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Everything posted by massive1974

  1. i dont understand these people. "no testing until sunday"??? "cruise with girlfriend"??? get back to earth pal, the syrians are coming!!!
  2. thanks man for the descritpion. but i mean in all the other titles, from CMBO to CMAK i had the same feeling about the camera movement forward. it's just slow. damn, if you have problems with your dualcore asskicker, what am i gonna do with my halfcore sorryrig. ok, im not panicking and not panickmongreling. patience. zen. tobacco.
  3. yes, and how does it run?? they hate europe because we got them into two world wars and on top of that we got them into making games about it and now we're wining about the release
  4. you know what? i'll just come back in a week and download it then. i mean who needs all this nervewrecking crap. in a week things quiet down, the servers are all at 100 percy, etc. like hell i will.
  5. Itael, i know , i already skipped breakfast over it. and havent worked my pecs. im just trying to build some pressure here...until the lid comes off, i mean the stryker unbuttons. do they have buttons by the way or only people in WWII used buttons? i guess bradleys have zippers.
  6. i've been working out my refreshing-clicker finger all morning
  7. so what system are you running it on? and how does it run? me worried about pecs as well. I got Radeon 9600
  8. Aries, are we begging now or what? but it does make sense. actually, come think of it, given the fact that eastern europe has been suffering under communist rule for 50 years I think, for reasons of equity we should've gotten it a week ago.
  9. yes, eascoasstime would be like....4pm here as well in Budapest. wow, a fellow timezoner, hi parabellum.
  10. 10:53 in Hungary, refreshing once in a while, i'm sorta resigned already, not much work will get done in the office today but the real problem is that i can only download it here, my comp is just below specs, have to get home before i can try it. 10:55. lol, i feel im being ridiculous
  11. hello everyone, greetingz from Hungary, i've been playing the whole cm series for about 3 years now, i first read about it in a review of some insignificant rts where cm was quoted as THE standard for wargames and i just got curious. i only played singleplayer up till now, not having had internet connection at home. I always felt a bit impatient with the igoyougowego system so im really looking forward to the real-time aspect. and of course to have my little iraq/i mean syria mess on my computer at home. although in a sense it's sad that real people spill there guts out there while i'm trying to get a kick out of the same thing only in the form of little animated pixels. but then, WWII was just as fun for everybody, right?
  12. forget it, i found the answer in another thread. cool, ill be downloading at work.
  13. hey, it's 00:21, Friday 27th, in Hungary. where's my download???? but seriously, can i then download it at work and put it on a cd to bring it home???????
  14. Damn. I'm confused about the timezones. I'm in central-eastern europe so when is the game gonna be available for me? i mean, when is it gonna be the 27th for you people in the states? to which timezone is the release bound to?
  15. Thanks Moon, the problem is that i've already ordered my copy. would it be possible for you not to send the CD immediately after the 27th? could you hold it back for a couple of weeks? i'll have the downloaded version anyways. do i need to mail sales@battlefront.com about this? sorry for the mess
  16. Hi all, and Hi Madmatt, first of all thanks for the great games over the years. I don't know how many Hungarian fans you have but here's one for life. so, I ordered my standard version and i'm counting down with sweaty palms but I do have a question. As i understood, i'll be able to download the game on the 27th and it will also be mailed to me, together with the manual. I just realized that i'll be out of the country (Hungary) in the first part of august so my question is: can you give me an approximation of how long it will take for the package to get to this part of the world because I wouldn't want to miss delivery. i don't trust the Hung. postal services very much and they might just send it back or sth. thanks, István
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