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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Is that against the AI or humans?

    My guess is it is mostly against the AI. BF needs better support for RT game posting, and finding like a live chat room here on this forum. More people come here than anywhere else. That is how we did it in “Sudden Strike”, and I never had a hard time finding a game when I wanted to play RT at that moment I had time to play. This I feel is the main reason why the RT community here has not grown as well as it could.

  2. Agreed. Indeed, I designed this to be played in RT...


    (Utterly shameless, if not shameful, plug)

    Nothing shameless about pointing out ones work for other to know about Paper Tiger. Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I like the maps you have made so far. You always make good use of the flavor objects to give the landscape more character. I am on the last mission of the Road to Montebourgh campaign now, and enjoying it. Some moments have been very memorable like a real crazy shot from an ATG gun (think 3rd mission) that produced 8 casualties that were all well spread out. I was so surprised by that one as I was doing everything right by not bunching up. I have played it all WEGO, but started this last mission RT. So far I feel I am doing well handling it, but it looks like there will be butt loads of units than I prefer to manage RT under the current limitations of the game as far as situatonal awarness goes.

  3. I can´t stand playing large scenarios :mad:, why? Because there is no minimap, a simple and "stupid" thing that avoids a lot of micromanagement. Did somebody think about it?

    I agree with Erwin. There is no need for minimap in CM's camera has much more range than most RT games. Zooming way out to 8-9 preset camera will produce a mini map effect. Give it a try. It is much more versatile than a fixed minimap like most other games have.

  4. The skill is in the player, not the “skill” setting. That said I prefer veteran (except for the showing of enemy wounded), or warrior. It is all a matter of preference with no right or wrong. I have played all "Skill" levels winning no matter the setting. I just think some settings more convenient than others. Kind of like using the remote control to change the TV channel vs. getting up to do it. In real time play they do make more of a difference. In WEGO I do not see much difference in ”skill” levels to play the game, just more or less conveniences. I remember the first time I played “I only play iron” dude, when I mainly only played veteran. We played Iron to appease his ego, and he lost to the player who prefers playing at a lower “skill” setting with little experience playing on “iron” setting. It is in how well one plays tactically, not the setting.

    I do like the new FoW changes Ian is showing here. It makes more sense now.

  5. I like both. I prefer real time for smaller battles, feels more realistic to me.

    I think so too. I have been playing mainly RT lately, and having done both RT and WEGO I definitely feel more like I am immersed in real battle playing RT. I can handle a Company fine in RT without pausing, but anything bigger I recommend WEGO as it gets to be a bit too much to handle smartly.

    For anyone interested in trying their hand at RT for the first time I recommend playing tiny meeting engagements against the AI with both sides just having infantry with a 60 min time limit. The pace is not as crazy as one may think. The AI isn’t great, but will usually make a two-pronged push for the objectives so it will put up a little bit of a fight for you to practice on.

  6. I have been in the mood lately for some RT so I set up a quick game against the AI, and had a BLAST! I do LOVE a high body count! I don’t think I have ever seen SO many bodies piled up in one place before so I had to take a shot, and share this beautiful sight. In all fairness though, the AI really does not have much “I”. They advanced right into a perfect kill zone I set up backed by two 50cal MGs. I counted 48 dead in view here with a few just outside camera.


    One really can have some fun in RT, and it really is a different experience than WEGO. The key to being able to cope with it, and enjoy it is to assume the proper mindset. Try to not get caught up in every micro detail, and concentrate on the whole. Also, creating a game on the tiny, or small side makes managing easier. One also needs to adapt how they control the game for optimal results. In RT the indefinite pause order becomes one of your best tools, and I suggest using when ever applicable. ( I am not refering to pausing the game)

    If anyone ever wants to give it a try HvH for the first time I suggest a tiny/small size with infantry only. The pace, and size are easiest to manage. That said hit me up if anyone wants to have a fun HvH meeting engagement if you see me on the forum. If we both have an hour to spare we will do a tiny/small infantry/mech inf only ME with random map selection, and computer generated force for quick start up. The computer actually puts together good forces so it should be well balanced. Win or lose it is all about fun, and if you are new to it I will help you with good tips.

  7. I liked that feature too in CMx1 where one could select the unit by clicking on it's movement line rather than having to select the unit. I would say I controlled Cmx1 much using the line selection for adjusting waypoints since it keeps the camera at the movement line rather than having to move it to select the unit to make adjustments. Perhaps we will see this convenient feature make it’s return someday.

  8. I say again use 180 degree arcs. It is as simple as that. If GaJ had made it 180 degree the problem would not have occurred. I have never had a problem setting it this wide as it covers your ass much more for things that may pop up out side of it. There is no need for an ambush command just learn how to use the arcs in a better way as I am saying. Use 180 degree arcs. Use 180 degree arcs. Use 180 degree arcs. Do it, and you will eliminate most of the arc problems that can occur. Use 360 in building with entrances on opposite sides. Use 180 degree for all other general applications. Do it not, and contunue to have problems like GaJ just had.

