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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. I'm going to have give up on finding the USA floating icons. If anyone finds them, and wants to send them to me I will complete the set, which is what I would rather do before releasing what I have so far. I made a British blue, updated Germans and Italians, and the mod will give a choice to use a neutral tan earth color for each nations FoW icons as shown.


  2. Vin, they could be in v1.10. I couldn't find the Fallschirmjagers for the life of me in GL 100A, B, or C. It drove me crazy for about a day until I decided to look through all the data files, including FI. Noticed the 1.10 data file and tried. Succes!

    Mj, I exploded the main 1.10A, and B brz files that came with the demo. Both brz files contained the "nations" folder, which contains the "floating icons" folder. There only british, german, and italian appear with USA missing. All the bmps in the game should be there. If USA is not there I am stumped why it is showing in the game? I will try exploding again tonight. Maybe it did not explode all the files, but I can't see why it wouldn't. As far as USA goes the only new icon I think there is for them is SPAA. If I can't get to it then it will just have to be skipped and show as stock.

  3. I don't have CMFI+GL, but I think I can put something together to fill in what is missing for the mod to include GL that shouldn't take much time. I know I missed the bunkers in the initial release of the mod, but what is missing now, and what is new?

    All British icons.

    AA vehicles icons.

    Any other new icons?

  4. 90% WEGO. IF RT had a recorder so I could watch the action again I'd be more inclined... So, ah, when we getting that full battle recorder we been asking for since 2000? Huh? Huh? Come on, I mean how hard could it be???

    Check out this for CM multi-multiplayer. The replay I mention here is modeled after what was in "Sudden Strike" which allowed what you want. It was very cool being able to record the multiplayer battle and watch it later to see yourself, but also how your team mates played.


    How hard it is to implement in CM vs Sudden Strike, and how much memory it would take is another story. CM is a much more complicated game than SS was. It is easy to imagine having, but the technicalities, time, $ are only things the developers know.

  5. Does anybody know how many lines there are for each country? If so, what are those lines?

    I only did it for Americans. In my voice folder there are 37 folders that are general categories of condition such as when spotting heavy vehicles, taking a casualty ect…. In each folder may be a few to around 10 different possible lines they will say in that situation that are numbered. That is about 370 possible lines atleast that I have in the collection for USA. I’m not sure how it works, or if they say ALL those lines though as I do not recall hearing all of them. One in particular I know I have never heard as it stood out when I was going through them is when taking a surrender “War’s over for you Mac!” (There’s some 40’s talk for you.) That may be since it is a more rare event.

  6. I try to follow the rule of reloading only when the AI does something totally stupid like taking a bad pathfind right into getting killed perhaps on it's own, or by me forgetting to plot it better to do what I intended. Sometimes if I have a few different ways to go about something I will reload, and experiment with different tactics. When playing RT there are no second chances, nor are there in a PBEM so it keeps it real no matter what.

    For someone new learning the game I recommend reloading to learn what works, and what does not till they get more experience. This is what I did to learn the game when I first started out. It is a good way to train.

  7. Wodin you can use the same sound files from CMSF. I am using a voice mod mix 50% Mord, and 50% other voices from stock, or other voice mods that I made for CMSF. I liked Mords, but wanted more different voices too. I use the same one for CMBN with no problems.

    As a side note I always thought it would be cool for someone to make a voice mod mix from movie lines. There would be much to draw from from John Wayne movies to the present like Saving Pvt. Ryan, B.o.B. ect...

  8. I think you are misunderstanding as well JonS.

    Big deal GaJ, as well as others learned the fact many already know that the M10 spots poorly when buttoned. This is a not top-secret stuff guys. It is just a fact of the unit, one still needs to use it right tacitly to make a difference. I've said nothing regarding tactics; Gaj's positions ect... This is my last post on the matter as it is very petty, and full of paranoia.

  9. Hister, I think you are misunderstanding my entire commentary. If I had tipped either player off of an intention, or movement that would be revealing things that would have impact on the battle that would be wrong. I would never do that. Part of these AAR’s incorporate learning by getting more understanding of the unit’s capabilities. Players learning these subtleties do not break OPSEC. I think Bil, as much as anyone would like to see GaJ come out of the game learning how to play the game better by understanding the unit’s capabilities more, especially since GaJ is the less experienced player. I have been in games, and seen my opponent making the same mistakes over and over using units, and told them what they are doing wrong so they become a more learned player regarding understanding the units capabilities. If I were playing GaJ, and seen him losing all his M10’s due to the simple fact that he was not unbuttoning them I would tell him to try unbuttoning because perhaps he did not know that fact in using it. This is much different than revealing plans, tactics, or stuff about a unit’s condition that the other player would not know. I hope all know where I am coming from. There is no OPSEC broken here.

