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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Yes, but I agree with Knokke & I haven't even produced any new units etc just maps & missions. All I can say is it's a bloody lot of work with lots of testing & the occasional inexplicable game crash. That said for me making maps & missions is a ton of fun!
  2. Maps sent, please let me know if you discover the cause of these issues. Thanks
  3. Hiya, Issue #1 No joy I'm afraid, when I change the farmaintex for the Maltot map as per your recommendation I get the following message & the game crashes to desktop:- Issue #2 No change the minimap still doesn't display itself at 72 dpi or 300 dpi, the minimap.mat looks like this:- [ClassInfo] ClassName TMaterial [Layer0] TextureName minimap.tga tfModulate 1 tfNoWriteZ 1 tfMinLinear 1 tfMagLinear 1 tfBlend 1 tfNoDegradation 1 tfMipmap 0 Which TBH is no different from the other 10 or so maps I've made that work perfectly. Thank you very much for you help so far. I will send you the maps to you via email, sorry for the mail bomb! Gnash
  4. Hiya, Issue #1 No joy I'm afraid, when I change the farmaintex for the Maltot map as per your recommendation I get the following message & the game crashes to desktop:- Issue #2 No change the minimap still doesn't display itself at 72 dpi or 300 dpi, the minimap.mat looks like this:- [ClassInfo] ClassName TMaterial [Layer0] TextureName minimap.tga tfModulate 1 tfNoWriteZ 1 tfMinLinear 1 tfMagLinear 1 tfBlend 1 tfNoDegradation 1 tfMipmap 0 Which TBH is no different from the other 10 or so maps I've made that work perfectly. Thank you very much for you help so far. I will send you the maps to you via email, sorry for the mail bomb!
  5. I've been bashin my head against these for ages, please guys offer advice if you can. 1st problem is with my Maltot map, I can't gat the farmaintex to display in game for me although in the editor it's fine:- Here's how it looks in the map editor & In game it looks like this As you can see the farmaintex is not displayed, does anyone else have this issue with my Maltot map? Image details, IFAIK the all the parameters for the TGA are correct 2nd problem I can't figure out is with my Hill 112 map which wont display the minimap correctly, I can't figure this out, I've even tried using stock minimap.tga files & get the same result. Please give me hints as to where I might look to fix this issue. Minimap Image Details:- How it looks in game:- Any help would be most greatly appreciated I would like to get a fully working Bulldogs campaign released for the new year, Happy Xmas All! Gnash
  6. Assault yes - move no, fire cmd is good for specific single targets. HTH
  7. Thanks very much for the list & excellent feedback Alan, whilst I think I've got most of these nailed I'll need to go & check. Excellent spot on the bridge BTW. I've done alot more work on the maps & missions, & I hope to have something up before the new year.
  8. Great news, I strongly recommend dl'ing 1.3.5 if you haven't already if only for this:-
  9. IIRC 1.3.2 is an update to 1.3.1, have you installed this first?
  10. Sounds like Chazman has changed his name, the posts certainly have his tone!!! Either that or we got trolls on the wire lads!
  11. British/Americans in Burma & China would be good candidates for a Asia/Pacific expansion, I'm thinking Chindits/Merrils Marauders campaigns againgst the Japanese. Many of the allied units are already in the game, all that would be needed is the Japanese units & of course the statics. US Marines seaborne island invasions might be harder & take a lot of development to implement though (Need to code ships & landing craft etc).
  12. It's definately related to hw specs, the game needs fast CPU with lots of L3 cache & a good 2GB of fast RAM, the GPU is not as important although not irrelevant. It is all the shot/damage calculations that go into the battles that slow the game down if you dont have the above, not that that in itself is a bad thing.....
