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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. Copy of W&W - No it is not a copy. I never even looked at Barb 41 from W&W. Both games are completely different in strategy and scale and only share the time of the campaign. AoC is 10 miles per hex with different kind of units. Even the scales are different (Germans- Corps, Soviets- Armies). Germans will always have the tech advantage unless they are foolish. Riga & Pskov - The A.I. was written after playing 20 games PvP myself vs 2 of the best wargamers I know. So what we did is analyze good strategies for the A.I. to follow and implement them. Strategies that allow it to win. It still has its own internal A.I. that will never be as good as a human. But I tried to apply strategic decisions to make it a better opponent. There are several avenues of approach to Leningrad. HQs - Germans always have better HQs. I had to adjust some things for balance. Turns - 3 days per side Simulation - AoC is based on history but it is not a historical simulation. With hindsight, its very difficult to represent the exactly what happened for both sides. AoC is a wargame that is very detailed in strategy and counter strategy for both sides. Unit and tech decisions seriously impact the overall strategy. The beta testers and myself learned something every game we played, and some of them were veteran SC players. In general the Axis should get to historical front lines by the winter considering equally skilled players. Commanders - Are a balance of historical accuracy and game balance. The light tank are meant to represent the crappy tank units at the start of the war that were blended in to the infantry and in 1942 rebuilt. There are 23 on the map. As for normal tanks and mech they have more than the Germans that can be build in 1942. They also have more planes. But it takes time to build up the whole force.
  2. I am hoping everyone will find the A.I. for AoC very enjoyable. We tweaked the engine and I worked on several new script models for the huge map. The largest fun of the AoC is the PvP. Hubert and I really came up with something good and all the Beta testers gave excellent suggestions and just simply an overall improvement for the package.
  3. There are special forces in the pool. You probably saw Solomons 42 campaign in which you have Marines (with proper military symbol).
  4. Hey what software did you use to record it?
  5. Yes, I designed it. Very soon you will have details.
  6. China issue is an engine issue. As for the research question. The reason why its slow is due to the way the system is structured. If I did it faster everyone would be tech 5 by 1942. You might think to lower the max amounts. But then that creates another issue... min-maxxing. Inf/Arm/Air warfare are the top 3 stats. Any person in their right mind would max out infantry tech FAST and have their level 5 infantry crushing everyone on land. But the idea is they would focus on few stats and change the balance of the game.
  7. http://www.lambtechinc.com/BF1939_CGN.rar Ok here is a link with the latest cgn I fixed some issues.
  8. I fixed some issues the convoy issue I can't due to the engine.
  9. Ask for a different block of IP from your provider. You will run into this problem with other locations.
  10. I'd try Ebay. Anyone here already has those games. Your IP shouldnt be blocked since most people have dynamic IP addresses via their DSL/Cable Modem so it should be something on your end. Notice they didnt block your post.
  11. They all help me a lot. I might have changed the BF1939 since your copy. I know I ran into that problem and adjusted the formula for the USSR and USA entries. They should flow a little better. Did you do the latest patch? I will keep updating via the link I posted on here and when all the corrections or done I will pass it to Hubert for an update.
  12. Brute Force has multiple strategies for the A.I. which mean multiple sets of scripts. That will be transfered too. The new defensive A.I. routines I made are basically improvements to the standard A.I. scripting I did in Brute Force. It will make the A.I. better. Yes the A.I. take a long time, but its better than exactly knowing the Axis A.I. will 100% always go after Russia every game like other games of the same type. When I play it I usually do something else also. I do have a 3.3Ghz duo-core PC with 2 screens though.
  13. I checked the USSR scripts and they are fine. Actually I did find one loophole and fixed it. DOW on Germany... for game balance the USSR needs to be able to DOW eventually. Usually its late 42 or 43. USA giving to Japan and UK is right. The USA didnt want to fight the Japs and as the japs if you did everything to keep the USA out of the war then it means you are negotiating peace. Roosevelt wanted to remove Hitler from power. What date did the Soviets come in in 1942? Also did you DOW on Turkey, Iraq, Persia? The USSR would never sit idle if the Axis took all the countries surrounding them.
  14. Did you take all of poland as Germany or make the deal?
  15. It will mainly be a corp level game. Divisions are extra units and not the mainstay. USA ~90 divs Germany ~300 divs USSR ~500 divs UK ~40 divs + all their other countries China ~500 small divs Japan ~200 divs Thats a lot of units..... so it will mostly be corp with the Soviets and chinese at army level. Western Allies, Germany, Japan ~3 divs per corp. China/Russia ~6 divs per corp. Italy will be interesting since they had smaller divisions in Africa and a lot of their divisions simply sucked and were under equiped. Naval scale might be 2 capital ships per counter (down from 3 in BF1939)... I'd have to see how it fits Air will fit with the naval model. so 200-300 planes per counter.
  16. Cant read it but I will investigate. Remember as the USSR it needs to keep a garrison on BOTH sides of the world. The text is on the map. I'll look into the other issues.
  17. Naturally. I'm just going to convert it and use some newer A.I. routines I invented.
  18. The tech is hard coded in the game. Yea I can include some specific divisional units
  19. Can you send me the turn? RMG? winky3x17@hotmail.com They should have activated.
  20. I'll take a look. I did a map shift in the med to make it larger... I might have missed some scripts.
  21. Lots of views no responses. I need some answers folks "yes I'd love to have BF on that scale" "no its a horrid idea, you should burn your tongue out with acid for even mentioning it" Similar answers will suffice.
  22. I was considering improving Brute Force 1939 this year. I wanted to see if there was any interest. Changes #1 map will go from 40/80 mile per hex scale to 20/40. #2 the map will get more efficiect #3 unit sizes will drop from army/corp to corp/division. Here is a link to the latest BF1939 in which numdydar found a bug. http://www.lambtechinc.com/BF1939.rar
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