  9. The arc was 30m. I was thinking that the concealment would be excellent.... and I think it was: the tank didn't pick my guys up till they opened fire. If it had continued on it's previous path, it would have intersected the arc at an angle where its side was in full view...

    Yeah, the AI decidng to shoot vs. throw ruined the ambush. Perhaps players will have more control over being able to throw statchels someday again as in CMx1. I liked it better that way.

    I am sure there have been tests out there as to what range they are most likely to throw, but I can't recal. I am sure it is the closer the more likely.


    So you like, and want the most realism, and immersion do you?

    You want a closer experience to what it is like to be a REAL platoon leader, or a company commander in the realist combat simulation CM can offer?

    This is it!

    Here is why -

    Real Time Battle:

    Well, real combat happens in real time rather than turn based. The quicker pace better duplicates the adrenaline rush that being in real combat produces.

    Real Time Decision Making:

    General Eisenhower I am sure had a day to think over a move, but your average field grade officer does not have that luxury. He must think on his feet, assess the situation, and issue his orders quickly. He also does not have a pause button to rely on. However, CM is a game that is more tactical, and slower paced than most RT games. “Sudden Strike” was a much faster pace then CM. It was much faster, and much more chaotic. Being that the platoon leaders in this concept will only have to control a platoon most should be able to handle this without feeling over burdened.

    Real Simulation of Command:

    In reality one commands men, not pixeltroops. With the TEAM FoW option one player (The one who controls Coy HQ) will be able to see the entire force, while the other players can only see what their units see, and the FoW info that has been passed amongst the units he controls. Since this player is the eyes of the team he is in the best position to pass intel, and help coordinate the other players much like the Coy HQ he controls. The team will rely on him, and he will rely on them to do most of the fighting. Most of the units he controls are not at the tip of the spear, so he can concentrate more on his role for the team in the management of HUMANS. This role should appeal most to WEGO guys who want to get in on RT without the least amount of chaos, and clicking. Imagine an RT that you do not have to click a unit to move somewhere, but rather tell another person to move the units. Imagine a game that allows you to “lead” real men in battle. I use the term “command”, and “Leader” loosely, as if one is the type to bark orders like we are back in the military you may not be too popular to play with. Act as a team with all players having input to solve problems, and all will have a GREAT time. All should get the chance to “lead”, and to have this new experience that will have more of a WEGO feel.

    Real Combat requires Real Teamwork:

    Real companies, and battalions have different leaders that work together as team. It is not a 1v1 affair. Just as the units in the game have different leaders with different qualities, so it will be with the different players on the team.

    So if you want the most REAL feel of immersive, simulated combat that CM could give this is for you.


    All of the above gives CM more dimension as a tool for real world military training. Instructors can be "on" the battlefield next to the students while the students learn and practice basic tactical concepts, and team building exercises in the classroom setting. Of course this is most applicable in a modern war setting like CMSF. With the overlay function reconnaissance photos along with topographical maps can be used to make mock ups in 3D of actual mission area objectives making for a planning tool with much more capability than “sandbox” presentations. In this way soldiers can have a dry run in going over the mission as a team. Perspective OPFOR, and likely ambush areas could be played by other soldiers to practice different scenarios that could happen during the actual mission along with paths to, and from the mission objective. All this makes CM a more appealing tool for real military consideration.

  11. Just to borrow an idea from another great game....but have any of you guys ever played Scourge of War Gettysburg by Norbsoft development?

    Los, Thanks for pointing out the ACW game. I checked it out, and it looks like a game with great depth albeit with very dated graphics (looks like CMx1). I have been meaning to comment on it, and I think it is always good to see what other games are doing for ideas. To be honest I had not thought of the option originally to have TEAM FoW till you pointed that out as a feature of that game so thanks for your input in brainstorming with this concept.

    In regard to TEAM FoW I think it will add realism that many players will like, and will add in the function of the "team leader". As far as this goes I think having this as a setting to have either all team mates have full view of the force (what one experiences now in single player), or TEAM FoW which would only allow players to see what their units sees except for the player controlling the highest HQ unit, and the observers. These should be able to see the entire force to be able to “command” the team without making it frustrating and to simulate the highest HQ has more info of overall picture. Observers must see the entire force if just watching as a spectator so they can see the whole show from an entertainment perspective. Having these two settings strictly for multi-multiplayer separate than the difficulty settings would allow the most flexibility for games. This would allow players to have games in any difficulty setting while having the choice to have TEAM FoW ,or not. Even “iron” difficulty allows the showing of the entire force when a specific unit is not selected so the TEAM FoW is something different. Players can play in “iron” difficulty with or without TEAM FoW, or Warrior with, or with out TEAM Fow, or Veteran ect…

  12. The satchel attack looked to me it really did not have a good chance from the start. The best luck I have seen with it is to be in better cover and concealment than where you placed your guys. Attacking with satchels from the woods on a stationary, or slow moving tank that is close has the best chance to succeed. I am not sure how deep the arc was. I think they throw at a max around 30m.


