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Cabe Booth

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Everything posted by Cabe Booth

  1. oh, I only added the flag a the palm marking the rest is all Gautrek. But thanks for the compliments if you are referring to the flag and the palm marking, that's all I did. I am working on small patch mods, mostly for recognition flags for DAK units that I like that have them missing. I have uploaded: This stug because there was only 1 other DAK stug in CMMMODS. A flag patch for the German gun tractor A flag patch for kublewagon A flag patch for a SPW 251-1 I liked I am sure I have found myself a new hobby as I plan to keep making flag patches for all the units that don't have them in DAK for people that prefer them. I might hit all the Italian mods as well. My first major mod is the stummel in the other thread in this forum. That one I am learning trial and error to really get my feet wet and soak my legs, torso and head in. Slow going because I am probably over doing it. What I see on my bmp doesn't really make it in game, meaning I can spend 30 minutes on a bolted hatch and in game it looks great, but just touching it would have had the same effect.
  2. any suggestions on how to get rid of my pinks spots under the front chassis? I tried painting them out. Maybe I need to paint further out? here is a side shot.... sorry forgot to start the game and get rid of green base
  3. I am working on a DAK stummel as well. First mod ever on any game. I hope it works out and I don't run into any problems. Plan to give it a recog flag on the hood. Only parts modded are sides and front, top of hood ect to go.
  4. I am working on a stummel. I am learning by trial and error, but it is a weathered stummel for DAK. It will be my first mod, so let's hope it looks better than an Atari 2600 tank The stug is uploaded and I have also uploaded some mod patches for DAK units to put recog. flags on them. No sense in re-inventing the horse when you could just put a new saddle on it. Especially with all the great DAK mod out there as it is.
  5. yeah, I just wondered what the closeset setting would be... or best when it comes to what most people choose at that resolution.
  6. what is the best setting CM preference for CMAK or CMBB at 1680x1050? I don't remember what I have it set out, but sometimes the units look longer when I view them close from the side, might just be the game, but I want to be sure. Oh, and check out the "Sceptre gamer" wide screen lcd. That's what I splurged on.
  7. Hey broompatrol, I am currently going through the learning phases myself. Here is an extremely valuable link to get you started and help with bmp confusion. http://webandofbrothers.de/tablescharts.htm You want the BMP charts. Now you know what appears in what theater and the BMP number that starts off the mod. The BMPs are sequential usually. You can find out pretty quick which units share some BMP numbers or are exactly the same. I started by making a folder for each theater. Then in each of those folders I made a folder for each country Then I put the XL file from the zip file that you download from the link above in each folder. Then I went through (you don't have to do this) and made a folder for each unit in the theater and did cmmods search for each one and picked out one I liked best. That way I knew what I wanted to mod and had some darn good examples of mods to learn from or pull colors, markings ect. from. Plus it gives you all the BMP numbers for that unit in the mod you downloaded. Plus you can find some blank "modder's special" files on CMMODS to work from and save. Some helpful pointers For Italy you will need a summer and winter mod for each unit. Add 50000 to all the bmp numbers in a mod to make it appear in a winter setting example Kublewagon side view bmp: 3790.bmp Africa/Crete no snow in africa/crete but if there was, it would be 53790.bmp 103790.bmp Italy 153790.bmp winter (Italy) CMBB has its own sets of BMPs, so you have to look at both the CMAK and CMBB charts separately. I have yet to go through CMBBs charts and mods so I cannot say anything other than the numbers should be pretty static across the board, meaning only 2 mod versions for each unit/object. Winter and Summer, unlike CMAK which has desert (Africa/Crete), ETO (Italy), winter (Italy). I may be wrong about the CMBB numbering system, but I would assume since only 1 theater and 2 extremes of weather...... 2 versions of each mod required. some units will have the same number in both theaters, so never assume you know the BMP number for a unit until you look it up on the chart. Some Italy theater unis will be in the 4-5 digit range with a snow mod above 50000, and some will be in the 6 digit range with a snow mod above 150000.bmp Crete and Africa have the same mod bmp numbers. Italy has its own. some units/guns/uniforms/artillery ect. share BMPs across the board If any of this is confusing, and it was for me, just throw me an email and I will try to convey what I have learned. [ March 15, 2007, 12:19 AM: Message edited by: Cabe ]
  8. yeah i needed something to match my mix as well. Thankfully Gautrek had this in the CMBB mod section
  9. Uploaded, should show in cmmods eventually.
  10. I posted at the cmmods forums last night about this, What is the deal with uploading at cmmods? I have renamed my file 20 times over and keep getting messages telling me to rename the files. The only info provided is: .ZIP and picture file names may only contain A-Z, 0-9, '-', '=' and '_'. Example: my!new mod+picture*is?really&cool.gif - WRONG mynew_mod-picture=isreally8cool.gif - CORRECT Use your browser's BACK button and try again. Well I am following all those rules and it doesn't work. After renaming a mod 10 times last night I finally got one to upload, why it worked I have no idea. Today I am trying and I can't get them to load at all. What is the correct way to name an file for upload? Thanks.