  10. Vinnart, isn't this a bit too much of a info revealed?

    I don’t think I am giving away anything important. Bil knows it is buttoned. The M10 has always seemed very skittish buttoning at the slightest thing on it’s own. It could be even from a stray bullet. I think I even cut a fart one time, and it chose to button :). I just wanted to clarify GaJ has learned about the M10, and the importance of keeping it open whenever possible. My original comment sounded like he is not learning this fact repeating mistakes over again. I just wanted to make it clear that he has learned about M10 spotting differences between buttoned/unbuttoned.

  11. My silly M10 in the middle buttoned up on his way over to the centre.

    They do tend to be a bit skiddish, and eager to duck down at the slightest feeling of threat. When they do it on their own there is nothing one can do untill the next turn but to order him to open again. The important thing is that you are now remembering to making sure they are open when you can. When they do it on their own it is no fault of your own, and are at the mercy of the AI.

  12. Do you play with the screen colours like your paintings?

    No, but when they make a screen with colors that glow under blacklight I’m sure I would give it a try ;). The palette for my works for blacklight are a natural byproduct of the specialty paints I use, which are fluorescents that glow when illuminated by it. It is part of what makes it unique, and fits it well contextually. The funny thing is that when CMBN demo first came out the first feedback comment I made mentioned that the colors were way too saturated, and did not look natural. For CM I use a mix of Birdstrike's Syrope terrain mixed with Aris’s terrain mods, which are less saturated and easier on the eyes for gaming in regard to reducing eye fatigue. They look more natural to me. For CMFI the color choices were much better from the start.

  13. Most mods will work in both games that share the same file name with no problems. I put many of mine in the GL demo, and they work fine. Some examples: Using Aris smoke, Veins tracers, and same sound mod for both. If you use the animated text mod MAKE SURE you are using the right version. That mod is not cross compatible. You MUST use the right version for it to work right. There is a version up for the latest CMBN, and CMFI versions at the repository. If you try it, and the text looks screwy you are using the wrong version.

  14. My Hill 153 outpost is hearing armour way out to the left, but not giving me any real clue where the push will come from

    The FoW icons really do make the game so much better now especially with hearing. One gets a much more logical intell report in what type of suspected unit is being heard by your units instead “?”.

    “We heard enemy sir”

    “Well, what did you hear?”

    “It sounded like a tank”

    Not “?”, which is SO much more logical now. All weapons have different firing sounds, and moving vehicles, tanks, and infantry do have different sound signatures. Having the unit report it as is now one really gets the feeling of gathering a more realistic intelligence picture like if a human was reporting in. Not to mention how FoW icons makes RT play much better.

    Tough break with the bazooka dude stepping on his glasses. Sometimes when things like that happen it really is hard to understand making sense of it. I think It just comes down to AI reaction programming with the unit quality. I had something similar happen in a game where my bazooka would not fire on his own at a bunker, but when I manually ordered a target briefly he did. With the new target brief command I find I get quicker fire on targets doing it manually lots of times rather than rely on the AI. This works much easier when playing RT. "Target Brief" is another great addition to the game.

  15. Something that I've learned is that every now and then during the AAR process you're going get a post that really dampens the experience for a while. It's quite an interesting challenge to conduct a battle in public with someone clearly more skilled than you are: a genuine test of mettle, because the show must go on...


    I think you have done a good job keeping your chin up GaJ. It shows much confidence on your part to put yourself under such scrutiny by all the backseat quarterbacks, letting it run like water down a duck’s back. Your attitude is great in maintaining your sense of humor to keep it fun win, or lose showing you are a good sport. After all it is just a game. You will come out of these games a better player. One never stops learning the subtlties of CM no matter how good a player one is. Feel good you have put on an entertaining show that we have all enjoyed following.

  16. Agreed. Indeed, I designed this to be played in RT...


    (Utterly shameless, if not shameful, plug)

    That is an entertaining little scenario Paper Tiger. I definitely recommend for anyone to try it for some fun, easy to manage RT. I approached it like Winters of BOB did splitting the men into two groups. One led by the Lt. went after the bunkers, while the others waited for the bunkers to be destroyed. When it was cleared “Winters”, and a squad took the guns then all ran to the exit. I had to run it twice since the first time I ran out of time. The guys after the bunkers just took too much time the first go.

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