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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. I found the error. Somehow I fat fingered a typoed in the script. Its fixed. http://www.lambtechinc.com/BF1939.rar
  2. I'll take a look, thanks. I thought I fixed this. Do you control Egypt as well?
  3. Ok I got it. cool. Im a designer for SC2. Just saw the cool 3d and was wondering what this was all about.
  4. I'd like to know more info. is this a 3d strategy game? 1st person shooter? I was looking for something to replace Battlefield 1942.
  5. I have this weird problem were Italy surrenders after allied landings but then gets liberated by the Germans. Not sure how to prevent this. I might just have to give units to Japan for China. I hear a lot of players just simply kicking its ass there. FYI 1940 France is officially balanced for Human vs Human in BF. It took a while to do so. On average France should fall by June 1940 if both sides played right. Earliest May, latest August. Leaves plenty of room for Axis to do something. Russia is our next test. I think thats balanced but we will test HvH.
  6. All seems right with what you are talking about. But the reports help me to spot weak points and where I need to change things. I read every single post. So I appreciate all the information even if it seems repeated. If I see a pattern of "the Russian A.I. is tough" then I know its right for example. I actually did learn something from the above.
  7. Basically how the A.I. works is that I program its strategic objectives and alot it resources. The fuzzy logic does the rest. Programming Germany is not too hard, programming Japan is very hard. On top of all that is balance. Once I get this game system balanced for human vs human it will be easier to program for A.I. vs A.I. because a human will do things the A.I. wont and take advantages of certain things. The allies should really hit hard in 1944. I mean really hard. As for your USA strategy, well thats how its done Really there is no other way. Take islands, move forward, take islands, move forward. Jap Air A.I. is tough for naval assist. I tried my best to have it put planes on islands. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt and the same goes for the fleet. SC3 wil make things easier for the A.I. with hexes. And toward Seamonkey... yea the patriotic war is there depending but if there is a 41 barb I would 100% take it.
  8. The number of units is taste. Brute Force is my baby so I build it to my pleasure. BF is a form of World in Flames board games but it takes from many games. The A.I. is a continuous work in progress. The ultimate goal is to get a better one for SC3 with hexes. What I need from players is to look for patterns of where the A.I. majorly fails. Africa is hard for A.I. as is pacific. I try not to give them extra units to beef them up but sometimes its far easier to abstract it in then ship it. Also uses less A.I. thinking time. But if you feel the # of pieces is too much just go in the editor and reduce them down per nation. Then save is as "Brute Force 1939 Light". So send me PMs of date, side, what your strategy was and what the A.I. was. For SC3 I will try and make 2 version... More units and less.
  9. yea try it with +.5 or +1 exp. Makes a difference. A.I. is too inefficient @ zero with its MPPs.
  10. I got rid of that sub problem. What level you playing exp +1?
  11. No down the middle of the USA. Which scenario are we talking about?
  12. Final list of scenarios Eastern Front -- corp/div level - BIG MAP 1941 Barbarossa 1942 Barbarossa 1942 Case Blue 1943 Citadel 1941 Operation Typhoon - attack on Moscow Med 1941 Invasion of Malta 1941 Invasion of Middle East Pacific 1941 Wake Island 1942 Solomons Campaign Western Front 1942 Operation Brilliance - invasion of Morocco and Spain 1943 Operation Flatiron - liberation of England Americas 1945 Invasion America Globel 1939 Global War - BIG MAP 13 scenarios in all, some fairly large. A lot of thought went into selection focusing on diversity and fun factor.
  13. If you are invading the USA as the Axis you already won lol. Thats the perfect dividing line for the game.
  14. Since June I have been running a game with my very experienced pal Lane. We are balance testing the game. He is the best wargamer I know and we found some weaknesses in different areas and a few bugs. Sadly we havent made it out of 1941. There issues we ran into and corrected were.... #1 Yugo entry to Axis had too much of a push due to a script error - FIXED #2 China falls way too easy, so some unit adjustments were needed - FIXED #3 France either was too hard or too easy. We changed some units the Germans get and the French get - FIXED #4 Italian East African was useless. They literally couldnt accomlish anything so I changed some unts - FIXED #5 Germans plowed through USSR too easy, due to France too easy and experience - FIXED hopefully lol Pacific theatre still untested. My game pal is really the master at exploitation of a game system. So he is finding holes in the mechanics I never saw before. So we are working on game balance. It takes time.
  15. The WW1 game with Storm Over Europe scenario has a lovely large map of just Europe.
  16. Historically Spain didnt join the Axis because UK was in the war. If Sealion was successful they probably would have. Turkey didnt want anything to do with either side. Although I would imagine if the Axis took Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran they could be pressured into joining. Brute Force 1939 has these elements BTW.
  17. Strategic map image for Solomons http://www.lambtechinc.com/images/SC/SolC2.jpg
  18. New Scenario added to list Solomons Campaign 1942-1943 Here I introduce Light Carriers and Advanced Battleships like Yamato http://www.lambtechinc.com/images/SC/SolC.jpg
  19. Well putting bombers on zero remove entrenchment resolves a lot of issues with ships. If ships and planes cant remove entrench then they cant blast units off the map. BUT lets say a unit is attacking a unit engaged in combat breaking entrenchment... then the tacs can attack them. And yes LOTS of testing.
  20. Actually we ran into that issue. I am constantly testing BF1939 with a very very good strategist/military historian friend of mine. The TACs and CAGs were nailing things too hard and that was due to experience. So I removed it from ships of Germany, UK, Japan and gave Japs and UK Naval warfare 1 instead. Another issue is the realism of de-entrenchment of TACs. During D-Day no matter how well the Germans were setup a huge USAAF could blast units off the coast. So we are testing out removing de-entrenchment for all strike A/C and increasing moral loss. So the idea will bring forth combined arms attacks. 3 units + 2 behind lets say. The defender is entrenchment level 2 (max). Unit 1+2 attack remove entrenchment, TACs attack doing damage, units 3-5 attack. I made sure every corp/army/tank/marine/para/eng had entrenchment removal. So it simulates combined arms. Its always a refinement. We are also balancing China. if the Japs decide to push China hard they should fall ~mid 1942 to early 1943 for balance. France should also be easy and right now its too tough. There is a strategy where the Germans can be stuffed every time.
  21. I'll re-examine it. The scale is 3 capital ships per counter, 5-10 cruisers, 25-50 DDs I believe. Each capital ship has supporting vessals. If navies were stackable and more manageable I would make it 2 per counter.
  22. They scenarios are for the newer engine which has a lot of nice features. Im pretty excited about it. I want to convert BF1939 right now to the new engine but the scenario pack takes precedence.
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