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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. So, tell us, timmy. How was your wedding night?
  2. That doesn't sound right, VAB. They'll fix that one. But it can never be, we can agree, more than a rough and ready system. I participated in dozen's of 'em PBEM in CM1. (I s*ck at CM2). Have to admit it was kind of fun and rewarding putting on the green eye shade and scoping out the unit values better than my opp. I recall that some fourumites posted tables.
  3. But they're popular. Esp with the clubs. The pricing/picking format in CM1 and CM2 is a victim of the efficient market syndrome. BF cannot readjust the prices as fast as thousands of players can process *real* value through cost/benefit analysis. They've come to realize it's a Sisyphean (thanks Google!) task.
  4. It's tricky, indeed. If your troops are Hiding behind a wall, faghedaboutit. They'll show 'peeking' but won't react. If they retain some LOS, for example facing downhill, you're good to go. A non-hiding HQ in command range should help but not sure that works in CM2. Steve has mentioned refining the Ambush sequence in the future. The solution seems clear- to this user: Hiding troops have X concealment value. Hiding troops endowed with a Cover Arc have Y concealment value (slightly more exposed). The latter will spring into action when the arc is breached.
  5. Happened here. Prepare for the wise remarks. It's caused by a scenario you downloaded. (Forget the name, sorry)
  6. Aside from the revenue stream? I'm guessing BF is going to do more with structures, notably refining degrees of destruction. Also 'Fire'. A bit o/t: What are the environmental effects on vehicles and infantry under Snow/Cold conditions? Will Deep snow be visually distinguishable from Light snow?
  7. Baron, I'm relieved that meteor didn't hit you.
  8. The Jagdtigers were plagued with mechanical problems, lack of fuel, cumbersome loading procedures and inexperienced crews. But they scored some notable successes. From Wikipedia: Tiger ace Otto Carius commanded the second of three companies of Jagdtigers in Panzerjagerabteilung 512. His memoir Tigers in the Mud provides a rare combat history of the ten Jagdtigers under his command. He states that Jagdtigers were not utilized to their full potential due to several factors: Among them that Allied air supremacy made it difficult to move, the massive gun needed to be re-calibrated from jarring after traveling off-road for even short distances[5] (Note: This particular problem was attributed more to the 8 wheel Porsche type suspension which proved unfit for off-road terrain, causing excessive vibrations which over a short period could throw the gun out of calibration. More modern 9 wheel Henschel type suspension system from the King Tiger was thought to have less of this particular problem: which type Carius commanded is unknown), it was slow, and transmissions and differentials broke down easily because the whole 72 tonne vehicle needed to rotate to traverse the gun. The massive gun had to be locked down, otherwise mounting brackets would have worn too much for accurate firing. Also a crew member had to exit the vehicle in combat and unlock the gun before firing.[6] However, he also recorded that a 128 mm projectile went through all the walls of a house and destroyed an American tank behind it.[7] Insufficient crew training and poor morale was the biggest problem for Jagdtiger crews under Carius' command. At the Ruhr pocket, two Jagdtiger commanders failed to attack an American armored column about 1.5 km (1 mile) away in daylight for fear of attracting an air attack, even though Jagdtigers were well camouflaged.[8] Both vehicles broke down while hurriedly withdrawing through fear of air attack which did not come, and one was then destroyed by the crew. To prevent such disaster at Siegen, Carius himself dug in on high ground. An approaching American armored column avoided the prepared ambush because German civilians warned them of it.[9] Later, one of his vehicles fell into a bomb crater at night and was disabled, and another was lost to Panzerfaust attack by friendly Volkssturm troops who had never seen a Jagdtiger before.[7] Near Unna, one Jagdtiger climbed a hill to attack five American tanks six-hundred meters away and below; two withdrew and the other three opened fire. The Jagdtiger took several hits, but American projectiles could not penetrate the 250 mm (9.8 in) frontal armor. However, the inexperienced German commander lost his nerve and turned around instead of backing down, exposed the thinner side armor, which was eventually penetrated and all six crew members were lost. Carius wrote that it was useless when crews were not trained or experienced enough to have the thick frontal armor facing the enemy at all times.[10] When unable to escape the Ruhr pocket, Carius ordered the guns of the remaining Jagdtigers destroyed and surrendered to American forces.[11] The ten Jagdtigers of 2nd Company, Panzerjagerabteilung 512 destroyed one American tank for one Jagdtiger lost to combat, one lost to friendly fire, and eight others lost to breakdown or destroyed by their crews to prevent capture. On 17 January 1945 two Jagdtigers used by XIV Corps engaged a bunker line in support of infantry near Auenheim. On 18 January they attacked four secure bunkers at 1,000 meters. The armored cupola of one bunker burned out after two shots. A Sherman attacking in a counterthrust was set afire by explosive shells. The total combat included 46 explosive shells and 10 anti-tank shells with no losses to the Jagdtigers. During April, s.Pz.Jäg.Abt.512 saw quite a great deal of action. Especially on 9 April 1945, where the 1st company managed to engage an Allied column of Sherman tanks and trucks from dug-down positions, and managed to destroy 11 tanks and over 30 soft-skins, with some of the enemy tanks having been knocked out from a distance of more than 4,000 m. The combat unit only lost 1 Jagdtiger in this incident as Allied ground attack P-47 fighters appeared. During the next couple of days the 1st company managed to destroy a further five Sherman tanks before having to surrender at Iserlohn. Meanwhile the 2nd company still fought on, but with little result. On 15 April 1945, the unit surrendered at Schillerplatz in Iserlohn without fighting.[12] One major success of the Jagdtiger was on 19 December 1944 in the early days of the Battle of the Bulge. Two Jagdtigers were overwatching the town of Noville. An American armored column consisting of eighteen Shermans were on their way to counterattack the attacking German forces, according to military records nine Sherman tanks were destroyed by the Jagdtigers and three were disabled from a range greater than 2 miles. The Sherman column never identified what was engaging them and were forced to fall back.
