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Everything posted by Rocko1

  1. I was wondering what the status on this interesting game is? Thanks
  2. I do agree that the Japanese should have a higher level of aircraft capability for their carriers. The fact is that the US had nothing that could take them on in the beginning of the war. Also I positioned a large fleet outside of Pearl Harbor and mysteriously a couple of US battleships appeared that were retrieved from being sunk. The fact is that in reality I would have blown them up again if they started to raise them.
  3. Thanks for the help Capt. its interesting how old non strategies with carriers from previous versions of Strategic Command go out the window in this version!
  4. I am a little curious about when i do a amphib assault. Do marines or Jap SNLF have a slower degradation of their supply so we can actually take a city or main point. I seem to always have my units die or have non movement due to supply issues (they are at 0). Thanks
  5. Now with the Carriers having additional capabilities can someone explain the best techniques or strategy in using them. I will be honest i am a little lost when it comes to the Fighter Cap, Naval Tactical and mix modes. Then add the Fighter or Mix mode settings of Auto, Intercept, escort and ground. Thanks
  6. 755 is my pick. At 0755 AM Island wide attack begins...Japanese dive bombers to strike airfields Kaneohe, Ford Island, Hickam, Bellows, Wheeler, Ewa...Aerial torpedo planes begin their run on ships in Pearl Harbor
  7. So any status update for this great title? Thanks
  8. Greed is not a bad emotion if it is tempered with common sense. Greed is a motivator for humans to do some really amazing and good things. Think about some medical break throughs that would not have happened if a company could not make money for the risk and expenses they had. The fact is that resources are an important reason to go to war. To sit here and deny human nature is idiotic and not realistic. You just want to make sure that you are on the winning side of such a war and that it does not take more resources to win than you gain. That you will find is at the heart of any great commander of armies throught history.
  9. I would hope that some units which I would call Icons will be increased in strength such as the Yamamoto, Interprise CV6 ect.. This will add both realism and some personal interest in seeing them be sunk versus a standard vessel of that class.
  10. I wouldnt say it was a bad decision, it did what the Japanese Military wanted it to do. That was delay and make us re allocate resources. Case in point the US Navy had to reconfigure its standard fleet deployment with auxillary flak protection. Also remember this was the first smart bomb, the fact that a human guided the plane/bomb to target is a sign of genius and not just desperation. Remember that the hit % of bombs or torpedoes was not that great with technology back then.
  11. I would prefer perhaps some random vintage video ie pearl harbor footage if you attack pearl harbor. Midway footage for a miday zone attack ect.. after the combat. Then of course other footage from historical sources for Iwo Jima ect..
  12. Yes thanks for correcting my post you are correct on Wildcat and hellcat, thats what I get for typing and talking to the kids at the same time. Actually though the Zero had a better climb and turn rate than the F4F WildCat. It however could take more damage than the Zero and continue to fly.
  13. Will the Japanese start with A6M Zero's as in the real war? They had a big edge over our Hellcats F4F at the beginning of the war and will this be reflected. Thanks
  14. Here is some info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_atomic_program http://store.aetv.com/html/product/index.jhtml?id=74425
  15. Actually the Japanese and Geramans were working on nuclear weapons at the same time as the Manahatten Project. The Germans had a heavy water facility in German-controlled heavy water production plant, Norsk-Hydro, at Vemork, Norway. This was damaged by the British. It is not known how much material Japan received from Germany, but at least one shipment, 560kg of Uranium Oxide which was sent to Japan by a German Unterseeboot U-234 was intercepted after surrender at sea in 1945. Unterseeboot 234 (U-234) was sent to Japan in April 1945 to deliver 560 kg of unprocessed uranium oxide for the Japanese program, as well as a disassembled Me-262 jet fighter and assorted German military technology. Earlier in 1944, U-219 and U-195 had reached Djakarta with 12 broken down components for the V-2 rocket. The Japanese never did detonate a nuclear weapon nor was any radiation in the region found to show that they did. I hope this helps all.
  16. I am glad my question and wish for the ability to have more than 2 human players is well received. I have thought for a long time that Strategic Command series has always had this potential. Hubert, I am curious could this be done? I think that this would offer your game a unique and fun offering versus the competition.
  17. I guess this game is dead? If so why is it still here.
  18. I would like the ability to have more than 2 human players play by PBEM , you know to get a true feel of sitting around and playing a good war game with a bunch of friends. The ability for us to assign each to a country would be great.
  19. I was kicking around the idea of buying this game since it seems to be stable now. The question is does it come with a printed manual?
  20. I am confused what this means and where you put the files. Does the game access these to give it a better depth or feel for the game as far as atmosphere? Thanks
  21. To all I also had a problem with my password. Just say you forgot yours on the website and it will email a new one, this worked for me. It seems it was creating bogus passwords before.
  22. Just requested a new password and it worked. Must have been a screwup somewhere on preorders
  23. I seem to not be able to login either. I entered my username and password that was emailed to me once I pre-ordered.
  24. I was hoping it would be available this weekend. I guess we can hope by next weekend.
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