    One common thing I hear from players is they prefer WEGO because of the replay. I think the replay is one of WEGO style plays greatest attractions for that experience. This will always be something unique exclusive about WEGO that would never be part of RT play. This is one great aspect that we all enjoy, but there other equally great experiences that RT can only exclusively offer. These are:

    * Being able to watch as a spectator a real time game as it unfolds.

    · Being able to record, and watch a replay of an entire game straight through. In essence a Live AAR’s that is more like a movie rather than a slide show. Players can record multiplayer games, and upload for others to download and watch.

    Both of these features were part of “Sudden Strike”. Observer slots during games enable people to just watch a real time game as a spectator. The REPLAY was another GREAT aspect. One was able to record it in it’s entirety and watch it later. During replay one could maintain the view of the camera to follow the camera moves that were done during the actual game that were actually done by the player, OR could free the camera to move freely around the map. Both were GREAT features unique to RT play.

    I know both of these aspects can be done as I have seen it in the other game. I do not know how hard to implement in CM as “Sudden Strike” was a 2D game. Both being able to record and watch latter, or watch it live as it unfolds as a spectator would add much to the appeal, and interest of RT as there is much interest here in AAR’s.


    This is what makes a real time game popular or not. The game can be the greatest, but if people can’t find and join real time games easily then it is destined to diminish in popularity with little longevity. This is what happened with “Sudden Strike 3”which became short lived. It’s predecessors system worked SO much better, and were huge successes.

    Where is the BF community? It is HERE on this FORUM. Not at Steam, or even the gaming clubs. EVERYONE is here. Not everyone is there.

    Is there good support in place for the RT multiplayer community now? I do not think so, but it can be.


    Whether CM ever goes multi-multiplayer, or always stays 1v1 RT what I would like to propose would put the basic support in place to improve the finding, and joining of RT games. As the forum is it does not work well for RT game finding support, as the desire to play RT is SPONTANEUS. One has an hour NOW, and wants to play NOW. Starting a thread to make a game does not work well for RT. Too much scheduling involved to get a game. The forum works great for WEGO game starting, but not RT. Drawing from what I know works from my experience with “Sudden Strike” the answer is simple: A CM LIVE CHAT ROOM found at the TOP of the CMx2 Forum page. Putting access to it at the top will make it easily seen by the most CMx2 players. Optimal placement here, where everyone comes is essential for success in popularity of use. Perhaps it could open in a separate window similar to how facebook’s chat window works. In this way a person can have the RT chat window open while waiting for others who want to play at that moment. This way players can still browse the forum while keeping the chat window open.

    The room would be a place where players can advertise hosting a game in real time, and where players looking for a game can find one in real time. Even if one is not looking to play RT anyone can hang out and shoot the breeze to chat about whatever in live time. In design the room needs two main boxes each having a smaller box at the bottom to enter messages. One main box is to advertise hosted games. A player would open CM and set up the MP game. Once they get the IP, and port info they will enter that info along with a description in to this box in the chat room. There should also be a way to delete the game hosting “ads” once the game is full and ready to start.


    IP: 175-249-784 Port: 7402 - Small force size ME, each pick force. [Delete]

    The second main box of the room would be the general chat area. With the ease, and convenience of this tool a necessary base of support would be in place to support multiplayer real time. This alone should be a great value to those currently wanting to play this way even with the 1v1 limit.

    If it were implemented today I do not think it would be anywhere as crowded as it could be. This is because of the current shortcomings in ease of play for playing CM in real time vs. WEGO making that style of play not as popular at this point. Improving it’s shortcomings even as a 1v1 RT game will increase the amount of players wanting that experience, and enjoying it.


    Assuming the game goes multi-multiplayer the emergence of organized teams (commonly called “clans” in the gaming world) is inevitable. Then you have organized team vs organized team almost like the NFL or any other organized team sport league. Player will find this to be the funnest aspect of multi-multiplayer, and really is the core of sustained interest in playing. When I was involved with “Sudden Strike” I played in a clan that had over 40 members. Not all of us played at the same time, but we always played together vs. others, or in inner clan games. We were well organized; with a 24 hr voice chat room open to the members, which was great feature that attracted others to want to join. This always made being cohesive during battle much easier, and sometimes we would just hang and BS about whatever. I seriously doubt I would not have played “Sudden Strike” for about 6 years if I had not joined my team. Involvement in organized teams doesn’t only improve playing together (we won A LOT), but it becomes more than that. It is about the camaraderie, and the friends you make. My clan was international so I made friends all around the world that I would not have made otherwise. All of this gives a game much more dimesion in more ways.

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