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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by LukeFF

  1. No its not limited to you. :)

    Based on your post I want and had a look.

    I bought a Light Infantry Rifle Coy and sure enough the Ocs a MAJ, the 2ICs a MAJ and the PL Comd are all LTCOLs.

    Never get any work done. :(

    It happens in both my copy of 1.30 and 1.31 so I can't blame the 1.31 patch.

    I'll raise it internally.

    Great, thanks. :)

  2. The Germans were very, very adept at leaving behind a couple of carefully selected sharpshooters to delay the enemy's advance, cover areas that weren't well covered by combined arms, or generally harass the enemy. This was especially true in Normandy, where the opportunities for sniping and getting away with it were common.

    Where did these guys come from? Well, over time Battalions sometimes kept a small pool of sharpshooters separate from the line units. Or at least they had each Company keep tabs on their best so they could be pooled for special missions. The other possibility, of course, is that with the headcount reduction feature they could easily be argued to have come from various depleted Rifle Squads.


    Here's a good article on the subject:


  3. As someone who lived in a Muslim country for 6 years where all the buildings have flat roofs, I can assure you that there is no cover there whatsoever on 95% of the average homes. Unless you count laundry drying out on a rope :P.

    So yes, this needs to be remedied. I'd say troops on rooftops should only gain a 10% advantage over troops in open ground/dirt, just to account for the rare house that does have some sort of small bit of cover (i.e. a giant satellite dish or something of that nature).

    As someone who's also lived in the Middle East, I can only agree.

  4. (This happened in Real-Time, so I don't have a saved file).

    The situation was this: I ordered a Warrior IFV to make a 90-degree turn and move parallel along this wall. The vehicle moved a bit past the waypoint before making the turn, and once it made the turn, the wall was split right down the middle of the vehicle. After a few meters, it ended up on the opposite side of the wall that I wanted it on.

    The blue path was my desired path for the vehicle, and the red path is the one it ended up taking.


  5. Really nice signature.

    Thanks. :D He's a good friend of mine.

    Anyways, back to the mission. Man, this is a tough one. I thoroughly plastered the three capture zones with my 155mm artillery until hardly a building was left standing. I moved in my infantry formations intact, expecting nothing more than having to mop up. Nope. Still plenty of enemies wanting to put up a fight. In the end, I was handed a Minor Defeat, because 1(!) enemy solider was in one cap zone, and 3 were in another. Gah! Not to mention, all of their health levels were listed as yellow.

    Anyhow, I'm mostly pleased with my performance. Asking these tiny British infantry formations to tackle highly skilled and motivated Special Forces units is a tall order.

  6. Played this mission for the first time last night and was promptly waxed when I attempted to move my infantry into the objective zones. How should I approach these areas, given that so many of the enemy formations have a high skill and morale rating? Should I be holding back my heavy artillery to take down enemy strongpoints?

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