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Posts posted by Wiggum

  1. I liked how in CMX1 it took a while to be spotted even when Firing. IMHO, spotting needs to me much more degraded in the WWII setting.

    Good point, as i said somewhere else i think that the way it was in CMSF (shoting = get spotted) is odd in some situations.

    It would be great if there was some kind of delay in the spotting system.

    Like for the MG's you get one of those ? icons, maybe not even at the correct position, for like 2 or 3 minutes or even longer before you are able to fully spot a stationary infantry unit.

    There was a thread with a big discuss about the hole spotting system, but still i have the feeling that there is something that needs a bit tweaking

  2. WOW!

    I am pretty surprised your sherman spotted all those Germans in town! How did he do that?

    or did he see them after they fired? Seems like they would have been hidden in those buildings.

    Yeah, looks like those Sherman has still some nasty Shock Force optics inside...

    I think even if the infantry is not "hiding" they should not be so easy to spot from a tank...ok, it looks like the tank commander was watching from a open hatch...but still...

    The machine gun teams fire on my Sherman.

    Is this the TacAI ?

    I mean why should a german mg team in a more or less great ambush position open fire on a enemy tank (even if the commander looks through the open hatch) ?

    It gives away his position and one or two HE rounds from the Sherman and the MG team is gone.

    Hard to believe that this is what a "real" MG team would do in this situation....

    And for the panzerschreck guy, it looks like there is still no elevation limit for the main gun of the tank.

    How far was that panzerschreck away ?

    Anyway, the panzerschreck guy was damn close, i would say danger close...looks like he had no fear to blow himselfe up too (those brave germans :D ).

  3. Speaking of arcs. Is there a safe zone around the tank where infantry can not be hit by the main gun and coax mg? In Elvis´ DAR a tank fires at a Schreck team at very short (too short?) range.


    Oh yes, that was some kind of problem in CMSF !

    Tanks could fire unrealistic high and low because there was no real gun elevation limit IIRC.

  4. I guess after that many rounds the front of the MG is gleaming in copper.

    Man I remember pointless hours wasted by cleaning that crap of the successors. :D

    Or, wait, did they use copper as mantle back then?

    Yeah, cleaning the good old MG3 is just pure fun.

    ...going to the Feldwebel, he looks at it..."bah thats not clean enough"...going back and try to look like you are still cleaning although your are 100% sure it is already clean...


  5. Reading all this, i just hope that there will be no "tactically superior" side in the WW2 CM games.

    These guys, whatever nation they are, may had a diffrent training and diferent weapons (and different amount of material) but in the end there are so many factors that determine the result of a battle.

    Remember, we are talking about company size battles !

    Forget all those books and movies that tell you what side was superior.

    A company size battle could be won by the americans against the germans in 1942 and the same way a german company could beat a american in 1945.

    There are more factors then a game like CM can simulate, so i think if Battlefront will just model the different weapons, communication equipment and formations that is enough.

    Making any side superior would break the game for me.

    Hey, and dont forget the canadians and the brits please. :D

    @ Steiner14

    How can you know what the ordinary Landser though about the ordinary GI ?

    Sure, veterans of that time (mostly young boys...my grandpa was just 18 when he saw action in normandy) maybe "complain" about the allied air superiority, but a real soldier never will debase his enemy !

    A human is a human, no matter what uniform he wears...

    Remember the early years of WW2 were the wehrmacht was superior to their enemys (air support, material ect.) ?

    Remember the many great actions from polish or dutch forces ?

    For example take a look at the Westerplatte or the Battle at the Hague.

    @ Battlefront

    I know it was not your intension, but some things you wrote in this post could get wrong by a german person, although Steiner14 overreacted for sure. ;)

    Our philosophy is that we simulate everything without bias. A German unit with x attributes (Experience, Condition, etc.) is inherently identical to an American unit with the same attributes. Their combat outcomes will be very different due to their inherent equipment, headcount, supporting arms, etc... but inherently there is no difference between any two units with the same attributes. We leave it up to the player to decide if he wants to simulate differences. For example...

    Look at the Bulge. Even when the largely inexperienced 106th Infantry Division's sector was surprised to be hit by a force many times it's superior in both numbers and experience, it wasn't a complete cakewalk for the Germans. Sure, there were the huge surrenders that take place when completely surrounded and disorganized (the Germans surrendered plenty of men in the West for this reason), but there were also examples where German attacks were repeatedly repulsed even though the American defenders were out numbered, without air support, and lacking in most everything else compared to the German attackers. A biased system would not allow one or the other to happen in a convincing way.

    Basing a Command Delay system on myths is just wrong. Which is why we don't do it.


    Now that sounds great, this is what i would expect from Battlefront as my favorite game designers ! :)

  6. Another interesting thing about spotting are the tracers if you ask me...

    In CMSF you could (most of the time) easily locate enemy positions just by watching the tracer fire. It was like a cheat you were forced to use !

    So will there still be tracers fire all the time ?

    It was always easy to spot enemy positions just by looking where does tracers coming from.

    I nerver liked that, it kept the level of confusion (where is that damn fire coming from) quit low...

    And would it not be possible just to remove all infos from enemy forces ?

    I mean in CMSF if you click at a enemy unit you see "HQ tank" for example. But without this text this tank would look not very different from the other making it harder to decide what target to engage.

  7. Hi,

    as i saw this picture some questions came to my mind:


    1. Those foxholes look very unnatural and a bit strange. The engine should be able to make them look a lot more natural and pretty i think.

    2. Will those foxholes and trenches still be visible all the time to all sides ?

    So i can still scroll over the map and see all (possible) enemy positions ?

    Will there be a option for the scenario designer to choose the overall Intelligence of a side ?