  9. You're doing it wrong but you get a ripping battle. Every CM battle represents a mistake in planning. Right?
  10. Jon, as a privileged insider with pre-release access to the patch, are you finding that the new adjustments have rendered attacking more onerous? To the point of obsoleting some existing scenarios and QB point ratios? E.g.: * Sandbags, wire, foxholes, hedgehogs, and trenches are correctly treated as "lower down" for spotting purposes. * Corrected issues with deploying MGs in buildings. * General improvements to MG performance behavior. * Bunker-mounted MGs are more accurate than before. * Moving a mortar even a short distance causes greater loss of target acquisition. Most of the tweaks favor the defending side.
  11. What does this entry mean?: * Corrected an accuracy problem with on-map indirect fire Mortars are more or less accurate?
  12. That attacking side suddenly becomes more challenging. Authors revise your scenarios! : Here's the list: New 2.01 Feature List * Fixed a bug that occasionally caused weapons crews to move back to an old position when deploying their weapon. * Corrected issues with deploying MGs in buildings. * Soldiers fire weapons faster at short ranges, especially Garand rifles. * Small arms fire causes more suppression than before. * General improvements to MG performance behavior. See note below this list for more information. * Sandbags, wire, foxholes, hedgehogs, and trenches are correctly treated as "lower down" for spotting purposes. * Pistol accuracy slightly reduced. * BAR range increased to 800m. * Shaders optimized for nVidia and ATI. * Moving a mortar even a short distance causes greater loss of target acquisition. * Bunker-mounted MGs are more accurate than before. * SS leaders have correct poncho camouflage pattern. * Corrected an accuracy problem with on-map indirect fire. * Crews bailed out of destroyed vehicles have more jittery morale. * Corrected a vehicle navigation problem on bridges. * Target line for area fire is slightly thicker to differentiate it. * Shooting at bunkers from very short range works better. * Daimler SOD given a mounted Bren LMG. * Fixed a bug causing immobilized MG teams after dismounting from MG bunkers. * Purple "pop smoke" target line goes away when it should. * Better small-arms aiming at unarmored vehicles. * Minor TO&E fixes. * Fixed a bug that caused some Macs to crash while loading scenarios. Special Note: MGs now have more effective aiming, rates of fire, and suppression effects. These highly requested changes make combat even more realistic and more challenging tactically. Some players will find their existing tactics may need some adjustments, others may find no significant need for change. We recommend practicing attacks on MG positions before continuing an in progress Campaign or game against another player.
  13. Too late, akd. Already uninstalled CMBN. Waiting for new activation.... There's gotta be a better way. This cure's (this...) worse than the disease (software piracy). BF's more vigilant than than the gerontocratic board of a Swiss Bank. And you jump through fewer hoops (at least, pre-Obama) opening a foreign account than what some of us go through re-installing CM after a streak of PC problems.
  14. Did I forget to install 1.11 after re-installing CMBN 1.0? Don't remember... How does one even uninstall 2.0? You'd have to uninstall EVERYTHING including the CW module. Not to mention the serial numbers and the activations... Geez, Battlefront make this easier, for the love of God! I'm losing my sense of humor. This is a ***** pain in the effing *ss.
  15. Or known bug? It's been a while since firing up CMBN:
  16. Great minds think alike! That's how it should be. Lobbying for dramatic KO graphics- which would be great- underestimates the difficulties involved. If implemented thoughtlessly it could potentially mess with realism. Steve has mentioned that the more detailed depiction of structural degradation of buildings is on the to-do list. Along with fire. Unfortunately not in time for the MG module which will presumably feature intense urban combat.
  17. AT guns are considered camo'd if they don't move after setup, no? The more punitive suppression parameters promised in 2.01 may redress various situations like bocage operations in favor of the defending side but it's doubtful BF will come out with new on map works. But that's speculation.
  18. Are you saying that the Hunt command results in a single file formation? I don't believe that's the case; there's some spread.
  19. Maybe, maybe not. Not knowing that a tank has been knocked out adds to the depth and uncertainty of the CM sim.
  20. I'm not done. In good game design every decision a player makes should pose, one presumes, a cost/benefit dilemma. An upside and a downside. When Hiding an infantry squad, for example, you enhance concealment and but forfeit a degree of awareness. What motivation does a player have NOT to Hide a friendly AFV at the end of every move? Where's the downside? Or is there an undocumented Spotting penalty inherent to simply (abstractedly) cutting the engine?
  21. Welcome to the forum! You need to unlock 'Efficient Weapons Teams' by winning the first battle in the tutorial. Seriously, the fix is coming.
  22. The money line: If oil pressure does not reach 40 lbs. in 30 seconds at 1300 r.p.m., stop engine. Then there's the challenge of rotating the turret when not under power. BF, fix or do somefink!
  23. How to start a Sherman tank: http://8th-armored.org/misc/36-start.htm (Hint: it's not like the family Toyota)
  24. No. But excellent question. What, exactly, are AFVs doing when 'hiding'. Presumably cutting off their sound signature. Maybe we'll get an ignition switch and consequent movement delay for CM 3.0.
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