  13. I'm sure this is the 'excited model' ready to do hand to gland combat with all & sundry!
  14. Gnasher

    Kursk '43

    It solved the problem for me
  15. ToW is a very long way from SS2/Hiddenstroke, it's more of a simulator than that game engine if you know what I mean. An early Vietnam mod would be doable, but would involve a ton of work. You would need to create alot of buildings/trees for the area as there are currently none. I assume that the French will be using US kit & the Viet Mien would use Soviet kit, you'd need to create skins & classes for both sides. In answer to your other questions:- 1) Yes probably but you'd have to create a new 3d model of the chopper & use it as an air support. It would not be able to takeoff/land on map though. 2) No I don't think this is a supported feature at the moment if as I assume you mean that paras get dropped on the map. Paratroop units can be created as stock infantry. 3) Maps are 4km x 4km with a central 2km x 2km high res playable area. 4) ToW is essentially a small unit game with forces more akin to reinforced platoons than company sized units. The max number of units of either side at any one time is 250. I've managed to get through 1000 units by using triggers to reinforce each side when numbers are sufficiently depleted. 5) No airfields are not supported. HTH
  16. I forgot to mention DR Jone's SFS extractor you'll need that as well. You should try dl'ing some of the mods from Green as Jades site to give you a template:- http://towhouse.greenasjade.net/mods?game_type=1&show_all=true
  17. What things do you have in mind? Sharing your specific interest in modding elements of the game dictate the reply, that said the 3 main programs are:- 1) 3Dmax for creating new objects, they need conversion to game format (see posts this forum) 2) Notepad for creating new classes of units / adjusting unit settings. 3) Photoshop/PSP for creating & editing new textures/skins/maps in .tga format The bad boy modders are the JSH team, Knokke, Tartari, Oudy, Nikki Mond & Arzok. I can help with maps/missions. Ask away, we're usually a pretty friendly bunch!
  18. Certainly the best from the Micro$oft stable anyway.
  19. Also do them in order. BTW now that we have JSH 1.3.5 mod & Nikki Mond's fab SS camo smocks mod, Bulldogs can be all that I originally wanted it to be so expect a Final version in the hopefully not too distant future. I've been working on the stability of missions 2 & 3 & adding in new stuff like the Flak36, which shoots down aircraft & tanks with equal ease (It rocks BTW).
  20. all I can suggest is try unzipping the files again.... sorry.
  21. Good luck mate, wishing you well on your project! Please share any questions or gems of wisdom you find, after all if we all share, we learn more, & the net result? Better mods! Bigger community, better gameplay.
  22. Providing the player has no control over the arty. I'd suggest setting up several more Allied armies & just giving them Arty support capability. Set up a rect for each of these army's arty to hit, maybe the rects should overlap if you want shock & awe! Here's some code that might help:_ SetWorkArmy ( Army , 3 ) ArtSupportChangeState ( 3 , ENABLE ) ArtSupportCall ( 3 , RECT , "army3_arty_rect" ) Delay ( 50 ) SetWorkArmy ( Army , 4 ) ArtSupportChangeState ( 4 , ENABLE ) ArtSupportCall ( 4 , RECT , "army4_arty_rect" ) Delay ( 50 ) SetWorkArmy ( Army , 5 ) ArtSupportChangeState ( 5 , ENABLE ) ArtSupportCall ( 5 , RECT , "army5_arty_rect" ) etc etc etc........ Or you might want to dynamically define your target rects using the CreateRectByObject command like this:- SetWorkArmy ( Army , 3 ) CreateRectByObject ( RECT , "Mortar Rect" , 100 , ARMY , 1 , HUMAN , 2 , NO_PANIC ) MortarSupportChangeState ( 3 , ENABLE ) MortarSupportCall ( 3 , RECT , "Mortar Rect" ) Of course you could always just let the player call down the arty by letting them have the calls but you won't be able to get the shock & awe that multiple arty strikes will achieve. I would strongly recommend testing extensively as this is a potentially major frame rate hitter. HTH
  23. unzip them into ToW main folder, then select the campaign from extra campaigns in game. You need a minimum of JSH 1.3.2 & Knokke's Typhoon mod although JSH 1.3.5 should be fine, at least I haven't broken it with this version yet.
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