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Cabe Booth

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Everything posted by Cabe Booth

  1. - posted March 29, 2007 09:24 PM Profile for Cabe Author's Homepage Email Cabe Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Collection of Miscellaneous Combat Mission Files It has been uploaded to CMMODS CMAK and CMBB mod section under newest mods or under all/other/mod packs These files were collected or sent to me from various fan sites all over the CM community. Many are previously lost or hard to find files that Many players and modders are seeking in the community. There are vehicle stats, availability charts, exposure charts, Vehicle lists with BMPS by theater, and mod number for everything from voice wave file to infantry uniforms. In these files you will find the desperately sought BMP files for units and other mods in CMBB and CMAK. Many files are incomplete listing have not been found for certain games. You will find a very thorough listing of the CMBB bmps. One should never assume that what is true for CMBB is true for CMAK but in most cases it is., but always cross check your bmp number by comparing them to either your default BFC bmp folder in the root directory of the game, using a CMMOS file or if you really want the whole mod and its exact number do a search on cmmods and download a mod to examine the numbers present in the file. Which brings me to my point: Please, if you have any charts or lists send them to me so I can update this file on CMMODS. If you are really ambitious please complete missing information on your own and send it to me and I will give credit to your file and add to the pack. So Far the sources are: Chris’s CM database We Band of brother’s webpage Ohio Gamer Grossdeutschland website Mikey D GEM Guat Kingfisher And others PLEASE help this database grow by send your files not listed here, or make your own and email it to me Also (very important) all persons fluent in other languages such as Russian, German ect. Please make a translation of the readme file and I will add the text to the file. I hope this is helpful to you all Enjoy! Cabe Booth 3-29-07 example (kind of cropped, but actual files are not)
  2. Collection of Miscellaneous Combat Mission Files It has been uploaded to CMMODS CMAK and CMBB mod section under newest mods or under all/other/mod packs These files were collected or sent to me from various fan sites all over the CM community. Many are previously lost or hard to find files that Many players and modders are seeking in the community. There are vehicle stats, availability charts, exposure charts, Vehicle lists with BMPS by theater, and mod number for everything from voice wave file to infantry uniforms. In these files you will find the desperately sought BMP files for units and other mods in CMBB and CMAK. Many files are incomplete listing have not been found for certain games. You will find a very thorough listing of the CMBB bmps. One should never assume that what is true for CMBB is true for CMAK but in most cases it is., but always cross check your bmp number by comparing them to either your default BFC bmp folder in the root directory of the game, using a CMMOS file or if you really want the whole mod and its exact number do a search on cmmods and download a mod to examine the numbers present in the file. Which brings me to my point: Please, if you have any charts or lists send them to me so I can update this file on CMMODS. If you are really ambitious please complete missing information on your own and send it to me and I will give credit to your file and add to the pack. So Far the sources are: Chris’s CM database We Band of brother’s webpage Ohio Gamer Grossdeutschland website Mikey D GEM Guat Kingfisher And others PLEASE help this database grow by send your files not listed here, or make your own and email it to me Also (very important) all persons fluent in other languages such as Russian, German ect. Please make a translation of the readme file and I will add the text to the file. I hope this is helpful to you all Enjoy! Cabe Booth 3-29-07 [ March 29, 2007, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: Cabe ]
  3. Why thank you Mr. D. I wanted to do another mod of a chaffee, which I will do next. It has a wild flame and fang paint scheme on the front. Pretty out there, but for those that like it.... it will be a fun mod. I just have so much RL artwork to do right now and with taxes coming up and uh..... paying for all my girlfriend's debt and bills half the time. I know , too much info. Anyhoo..... well gotta give credit where it is due. This is a converted CMBO mod for a CMMOS file. I labeled it as not mine at first, but then after having to spend 7 plus hours fixing the damn thing and repainting, re-marking ect. I decided it became my version. What scares you off from the hellcat? What we need is some dang churchills.......... I think that is my next project and I ain't looking forward to it. Not enough fun in the camo schemes, but at least it "should" be quick. well I gotta go paint Jerry Lee Lewis, I hear he only signs pianos so I don't know what they gonna do with it when he gets there. "This ain't a piano!" "sigh" "PIANOS DAMMIT! PIANOS! READ MY CONTRACT RIDER!!!! PIIIIIAANNNNNOS!" [ March 28, 2007, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Cabe ]
  4. Ok, all done. Fixed the rear hull. with totally new and repainted more detailed bmp Fixed rear turret BMP All done final finished enjoy -Cabe
  5. I will take a look, I was very tired and I still am. I am goin on 30 hours of no sleep..... sux to say it nicely. But these weary eyes will give it a look see :<
  6. I didn't take into account how the conversion was going to look in cmak. I thought the chaffees in the CMMOS pack I dled were all hi rez. but they were not. Thankfully the camo translates well to hi rez.
