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Everything posted by Jmayer

  1. Hello Everyone. I thought I would scan the forums and see if anyone is still interested in having the patch? Well if your interested in the patch I think they should tell you that it will be out soon. The new fixes were added a day ago and testing on the fixes is complete. Not one of the testers have yet found any problems with it. In my Oppinion , it is ready for you to play, they should release it now. But alas I know it is up to the higher ups to decide. I feel the whole group of people on these forums deserve to have it as it is and then work on the reports you get from them. I think you will find not many reports will be comming in, only those that come in now looking for better infantry use! Which I highly agree with. The new patch does address some of the inf. issues but still needs work but I feel that is something we can wait for while playing what we do have ready. So hold tight Lads, soon, very soon.
  2. Jmayer

    wide screen

    yes, I use wide sceen on mine.. 1360x768 works fine. Try seting your desktop to that res.
  3. Press and hold the middle mouse wheel and the camera works great. It is also programable to what ever you like I believe but the middle mouse wheel works great for the rest of us.Please try it then let me know what you think.
  4. Just to let you know, the beta testing is done. 1C should have the patch out soon but they may be fixing other things that we all wanted and so they will have it out when they are set.Hold on guys it will come out soon I feel it also.
  5. is the new version with beta Patch for multiplayer . I hope that they put out the patch soon . All seems to be going well with beta.
  6. use your middle mouse button to move camera and it will do all that at once.
  7. That is a tough one to answer. 1) The ability to hide and ambush without being seen a mile away. 2) The infantry being more valuable in game itself and not just pretty to look at , such as being able to sneak up and actually kill tanks with AT granades and not throw them all over the place and hope they hit. 3) Multiplayer type campainges so that you could retreat and then fight agian with reinforcements and supplys. Making it so when you win a battle that isn't all there is but you move on to eventually take over the world. Alas I am sure that would require an overview map and the ability to save battles but I find it would truely make the game much more versital. I could list other things like better ai control for infantry , smoke, the ability to build defences etc... ToW is by far the best game to come out in a very long time and I am glad that 1C is taking this game seriously by listening and acting on the posts in these forums. They can keep adding new things and making add ons for many years to come and I for one will buy them knowing this game is only going to improve itself with every addition they put out. Kudos to you 1C you have renewed my Faith that good gameplay is not dead and Games can be for Adaults and Young people alike.
  8. Well to say this guys,You will love this new patch very much. I feel that 1C will most likely be ready to release it soon. They are going over a few minor bugs ( nothing I feel is trouble some enought to keep it from being ready ) and it mostly works very well. I hope they feel good about it because I am very impressed at the differance it plays over the Original version of multiplayer. Great job to all at 1C , fine work indeed. Hang in there guys you should see it soon I am hoping because I need more people to play it with.
  9. Give him some time to sort it out with 1C crazyman he will replay.
  10. To all those who want to play multiplayer online please contact MadMatt about getting the beta patch so we can play and fix anything that is not right and get it to all. AS for now we have tested today and I urge all to be excited about it. Email Madmatt for beta testing. Thanks We need more testers to play it.
  11. Very good video, I salute you and all who entered the contest. Well done to all.
  12. Jmayer