  11. well I guess it would help if I spelled RECOGNITION correctly in the preview, but I think you get the point
  12. This will be uploaded in a few hours, so bear with me if you are looking for it at CMMODS My first mod! Sort of........ With gautrek's permission I have renumbered his ETO yellow stug IIIf for CMAK use in the African theater. -renumbered the bmps to load for Africa battles -added Afrika Korps markings -Optional recognition flag Thought I would get my feet wet with my first mod by doing some slight alterations. Thanks to Gautrek for permission! -Cabe
  13. nice one Pat I started on a weathered DAK one last night. It will be my first mod ever. So wish me luck. As for the one you have UXcva, I don't see that one on CMMODS at all so it probably needs to be uploaded. It is a nice mod. I did a "search by BMP" and there are no Africa stummels in the directory for CMAK. I just renumbered and re-marked a stug IIlF (late) by Guatrek for use in the African theater as well. I am going to upload it tonight since I have his permission. Oh and Pat, how did you get your Panzerjager 1b mod to look so amazing? It is almost like a photo. Thant thing is stunning. Now if I could only figure out where to put a recognition flag on it, seems a shame to cover anything up.
  14. I came looking for a stummel and got a helmet, and I am not complaining... those are wonderful helmets. Thank you for referring. I was looking at the in game helmets the other night wondering if there were some out there that did the trick. These are amazing. Already downloading.
  15. If anyone has a copy of any of pat's Afika Korps (DAK) German half tracks, please can I have copy or can you upload to CMMODS? I have all the others so far as I go down my German Africa mod list. If you have Pat's German HT's check them against the list in CMMODS. So far the SPW 251-9 Stummel is the one missing. But I still have a few more to do. Thanks to any who can help
  16. another view of a corgi model of same tank. I can take a pic from all angles of mine if someone would like to tackle it. Unit was the "Royal Scots Greys" http://www.mikes-tanks.com/images/RCorgiShermanCC51004.JPG http://brookhursthobbies.com/corgi/images/cc51004.jpg [ March 12, 2007, 03:57 AM: Message edited by: Cabe ]
  17. J2D ok, yeah I got those. They are very nice mods. Gotta love them becuase they are so well done. Who is the author of those mods? GEM is listed. Who is GEM? I assumed GEM was something to do with CMMOS? Not much on the Italian theater side though, but still.... gotta love em. Good stuff. Sorry, just a newbie and a lot of the abbreviations leave me in the dark.
  18. Yes, I currently am playing a game with Archers (rear) AT. So They are available. I was suprised that it was not in your UK winter pack Wicky. I kept downloading it over and over thinking I had cut and pasted the file or had a bad version. But it wasn't to be found. There is and Archer mod for non-winter use by Aristoteles, thankfully it is green and would be an easy winter mod. So I can use those CMHQ mods? What is needed? Do I just renumber some of them? When I looked at the bmps in adobe they seemed smaller than cmak files, didn't know if they converted well. I am using the mods from CMHQ in the "New mods" section, but all the ones I DL from the other section "3rd party mods" are all numbered differently. The mods in the New Mods section are brilliant, wish there were more of em and right now I am trying to round out my Allied Italy folder before inserting into McMMM. Oh and thanks J2D, I wasn't able to find the edit, but now I know. [ March 10, 2007, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Cabe ]
  19. obviously i didn't make a huge "zup" file but a "zip" file. I don't have a Willy Wonka brand PC
  20. Yeah, they evidently don't appear in italy. Therefore... no snow unit. I was sorting mod alllll last night and my head go muddied. Make one huge zup file. When I extracted it, I didn't have Stuart III IV snow graphics (fixed) and for some reason DI's snow mod didn't load. Checked and it didn't extract... odd. O ther than that all the UK Italy units are modded . Except of course the Churchills (the snow mods I do have from you Wicky.) No summer ones though. Oh and also there is no Archer snow mod to be found. Everything else for the UK has a Wicky mod for snow in Italy. Which I thank you greatly for. It really patches the holes for the winter units on all sides.
  21. Checked that Wicky, using the BMP lists I didn't see it, but the list may have been wrong. I am testing all my winter mods right now. If I don't see the Stuart I will let you know. Otherwise, ignore that post about them missing
  22. amazing, no uk stuart I or II (same bmp) in the mod files at all.
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