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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. You mean that the game doesn't consider different turret side/hull side/lower hull side? If this is so, that's why they removed old fashioned detail armor hits...
  2. Yes, it's ok. Many real M1s knocked out with side shots (not penetrating the turret, just below it or side lowe hull)
  3. Yes, it's ok. Many real M1s knocked out with side shots (not penetrating the turret, just below it or side lowe hull)
  4. Yes, it's ok. Many real M1s knocked out with side shots (not penetrating the turret, just below it or side lowe hull)
  5. 1)it's a bug 2)it's a bug 3)it's a bug 4)it's a bug 5)no bridges and barbed wire 6)they changed/eliminated it 'coz was "unrealistic"
  6. Why can't they be blend toghether in a single command like "hull down"?
  7. Agreed! What about some metal fence too? It's quite common nowadays...
  8. A vehicle could be smart enough to be told to move and face a certain direction at low speed, and stop at the very first moment it sees an enemy. The vision of the vehicle should start not from a central imaginary point inside it (in the middle of the 3d model) but the "eye" of the vehicle should be placed on top of it or right on the main gun. This way it would stop immediately when facing an enemy and you would be sure it's hull down. Keep in mind that it doesn't matter if the driver sees or not an enemy unit, gunner/commander point of view should be represented as the main one, this way you could achieve a hull down. Not sure I've been clear enought
  9. Hello BFC: I've worked some hours now with the maop editor and this is a little list of possible improvements: -a direct button to switch to 3D view from 2D map (1 click vs 2 plus mouse movement needed now) -optimization for larger maps in higher view (in 2D), since seems computers cannot sustain all those little squares. -Undo/redo option -Basic water, some basic water could help representing oasis. This would help in very large maps: -more brushes: (maybe some different shapes of brushes rather than the only square one, X / - / I etc. etc.) -copy tool, maybe a tool able to copy square groups, in this way you could realize: -->a large city detailing a single block or group of houses full of details (like textures/buildings/objects etc.) and then placing many blocks one next the other. -->a road section full of details (street lamps etc.) that could help creating a longer road full of details. Such tool could help reducing time and micromanagement. Regards, Kieme
  10. Actually I've to wait very few seconds. But keep in mind this map is really small, maybe some 800x400 meters or so, don't remember. Are you trying to work with bigger maps? I've tryed some 1.5km x 1.5km and noticed you need NASA computer in order to work at max distance. Even though I didn't noticed long loading times either... Maybe your map is full of 3d objects while mine is actually plain.
  11. So if something doesn't work properly you trash it away, or you try to make it work?
  12. The only good bug is a deleted bug... Not always though, sometimes bugs are just good bugs. This kind will be useful to represent some kind of co-operation like seen with Afghanistan and Iraqi new armies and US troops.
  13. Hello everybody, despite all problems I find the map editor really nice! (I'll post some impressions of mine with some possible tweaking suggestions...) We all know about the problem of terrain shading... this is how my first map looks like without any texture but the basic one (you couldn't tell the presence of canyons...): After some textures (actually 3 more types only): As you can see textures placed in right places and with coherence might help about this matter... ( I've selected rocky/hard for higher ground, sand for large and gentle slopes and mud for wadi and canyons. Some more textures added (3 more plus one grass) [ August 01, 2007, 03:56 AM: Message edited by: Kieme(ITA) ]
  14. Thanks for your reply. So please reply to this matter I've been wondering a lot: Is AI based only upon what the scenario designer decided for it? Is it true that there is NOTHING else about AI beside that? See my post below for my AI experiences...
  15. I liked the command and used it. Maybe we should ask to all players if they would like it back or not.. as well as many other features.
  16. Another great achievement of CMBB thrown away.
  17. I've had the same problem, while playing real time I didn't noticed a BMP platoon arrive, I heared about it when they started exploding...they came just in front of enemies, by the way...
  18. Ok first: I'm very fond of static defences, I live in one of the world's regions with the most bunker concentration ever (North-eastern Italy). I've studied fixed defences myself during the past years and I can tell you that in any case 3 tanks in fixed position would never be placed in that way, some tens meters from each other... So much for the extreme realism which prevented the possibility to choose single units... The problem you people have recognized regards wrong basic programming by the map designer, letting so little space for the defending force, so that I'm asking you: isn't this a problem big enought to talk about? What I'd like to understand here is about what AI could do apart from the basic instructions the map designer can apply.... That infantry in trench is ok, for sure. But what about any other situation, did you ever see the AI acting jut after having the basic plan executed? What can you tell me about that thread I created in tech issues forum, about this matter? Finally, let me put this straight: if I play a scenario a second time I'll face an enemy who will apply the very same tactic. Is this right? Since now I've seen this kind of situation only. In QB battles IA doesn't even exist, is this true? Since now I've seen this only. [ July 31, 2007, 06:31 AM: Message edited by: Kieme(ITA) ]
  19. Maybe it wasn't a great idea to move so far away from good old-fashioned combat mission path....
  20. 1) Gunner was outside turret, but I noticed that sometimes they take the initiative to exit themselves in order to fire the missile. Also sometimes it's not possible to force the gunner to stay out. In any case this isn't the case of a BMP-2 for instance, but the problem is there too... 2) The fact that minimum ranges are not displayed is really annoying (number 19374628 in the actual bug list..), but I've seen BMP-1s shot missiles at targets less than 100m away... (try that small scenaro "high altitude fight" or something like that, with 3 or 4 BMP-1s in it)
  21. Try to play more QBs you'll see what this is about... Defensive plan or not there's something wrong if 3 fized T-55 stay at 10 meters one from each other...
  22. BMPs behaviour needs to be fixed: -first it's ok they don't spam missiles by default, but I think that a direct order by the player would be much better, this would also simulate the hestitation but also the commander decisions about the use of such precious weapons. -second I can't see any "loading" in progress message on the interface. And I don't understand what makes the BMP fire its main gun or not. Sometimes they fire a shot and nothing more, sometimes they take ages to fire a second shot. Rarely they throw in more than 3 shots... -the continous use of 5.56 MG on light but still armored vehicles like a Stryker is nonesense.
  23. What if you need to work on bigger maps? I've just tried to make a plain map of 1.5km X 1.5km but it's impossible to work with any instrument (texture painter/elevator) within maximum terrain distance (in the 2D map) because the program gets too slow! How am I supposed to make 16 square kilometers maps if NASA computer is needed to handle just the basics (elevator/texture painter)??
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