    So for example with 100% Intelligence all enemy trenches and foxholes would be visible from start, with 0% will not know about them before your troops "discover" them.

    3. Will troops entrenche themselfe ?

    Will there be an entrenche command or will there be some kind of "auto entrenche" ?

    So if your Infantry group is a long time at one place they will be much better entrenched then a group that just arrived.

    4. Are their any other kinds of entrenchment like fortified buildings or something ?




  8. With the CMSF Spotting System as soon as a unit fired there was a really big chance that this unit get spotted directly.

    At not as a imprecise contact...

    I can only remember a few situations where i was not knowing where the fire was coming from.

    At least you could always track the fire watching at the tracers...which was a bit like cheating.

    I think Such "WTF where is this fire coming from" situations should really increase in the Normandy Game.

    And i hope that those tracer fire stops (i would say, keep it realistic), this made it far to easy to spot the location of any enemy unit.

  9. I want LRDG in the game. Little known fact but they were actually largely responsible for the complete destruction of the Luftwaffe by raiding airfields deep in Germany itself. Paddy Mayne personally destroyed 249 FW190s in the Rhineland. Who knows how many he blew up in other parts of the Reich.

    Sorry, but do you have any source for that ?

    Sounds a bit strange...destoying 249 FW190 by raiding airfields in germany (behind enemy lines).

  10. Not trying to speak for or interpret BFC corporate policy here, but based on years on this board I don't get the impression that things like that are central to what they are trying to portray as a model of WW II tactical combat. They could of course change their minds, but I wouldn't be holding my breath.


    Yeah, i know.

    And i think it is ok that way because i too dont like to much blood and gore in games.

    It would just add to the immersion...a bit.

  11. Talking about effects...

    Will there be special wounded/dead/destroyed textures for soldiers and vehicles ?

    I mean if a soldier is wounded his textures change to a random "wounded texture" showing some blood and maybe a painfull face. If he later gets first aid the texture is changing again with now some bandages on it.

    Dead soldiers maybe also with such a bloody and/or wounded texture.

    And Vehicles could have a damaged texture showing randome holses ect. just to add to the immersion.

    I think this is maybe something for a future game, but it would be add something to the overall immersion.

  12. Hi,

    maybe your remember the ugly draw distance problem in CM: Shock Force.


    Trees disapperar at some distance and suddenly popping up if you scroll forward.

    So you are thinking: "WTF why is there a forest...".

    Really, this issue has make me stopp playing for a while and because it was not fixed in NATO i did not bought it.

    Now, in Normandy there are much more trees and objects i would think.

    If this problem would be still there, it would be a pain playing this...

    So the Normandy game looks just awsome ! :)

    But, will this issue finally be fixed ?

  13. The casualtys of the Marines:

    3 KIA

    7 WIA

    2 AAV's lost

    The casualtys of the Insurgents:

    71 KIA

    51 WIA

    7 MIA



    I really enjoyed this scenario, like all the others from George MC. He is my favorite scenario designer. His scenarios always have this realistic feeling and a great action too.

    Thanks to George MC !

    (I hope he will do some scenarios for the NATO Module too :) )

  14. Under the cover of the heavy fire of the 60mm Mortars the Marines of 2nd Platoon move forward at the right flank. They are only 200m away of the incoming mortar fire...danger close.

    But i have to move as long as the enemy is supressed.

    The Situation:


    Over the radio i hear "Rounds complete, end of fire mission".

    The dust that was kicked of by the mortar shells is still in the air...and it is very quiet, not a single gunshot can be heared for nearly five minutes !

    Marines of 2nd Platoon advance on the right flank.


    It looks like the insurgents are still shocked and supressed. They have stopped to attack, should this be the turning point of the battle ?

    The 2nd Platoon moves forward with caution...but then it happens !

    As the 1st Squad enters a roof a explosion occurs, one Marine was directly hit by a enemy HE RPG round. He and two of his comerades that were close to him are killed immediately, 3 more get wounded by shrapnels.

    A other squad has seen the shooter and returns fire...and kills the suspected insurgent.

    The 1st Platoon is now over 1 hour in combat and some squads have to resupply at the AAV's.


    Now the Insurgents start another small attack.

    One Marine is badly wounded by a enemy sniper, the firefights get more intense again.

    The bad guys inside a building.


    The Marines look angry after loosing many guys in a short time (RPG and Sniper) and repel this last attack quickly.

    Some more minutes without a single gunshot to hear later the battle is finally over. The surviving insurgents are out of ammo, mostly wounded and have a broken moral.

    The mortar strike saved me (breaking the ROE was a good decision here).

  15. The Situation:


    The Marines of 2nd Platoon move to the right flank of 1st Platoon, while the AAV's and the Company HQ take up positions outside of the village at a crossing.

    More and more insurgents pop up, two more RPG's hit one of the M1 tanks (no effect).

    The AAV's of 2nd Platton secure a crossing outside of the village.


    A Insurgent fires his RPG at a AAV of 1st Platton. He hit the tracks and immobilise the AAV.


    Soon after the AAV is hit the crew returns fire and kills 3 enemy with its 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.

    More and more insurgents crossing the streets, they are danger close (70m) to the M1 tanks now...a well placed RPG-29 hit could possible knock out one of the tanks.

    A Insurgent under fire from the 40 mm grenade launcher of the immobilise AAV.


    Because im not able to gain controll over the situation i decide to call for a emergency mortar strike (although this is against the ROE)...nearly on my own position. But at this stage of the battle it looks like i could be overrun by the insurgents.

    The leader of the 2nd Platoon calls for the 60mm Mortars. 1st Platton pulls back to not get hit by the own artillery.

    3 Minutes later the first spotting rounds hit the village, a few correction later the mortars lay down heavy fire at the suspected enemy positions.

    To be continued...

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