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Posts posted by General_solomon

  1. the game manual answered some of my questions. I didnt find a place where it stated if buildings can be added on the customer player maps. BTW, this is going to be a purchase for most people. The thing i love about cmsf is custom user generated battles.

    one question about buildings. how many stories and how large.

  2. Steve:

    thank you my friend for give us all the great news that this game will be out in 09. I tend to keep searching for the ultimate war game and find myself keep coming back to cmx2 games.

    The other night i played a little close combat and I kept thinking how awesome it would be to see the same map in 3d and that i could easily create the map on the editor.

    speaking of the editor, there is nothing like it. I challenge anyone to find a war simulator that is similar to cmx2 engine and it comes with a free copy of a map editor that you dont have to be a programmer to use.

    so now i wait with great anticipation for the ww2 title. In the meantime i will keep myself busy with shockforce and imagine all the user maps that i will have available when the world two title comes out.

    keep up the good work and please hurry on Normandy.

    gen. solomon

  3. Even those 'in the know' don't really know. BFC's started a new practice of working on several compartmentalized projects concurrently, and getting much of the tedious 'grunt work' finished up front - no more rushing that last skin into the game just as the title goes gold. That means for all I know (and let me state up front I don't know much) the Normandy title may spring-forth fully formed, like Athena sprung for the forehead of Zeus! :eek:

    great news, thanks

  4. You are going to need a better video card, one with 256MB or more of RAM. A GF 5200 is a very old video card. If your going to invest in your old system you may want to bump up your RAM to 2 GB as well.

    You may want something like a GeForce 7900 GS 7900GS 512MB AGP. This about the best you do with old AGP cards. Just make sure your power supply can handle it.


    thanks bro I may need to bite the bullet and get a real rig.

  5. I getting the crash to the desktop as well. I followed the recommendation of install the directx after the install and turn down everything to low detail.

    I am running XP service pk 3

    pentium 4 , 2.66ghz, 1.5 ram

    128 Gforce 5200 card

    Please advise, i really need to play this game.

  6. CMSF may have issues that are being worked out. I've enjoyed this game since the beginning.

    I have found no game like it anywhere. you may want to go to the user created maps section to play some great scenarios. I would have stopped playing this game if it was not for the user created battles.

    I personally, don't like previous CM games, so may be biased.

    I don't think your moaning it may be this time period my not be your cup of tea.

    take care,

    Gen. solomon

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