    To all with the need to know. They are testing the beta patch for Mulitplayer now. If you would like to test it please contact MadMatt, his email is on any of the posts he has made,I have been selected to test it and need others in USA and Canada to test it with ,as for now only a few have been chosen to test it and I need people to play online to test it. So by all means guys ask Madmatt to be in the beta. HURRY...
  13. Godfridus, If you look at the attack button on the HUD it has 3 little circles next to it. The top one is for attack top, middle is for attack middle, and bottom is for attack bottom.Click one of them to set fire to that location on the target. It is suggested if you are firing at AT gun then you should shoot for the bottom and use HE shells. I hope that answers your question.
  14. That is really great that they are selling it and promoting it in retail stores. I looked at the add and have one question? Did I miss the part where it is Multiplayer? I do hope that they are just waiting for the patch to come out before they advertise Multiplay?? I have asked to be a part of the beta testing for Multiplayer and as of yet still not heard from them? I do hope they are truely working on the Multiplayer patch and the advertisment will soon be updated.
  15. It may be as mentioned in the other post. You may have onboard soundcard and sound card you installed, if this is true you will have to run bios and disable the onboard sound. Try that and let me know, I will be more then happy to help you to fix the prob.It may take some time but we shall fix it. I have Team speak up and running all day if I am online so if you wish to discuss it, join it... ip # password is Kewl with a Capital K . Log on and we can try to work out your problem. [ October 06, 2007, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Jmayer ]
  16. DarwinOOuk, Usually it is the ram you put in or even that you don't have it seated all the way in. Try to take it out and Press it back in firmly don't be shy it really sometimes needs a bit of pushing to seat it correctly. ToW is not the problem it is running great on my machine and many others. Once you figure how to play ToW you will love it as we do here. Give it a chance and see.
  17. SS_KONIG, As it is indeed a good concept it is still not impossible. ToW is still a Diamond in the Rough.They are working on Multi player as we speek and are adding much to its playability. It will eventurally be what your looking for in a WWII tactical game just give them some time. Here they have stated that many things we have asked for will be addressed so please give them time. It is by far overwhelming to ask for so much when they really are trying to do all they can to make it what we the fans have asked for. I feel that 1C are doing all they can to create the game of the Century and will be able to add all our ideas with time because it will benifit them to do so. Please give them a chance to take a breath and work on what we already have asked them to do. I am sure they will be more then happy and willing to make the game with your ideas and more but time will be the most important factor. I have waited over 4 years just to have what ToW is now. I will wait a little more and be thankfull that 1C and BattleFront have finally made the game that I and Many have been waiting for all this time. It will come , as it is said,"All things come to those who wait".It is hard for me to wait also for I love the game and yet I have the knowledge that at least they are doing all they can to make it better. [ October 05, 2007, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Jmayer ]
  18. Jmayer


    Sorry for mistaking the time for release of patch. I see you have beta testing for patch now I would like to beta test it with you. I would be very happy to do that at no cost to BFC or 1C. Please feel free to email me the info. Thanks alot.
  19. Madmatt, If by chance you need testers who will test it for free please let me know. I would be more then willing to test and help make this game the classic I believe it will become. You can email me with your answer or tell me here (I only hope you need testers).
  20. I agree with FinnN, I love this game as I have stated in many of my forum remarks.This is truely one of the first games that has a tactical value instead of luck and quick clicking fingers. They do need to patch it for Multiplayer and a few fixes and for that reason it would keep it out of a 10/10 bracket.I for one will as soon as the patch comes out rate it on that site you have linked to in your message SS_Konig ,that you can be sure of. I have backed this game from the start even with its lackluster beginnings and still say it is great today. 1C will come thru with their patch and Battlefront will have my backing on here and across the Net. [ October 03, 2007, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: Jmayer ]
  21. Jmayer


    The repost is that the patch and a few extras , will be out in two weeks. now that means the 14 th of Oct. Don't be to upset , even though I too am excited about being able to have the game playable online, it won't be long now. Count down now stands at 11 days till patch is released.
  22. Thank you for the info Sneaksie, My trust is somewhat restored in BFC again.
  23. We need the patch first Keep dreaming about those aircraft they might come someday....lol. If they just put in the stuff they said they would that would be great.
  24. It seems, that, I am Confused? I like the rest of you here have posted on what I beilieve to be the BFC Forums? I found out a short time ago that Sneaksie was from 1C. Now we are being told that Battlefront is holding the patch for some reason and that 1C has nothing to do with it? Can this be the proverbial "Run-A-Round", passing the buck sort of thing? I seem to remember when I pre-ordered my ToW online it took a week or so past the pre-paid date to get the online d/l. Can this be that very same kind of thing? All I am asking is please tell me, us ,everyone just when the patch or better yet IF the patch for multi and fixes for the game will be coming out anytime soon. I am not upset as of yet but I will say that if I get the "Slight of Hand" treatment on this issue I will never buy another game from Battlefront again. I must say by the way I have perchased two of the ToW games and have the full combat missions series and a few more of battlefronts game releases. I also have others waiting to buy ToW and they are getting very sceptical towards me that you are not going to care about ToW now that you have shipped it out. I will be waiting for your reply. Thank you for hearing me out and hope it means something to whom ever it concerns.
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