  7. The Chaffee has been re-touched a tad to look a little better until I have time to do a full mod of my own. Has CMAK chassis and emblem were retouched to be less blurry
  8. WHat resolution do you guys work in when painting your mods? Do you keep it at tyhe default or change it and then revert it back after painting? Also when you save the bmp what options do you same the bmp at? 16, 24 or 32 bit? Thanks in advance.
  9. I should probably delete the second mod, it is not very good to look at in game. The first seems to work ok, sans the chassis. I Will grab the cmak chassis and see if I can snaz it up. Unless there is a compatable chassis out there.. I don't know what mod use or share some bmps, the chafee is one of them. I do know which have the exact same bmps.
  10. agreed, I am new to it. I guess i need to mod a chaffee
  11. is it in the CMBO mods or? I will patch the mod if I know which one to extract the bmp from.I will look around
  12. [ March 27, 2007, 12:06 AM: Message edited by: Cabe ]
  13. I noticed a lack of a CMAK Chaffee Mod SO I took this out of the CM dtabase and renumbered it for CMAK Original author is cm1947 Use/alter as you wish numbered for Italy use see camo chaffee image several posts down for updated image of this mod [ March 28, 2007, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: Cabe ]
  14. hmmm I don't see why it would happen. Basically it is just turning the brown spots on the gridded terrain blue, but only on that elevation/color. very odd.
  15. I tell ya what Pat, that is a pretty damn thorough mod. I am DL it now for cmbb I have the CMBB "Special Edition", I have tried to figure out what that means. But even the game itself deasn't say why it is "Special" It didn't some with winter units.... so it has not been modded by 3rd party. It has gridded default terrain which is odd. Anyhoo, DLing FallW now. I am interested to see what all you have done.
  16. hmmm, very nice. I was thinking about just turning everything pink and replacing it with text. You know in photoshop you just write BAD GUY on the top view BMP Or BAD GUY TANK THINGY TREE PLACE HOUSE SLOW DOWN AREA And label every solid object that blocks LOS a WALL
  17. Just as a sort of poll, what terrains are you guys using... and doodads? I would guess since the crash many terrain mods have gone away. I see some really nice ones in screen shots for mod previews. I have constructed a mixed mod last night, but still I wonder what is out there that is not on cmmods for Italy. Any chance of someone loading up a file conatining you terrain file to CCMODS? A sort of mixed bad if you will to quick mod the terrain for folks. My game looks fine. Just curious to see what all people chose to use. I have veered away from the topo terrain as it sometimes gets too dark and I have actually looked past an enemy unit in a dark brown area. And on maps with trees and massive hills it can get really impressive but distracting. I used a mix of caffino, mikeyD,Pat, Juju and others. But I do wonder if there ever was a solid MikeyD or such Terrain "all in one" pack. I know there are some for the Normandy and such mods. And CMBB has some, but CMAK doesn't seem to have one other than the SPR mod.
  18. well I dunno about the memory thing. I am running 2 gig. And my vid card is the fastest AGP ATI 850xt. It has only happened on 2 maps. One in Crete and now this one. When I loaded another terrain mod... it went away. So I have no idea why it is leaving the textures out. Of course I wouldn't know where to start either.
  19. Yeah, They don't have a description thats why I had to ask what SPR AK meant. No preview either. I just DLed them and it it ain't bad, the trees are decent, the gridded terrain has obtrusive think lnes and no detail, nice for visibility but kinds bland all around. Nice to have a full set all compiled though.
  20. muted, but his own mods? Not alterations of other mods? Or did he just mute the BFC terrain?
  21. what are the SPR-AK mod files for by JohnnyMo3?
  22. no, that's my jaegermeister and vicodin addiction.
  23. Jeez I stepped out for a second and you guys go apeShirt. Yeah, I wasn't planning on modding. I guess just for resources and doing quick BMP lookups on cmmods since sometimes not all the mods show up in a search, but they do if you look em up by bmp number. Will the fallw mod look good in Italy winter? Or do you have Stalin waving from a balcony in the building mods? I have seen the Fallw mod and I am sure I will insert it asap as I am just starting to mod CMBB, took forver just to do cmak. Sorting and finding mods and even having to create that stummel for DAK. On the whole TOW thing. I have to agree, I do play RTS, but after playing Combat mission I am hooked on the turn based strategy., Just more time to think and really feel the results of you actions, especially when you PBEM over a couple of weeks/days. Gives you something to think about before bed to get the stress out of yer head. A great hobby too. I have actually shelved all the game si had been playing in favor of CM and all the side projects. It just feels like a real hobby for the first time since I used to paint miniatures in Jr. High. I am sure I will play TOW, and enjoy modding it if it is possible with having a degree from Guildhall. But he whole time I am sure I will be thinking... man I wish CM would update to graphic like this. I mean they have the engine and stats, just gimme some blank model and we can finish the game out in the modding community. Oh well, I am sure we will get anew version someday that looks bad arse.
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