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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. There are 6 parts to the download, be sure to download all of them!
  2. Bloody good show, just what was needed, the game has a big hole in the German OOB filled!
  3. GreenAsJades had a bug on scenario upload, can add jpg but not misssion data. The filesize is ~250MB
  4. Tried uploading B3 to repository, don't like me
  5. Oh YEAH! In addition to the above we could do with a B25 as it was use by just about all allied nations(USA,UK,USSR, France etc etc). We'd need skins for them as well (Willing to help).
  6. Yes I may well do the same, a Carentan mission would then be a viable option.
  7. Yep still working on it not near realease yet but have some stuff done that is near release. Heres 1st mission breifing:-
  8. To make things really fun INSIS should be a German campaign facing the Brits!?!
  9. Oh Yeah! Knokke, Still interested in doing a Market Garden thing? I'm well up for it! I'm also ineterested in doing an Eastern D-Day/Normandy Ranville campaign. I've got good names for the campaigns too:- MG - It Never Snows in September & DD - The Day the Devils Dropped In Both taken from excellent books on the respective subjects.
  10. Not yet, I'm wrestling a problem with mission 3 which isn't as stable as it should be & also looking to improve the FPS on mission 1. I've learnt alot since I originally did these & want to make B3 as good as I can make it.
  11. Sounds interesting, when will it be available?
  12. All the Panthers in this mission have GerSummer2 which IIRC is a stock skin
  13. It was up at the now defunct CMMods. I'll upload it to the repository soon, just a wee bit more testing needed.
  14. Sorry guys but the Typhoons stays for 2 very good reasons:- 1) Knokke made this especially for this campaign. It would demean his beautiful work to not include it. 2) It historically accurate, there were no Hurricanes in Normandy & the USAAF 8th & 9th Airforces did not play a major role (in terms of close support). By far the lions share was performed by the RAF 2nd TAF. I will not devalue the efforts of the British, Canadian, Australian, Czech, FRench, Norwegian, Belgian, Polish, New Zealand, South African, & any other Commonwealth parties that are supremely pertinent to this campaign. The main reason for producing this campaign in the first place was that I got so p!ssed off by the common perception that the Brits were a complete failue in Normandy (ala Saving Private Ryan / Band of Brothers). One has to wonder how the yanks would have performed facing the 2 premier SS Panzer Corps. IMHO it would have been a wholesale slaughter. Shermans might have been reffered to as "Yankee Cookers" rather than "Tommy Cookers"! 7 of the 9 panzer divisions were on the British front, Operation COBRA would not have been possible without this reality.
  15. You only say that because you haven't had the pleasure of playing with Knokke's masterpiece on hand to deliver the bacon when it's needed. Believe me the Tiffie is the best community mod yet bar none! It adds more than je ne sais quai, c'est magnifique!! It not only adds masses of immersion but a serious punch, it's the only a/c I know that can & does knock out armour on a single pass! Sorry the Typhoon has to stay, period!
  16. No it's been through a bit of a hiatus, I didn't play with the missions for a few months although I have recently picked up the ball again & added a new mission & am currently looking to improve the Capture Gavrus mission. I'll be releasing this soon to the repository as Beta 3. You will need the Typhoon mod for this, it's a shame no one succesfully modded SS Camo smocks as this campaign would really benefit from them (All but 1st mission are against 1 & 2 SS Panzer Corps.).
  17. Stupid question, but you did save the campaign afterwards?
  18. I did it by coding, each gun has a rect that must be captured & held for 2 mins before the gun self destructs which opens the way to the next gun.
  19. I was playing earlier today & got this rather nice screenshot:-
  20. I'm eagerly awaiting to see what you chaps come up with..... Keep up the good work & Bon Chance!
  21. I thinks what you're proposing would mean quite a major recode. However if it's the single solution battles that seem to be the thing in stock mission then there is a way to add spice & a certain amount of unpredictability to missions that mean you have to tactically win the battle rather than satisfy strict victory conditions. The way is to code multiple responses to a generated random number so that in a given situation different things can happen. I tried this in a very crude manner in my Bulldog campaign, it IMHO makes things much more interesting & unpredictable & thus replayable. Here's a crude example:- Set @num = RND ( ) SetWorkArmy ( Army , 2 ) if ( @num <= 30 ) then ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_Panthers" ) CreateRectByObject ( RECT , "Panthers Attack Rect" , 100 , ARMY , 1 , TANKS , 2 , NOT_EMPTY , OK_WEAPON , OK_ENGINE ) RunCommand ( GROUP , "Group_Panthers" , ATTACK , RECT , "Panthers Attack Rect" ) Delay ( 20000 ) halt endif if ( @num <= 60 ) then ArtSupportChangeState ( 2 , ENABLE ) ArtSupportCall ( 2 , RECT , "final objective" ) Delay ( 50 ) CreateRectByObject ( RECT , "Mortar Rect" , 100 , ARMY , 1 , HUMAN , 2 , NO_PANIC ) Delay ( 5 ) MortarSupportChangeState ( 2 , ENABLE ) Delay ( 5 ) MortarSupportCall ( 2 , RECT , "Mortar Rect" ) halt endif if ( @num <= 90 ) then ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_Infantry_stugs" ) Delay ( 20000 ) RunCommand ( GROUP , "Group_Infantry_stugs" , STORM , RECT , "final objective" ) Delay ( 5 ) ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_Infantry_SPG" ) Delay ( 5 ) ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_Flak" ) Delay ( 5 ) RunCommand ( GROUP , "Group_Flak" , STORM , RECT , "final objective" ) halt endif if ( @num > 90 ) then AviaSupportChangeState ( 3 , BATTLEPLANE , ENABLE ) CreateRectByObject ( RECT , "Air Attack Rect" , 100 , ARMY , 1 , ALL , 2 , NOT_EMPTY ) Delay ( 5 ) AviaSupportCall ( 3 , BATTLEPLANE , RECT , "Air Attack Rect" ) ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_Infantry_stugs" ) Delay ( 5 ) RunCommand ( GROUP , "Group_Infantry_stugs" , STORM , RECT , "final objective" ) Delay ( 20000 ) ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_attack_tiger" ) Delay ( 5 ) CreateRectByObject ( RECT , "Tiger Attack Rect" , 100 , ARMY , 1 , TANKS , 2 , NOT_EMPTY , OK_WEAPON , OK_ENGINE ) Delay ( 5 ) RunCommand ( GROUP , "Group_attack_tiger" , ATTACK , RECT , "Tiger Attack Rect" ) endif Something different can happen everytime this is called. I'm no programmer but something along these lines (With more elegant code) could be made to produce truly dynamic missions & can be as complex or simple as you want it to be....
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