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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Don't forget the vehicle crews. You can easily pop your limits when a tank is hit & 5 crew jump out.
  2. Ive been playing with this & managed to get some code that works ok. Need to work on getting this prettier, maybe they should retreat in column..? The surrender conditions for germans are < 4 soldiers or less than 40% of British troops in the target rect. </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> label 99 delay ( 5000 ) SetWorkArmy ( Army , 1 ) Set @uk_inf_In_rect = GetnunitsInArea ( Army , 1 , HUMAN , "Wood" , "NO_PANIC" ) if ( @uk_inf_In_rect > 1 ) Then label 100 delay ( 5000 ) SetWorkArmy ( Army , 1 ) Set @uk_inf_In_wood = GetnunitsInArea ( Army , 1 , HUMAN , "Wood" , "NO_PANIC" ) SetWorkArmy ( Army , 2 ) Set @German_In_wood = GetnunitsInArea ( GROUP , "Group_wood snipers" , HUMAN , "Wood" , "NO_PANIC" ) if ( @German_In_wood <= 4 ) Then goto 101 endif Set @snum = @German_In_wood div ( @snum , @uk_inf_In_wood ) mul ( @snum , 100 ) if ( @snum <= 40 ) Then goto 101 halt endif goto 100 halt endif goto 99 label 101 SetWorkArmy ( Army , 2 ) ChangeArmy ( GROUP , "Group_wood snipers" , "4" ) delay ( 500 ) RunCommand ( ARMY , "4" , RETREAT , rect , "surrender" ) delay ( 500 ) QuestWin ( "Woods" , 10000 ) destroytrigger ( "snipers" ) delay ( 500 ) Halt goto 101 </pre>
  3. Well chaps unless we see the code we'll never know.... I'd also be fascinated to know how Boog did this but I bet it involves a shed load of code monitoring numbers on every group which is going to be a significant overhead on what is an already a resource hungry game because I think the checks would need to be quite granular (<=5secs) so it might not be a simple as it seems at face value. I could also find alot of uses for a piece of code that did this, I've been meaning to have a play aorund with this myself but haven't as yet found the time... :mad: So please post some code.... What really surprises me is that Slap found this thread when it had been dead for nearly 3 months, well bumped that man!
  4. Maybe a server side setting for game speed is needed in the order of 50,60,70,80,90% Game speed set before game is launched. IIRC sudden strike worked best with 60%
  5. Yes I agree, ability to jump over low walls & even scale higher ones is IMHO an important enhancement. It's stupid that the infantry run around 1.5m walls to enter via the gate & subseqently get promptly shot by an enemy soldier on the other side of the gate. When in RL I think just about anybody would simply jump over the wall & shoot the bugger hiding by the gate in the back!
  6. Good mission, I lked it alot. Well Done!
  7. Does this mean that this is in the feature list for the add-on then Sneaksie?
  8. I wholeheartedly second this proposal! Please give us a Mission and Campaign design forum, more missions will only improve sales of the game.
  9. As soon as the patch is released I should have a full campaign ready within a few weeks. Things that have stopped me releasing to date are the custom map, skins, & models that I've used being in a format that I can release without buggering the original missions. The changes I've made to the Caen & Cherbourg maps both crash the original stock missions now.... So yeah, once the patch is released there will be alot more missions. I am sure as there will be hopefully an easier release mechanism that isn't gonna get a truckfull of whinging of the 'You broke my mission' kind. Ideally it should have been there from the start ..... But you live & learn & clarity comes with hindsight! [ January 03, 2008, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Gnasher ]
  10. It would also be nice if after a while with this kind of fire there is a chance that all the ammo cooks off at once & blows the turret off the tank, not sure but I think this is especially the case for the T34, Sherman, & MK VI. I cant recall any pics of tigers or panthers that lost turrets, I've seen gazillions of pics these 3 'Sans Turret' though.
  11. AFAIK it'll be in the add-on which is some months away. Madmatt/Sneaksie please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong....
  12. :eek: That's a tough one Slap, but I haven't really noticed squad AI as majorly disfunctional myself. However I gotta admit that I mostly am play testing my own missions which have pretty "loose" objectives for both player & AI that either result in meeting engagements, assaults or defensive battles. By "loose" I mean setting groups to you infantry defend this rect & you tanks storm that rect etc, etc. During these missions I find fire & manouvre by squads, so one squad lays covering fire whilst the other moves, then vice versa is the best tactic, as in RL. I'm usually doing this with number keys & formations. Could it be that the missions you are using for this assessment are overly scripted? Above said, I believe you are right. Squad AI could be a bit more intelligent even if only for the enemy AI.
  13. Yeah it would be awesome, been waiting on FinnN for close on a month now..... FinnN any news mate?
  14. Ooh I so need this editor, I think I'm gonna get lost for a few years inside it. I Think it's gonna be really usefull for changing some of the maps I'm already using on my current WIP Operation Epsom/Jupiter British campaign. Also I need it because I've altered some of the stock maps so much that they don't work with the original missions, so I'll need to rename the maps when I release it. So far I've been using the excellent Battleground Europe series of guidebooks for inspiration on mission content, with this editor I can actually build the historical terrain, how cool is that? :cool: I already have a list of future campaign projects, off the top of my head:- British 6th Airborne Pegasis Bridge, Ranville & Merville battery Canadian battle for Carpiquet & Tilly 101st Airborne D-Day to Carentan 29th Infantry Omaha to St Lo British VIII Corps Operation Bluecoat 101st Airborne Hells Highway - Market Garden LSSAH Karkov spring 1943 6th SS Panzer Corps Spring Awakening Hungary 1945 I expect that good things will come from the community in the weeks/months after the path is released.
  15. The Germans had & used 80mm mortars that were issued as standard equipment for an infantry division.
  16. Very, very nice, is there any way of adding selectable divisional badges?
  17. Try using the createrectbyobject function on the unit to be attacked & then using a runcommand storm on the rect just created. It works a charm for me
  18. Yeah all that said but still being able to site an MG in the window of a farm house is gonna be coolness itself. Also it opens up bunker usage. However if my vote were heard I'd say hand to hand animations are more important & I'd also like to see gore level upped with things like cadavers flying up in the air if near to an impact during artillery strikes etc
  19. Oh goody goody gumdrops! Looking forward to seeing this big time!
  20. Have you set the layer to point to the briefing in the campaign editor section?
  21. That sir is what we in the UK call 'utter bollocks!'
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