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Posts posted by LukeFF

  1. First, if it's a German armored infantry unit, then it IS a panzergrenadier unit - panzergrenadier basically meant (edit: and still means, actually) armored infantry in the German army (from 1942 onward, as already noted).

    Apart from that, in the case of the German armored divisions (panzer divisions), at best one of the four panzergrenadier battalions was actually mechanized (with SdKfz 251 half-tracks), the rest were just motorized (with trucks). So most panzergrenadier units would be expected to fight purely on foot in a typical CM:BN scenario (since trucks would likely be left off map) in any case. What makes them armored infantry is that they are part of an armored division, and trained to fight alongside tanks - besides, being motorized on trucks was already quite a big difference from regular infantry units.

    This is where I'm not totally following things. Again, in the editor, we have a tab for Infantry Only and one for Panzergrenadier. The difference between motorized and mechanized Panzergrenadier formations I understand fine.

    The issue is the "Armored Infantry" formation under the "Infantry Only" tab. Is this to represent infantry battalions that were part of an armored division but weren't considered to be a Panzergrenadier formation?

  2. Nonetheless, Steve, a Garand does sound noticeably different from a K98. I know from personal experience of owning both types of rifles.

    I do hope this is addressed by the time the series returns to the Eastern Front. There is no reason why an SVT-40 (again, I own one of these ;)) should be sharing the same sound file with the Mosin and the Mauser. At the least (IMO), there should be two separate sound files: one for semi-auto rifles and one for bolt-action rifles (which should include a sound of the bolt being manipulated).

  3. I don't think an MP40 man can specifically have mp40 pouches.

    Except that there are some that do. ;)

    I've noticed that too - but tbh, even if I love details - it could be that they reduced some details to make it less gpu/cpu demanding?

    An ammo pouch with a simple texture is hardly gpu demanding.

  4. Millin is best remembered for playing the pipes whilst under fire during the D-Day landing in Normandy. Pipers had traditionally been used in battle by Scottish and Irish soldiers however the use of bagpipes was restricted to rear areas by the time of the Second World War by the British Army. Lovat, however, ignored these orders and ordered Millin, aged 21, to play. When Private Millin demurred, citing the regulations, he recalled later, Lord Lovat replied: “Ah, but that’s the English War Office. You and I are both Scottish, and that doesn’t apply.” He played "Hielan' Laddie" and "The Road to the Isles" as his comrades fell around him on Sword Beach. Millin states that he later talked to captured German snipers who claimed they did not shoot him because they thought he was crazy.


    :D :D :D :D

    And yes, I am Scottish as well. A Wallace, in fact! ;)

  5. I was running some tests tonight with various engineer units from the UK and U.S. Army forces. Something I found peculiar is that I could not get engineer units with a skill rating of 'Regular' to execute a Blast command on the near side of the wall, while a similar unit of 'Veteran' skill will execute the command. Both units were set to Normal morale and 0 leadership modifier. What would happen with the Regular unit is that they would go into 'Hide' mode for a moment like they were going to execute the blast command (they were right up against the wall), and then after a moment the TacAI would automatically change the 'Blast' command to a 'Quick' one, and then the unit would carry that latter command out.

    I noticed a similar behavior can also happen with a Veteran unit after they have already blasted the near section of a wall and are asked to blast another near section of wall.

    Anyone else seeing this?

  6. Btw, watch out for the minefields. :)

    Hehe, yeah, I found that out the hard way. :D

    So, I replayed the scenario after I initially posted this thread. My strategy this time was to first get recon / forward observer units into positions on both flanks that allowed me to observe most of the battlefield. With that done, I peppered the treeline on the ridge with generous amounts of 155mm fire, and simultaneously hit any trenches that looked to have a good view of the battlefield. Only then did I advance my infantry and tanks forward...and found the aforementioned minefields. ;)

    Not long after beginning my press on the left flank (where my first and only infantry advance was), the AI surrendered with ~30 minutes left. A survey of the battlefield showed that almost all Syrian units were down to ~2-3 men, and all armored vehicles had been destroyed. My casualties were ~7 men, mostly to mines.

    Very well-made scenario. :) Lots of good options / decisions for the player to make.

  7. I don't dispute, however, that there is probably a psychological effect to having something sharp and pointy at the end of your bang stick that makes it mentally easier to charge at another human who is trying to kill you. This effect is especially important for the non-professional soldier (which the vast majority of WWII infantrymen were).

    No doubt about that:

    Many of the militiamen turned and fled but the close-quarters fighting left around 20 rebels dead.

    Thirty-five of Shia Moslem cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's followers died and two British troops were injured during the three-hour battle.

    A senior Argylls officer said last night: 'After a fierce fight and with small amounts of ammo left, they put in a conventional left-flanking attack.

    'With bayonets attached, they finished off the enemy who had not run off.'


    Never underestimate a Scotsman running at you with a sharp object. ;)

  8. LukeFF et fils: that you are thoroughly convinced by a straw-man argument I never tried to propound serves only to demonstrate the worth of your 30 second tweet.

    gibsonm and I have both been in the military and have been on the battlefield. I looked at plenty of military maps during my service and spent plenty of time being briefed for operations. In short, I've been there. You? You seem to be good at using Latin in your replies. Anything else you got?

    And again, it's not like France was some sort of far-off foreign land where no one had ever fought before. I believe there were some skirmishes fought there from 1914-1918, right? Battle of France? Aerial recon conducted in the intervening years between the fall of France and the beginning of Overlord?

  9. So we are trying to replicate a world where the commander:

    - doesn't have a map;

    - hasn't been given any aerial reconnaissance photos;

    - hasn't spoken to any of the locals;

    - hasn't sent out any of his own reconnaissance to tell him what the ground is like beyond what he can actually see, and

    - hasn't got a set of binoculars to look for himself.

    This is somehow "realistic"?

    Game. Set. Match.

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