Then i have to buy it again ?

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