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Everything posted by MirabelleBenou

  1. For the grid, there is now a mod which do that. You can download it at cmmods.com Date Entered/Updated : 21/01/2008 CM:SF Version Number: 1.05 Type: Map Title: Gridded Ground Author : mikewhl Preview screenshot : [i had to delete this because it prompts people for a login when viewing this thread - Steve, the Battlefront one] EDIT : wwwooopps, sorry Steve I think I was logged on cmmods when copy-past the link, so I didn't see he ask for a login. [ January 25, 2008, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: MirabelleBenou ]
  2. In Elite mode, you'll see only friendly units the selected one is in contact with. If your units have no contact with anyone, then all of the other friendly units will disapear. It's logical If they can't contact someone, then can't know where they are and what is their status
  3. cmmods is good for storage, but for discussion or questions about mods, WIP, wishes, ...etc... I think that "an exclusive MOD forum here at BF" (thanks Webwing ) is better.
  4. .... subsim ... sub forum.... I understand (sorry, I'm a little sleepy )
  5. Well, subsim is dedicated on naval sim I do not think they have a CMSF sub-forum ? I think that an official mod sub forum will have greater visibility for new or casual players.
  6. Hello everyone ! Now that a lot of mods are available and other ones in WIP, maybe it should be a good idea to have a mod sub-forum ? What do you think about it ?
  7. rrrooohhhh Nice mods, hope to get them soon
  8. Romm, faut pas que t'oublie de poster sur Esprit aussi quand t'auras sorti tout ça
  9. Thanks a lot for your work I tried it yesterday and appreciate it a lot. Do not know if your sounds are more real than the vanilla ones, but I like them
  10. Yep, sure I was lucky on this. I can tell that I got a big big fear when I saw the T-72 coming with the gun pointing on my Bradley. My guys react very well and on time (cancel target and fire on the tank, and the Jav team who fired quickly) and it was a pleasure, but it was hot for me
  11. I'm the oppoment of Phullbrick. The scenario is Hammertime. What I can say is that my Brad guys are fine The Brad only took minor dommages to tracks.
  12. For the Q2, you can give sequential orders. For example, you draw a path with waypoints. After that, you can click on the waypoint and give orders (dismount units for example). I use it for choosing differents line of fire when moving (I put a different "target" order on each waypoint).
  13. I'm the oppoment of Phullbrick (I'm the US player ). Well, George, this scenario is really the best I played. It's been a while since I post new screenshot about our game with Phullbrick but I cannot post so much because he'll see to much of my plans Actually, I had lost another Brad from the ATGM but a hard arty strike (line) and some lucky fire with covering Brad take them down (well, maybe not all of them, but 2 ATGM squads are killed). I had destroyed a lot of BMP-2 with Javelin (6 or 7). With my reinforcements, I can start my offensive. Actually, I know he got some casualty from area or direct fire but not so much. My Abrams are not here yet, we will see how it goes in the next turns
  14. You're french is good, very good, only one mistake (Bonne chance).
  15. Well, if you're spliting your squads into assault teams, you do not have to use assault move One team is covering the other one. The cover team may use a fire arc and the assaulting team may use the hunt order. I use the assault move command only if I want the whole team to get inside a buildind. And I split them into assault teams if I want one team to cover the other one for a much longer time (when the other one is securing the roofs of a building for example) or if I want specific suppresive fire.
  16. For the point (2), maybe you can try to split your team. Hide your small-arms guys with no arcs and give one for your team with the Jav. You should put the small-arms teams in another location than the Jav team (they'll "join" together if too near). I think the best is to put the Jav team in the roof top of a building, and the others guys spread in the lower roof.
  17. Multiplayer is working fine in PBEM It's real time on IP mode which is broke. Singleplayer is good. The first missions are "easy" (well, the second one is very tought ) but the ennemy troops are not very good ones.
  18. I tried this in the "Badabou v2" scenario available on cmmods.com I blasted a wall inside a building (it works fine) but then, they get out and used a door instead of using the breach. It seems like there is a problem for going building to building, even with no breach. I mean, even if there is a door between the 2 building, my mens always get out and take another door but not the inside door. Maybe a problem with the buildings or the scenario design ? Do not know, but I saw this problem in lot of scenario (Badoboo, Hammertime, ...)
  19. Isn't the "zone target" work like this ? You define a zone and the aircraft attack every target in this area even if the FO didn't see them ?
  20. The info is not immediately transmit to the other units. I find that it seems to work like this : - A unit spot an ennemy troops - If he can (ie, C2 is ok with it's HQ) he transmit the info to it's HQ - The HQ transmit the info to it's own troops (other sections) and transmit the info to it's HQ (ex, battalion HQ) - The upper HQ transmit the info to the other troops (ex, Company HQ if this is a battalion HQ) If the unit is under fire or in move, the delay seems to be large. I'm not sure at all that it's working like this, so, if someone can confirm
  21. Les scénarios tu peux y jouer en gardant ton jeu en fr, pas de soucis. Le briefieng sera en anglais c'est tout. Met les fichiers dans le répertoire "\Combat Mission Shock Force\Fichiers du jeu\Scénarios". Tu pourras y avoir accès depuis le menu "scénarios" du jeu. Sinon on a dû se croiser sur MS oui On a d'ailleurs un PBEM en cours avec Phuphu. Tu peux toujours venir dans le topik CMSF de MS : http://www.mille-sabords.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19514&st=225
  22. Hello Majorfatal, You sure can run your game in english. Just change this parameter in the option menu and restart your game. For the mortar, choose a troop then click on the green button on the top of the interface bar. You'll have all the options for the mortar (check the documentation, all is there). For the javelin, you'll have to order your troops to take them in the Strykers. Check the command "take" (en français ça sera Prendre). Do not forget to take the ammo as well as the weapon itself. Et si tu veux plus d'infos, tu peux aller sur www.appuie-feu.com ou sur Esprits : http://www.esprits.net/forums/viewtopic.php?id=57&p=8
  23. This unit is the spy. You know when your spy is discovered when US soldier kill him
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