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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by LukeFF

  1. At what point does one stop answering questions from newcomers? If you stopped a few months ago, I would have missed out on many helpful answers. I imagine it is frustrating for veterans of the forum sometimes but people can choose whether they want to answer. I hope they still will.

    Many of the answers to these repeated questions can be found by using the search function here or with the advanced search function on Google.

  2. One should also consider that review/base copy graphics have little to do with our reality.

    The community does the graphic polish to suit their wishes, which is better than having to take what a developer gives us.

    The game's aspects - including graphics - need to stand on its own as released by the developers, not on what the modding community can do with it.

  3. I've played this twice now from the U.S. side and have had a rough time of it in both instances. On the first attempt, I tried to flank to the right, which resulted in my forces being pummeled. Second time was a little bit better, as I tried a more direct approach up the main road, but I had not made much progress against the final objective when time ran out.

    So, any tips for this one?

  4. Seems to me that given enough gumption, PTO fanbois should be able to mod up a creditable representation once the Commonwealth module comes out.

    Strip the Brits of their vehicles, mod faces (M1A1TC did some North Koreans for CMSF -- there's a start), uniforms and Airborne helmets, set morale to Fanatic and you've got a reasonable surrogate "Japanese" force to face the US (or British) Army (remember, more US Army soldiers fought in the PTO than Marines). No clue whether squad size compares, I'm sure someone knows.

    Bren for Nambu, 2 inch mortars stand in for "knee mortars" and Tojo's yer uncle! Yes, your infantry are lugging SMLE .303 instead of the underpowered Arisaka .25 but ya can't have everything. I gather Japanese artillery was quite good, on the German model. Oh, and buy lots and lots of snipers.

    For tanks, you'll likely need to wait until the final "funnies" module when French H39s or PzIIs / 38(t) come along to stand in for the Type 97.

    Wayyyyy too much fudging for my taste.

  5. Are you joking LukeFF??

    Uh, no?

    It's been basic in CM2 since it came out with CMSF that one can order DEPLOY at ANY point and the HMG will deploy at the final destination or even in between if there is a HUNT command and the HMG spots or is engaged by an enemy.

    Yes, I know. What I am seeing is that the gun will instantly be deployed, ready for action, as soon as the team reaches the new waypoint.

  6. Unfortunately there isn't a way to get the markings on the heel of the M1 receiver and the k98 rear sight leaf. The way those models were unwrapped has the texture stretched across those areas. That's why you see those lines across them. For instance, the only part of the M1 receiver texture that you can work with is one side view of it. The top of the reciever has what appears to be the topmost row of pixels from the side view stretched across it. It's a very annoying "feature" for sure.

    Bah! That's what I was afraid of. :(

  7. That and being sent into battle without a rifle... The Russians had a tendency to do that at one point. Why bother giving everyone a rifle? Half would be dead shortly anyway so only give half rifles.

    I keep hearing that story a lot, but is it really true? Sure, it makes for a great Hollywood story, but I don't learn my history from them.

  8. It's cool that a fire started. That is quality, just like dudes keep firing after their target disappears (as recently discussed). The fact that the representation (in both cases: fire, and shooting at disappeared opponent) was somewhat caricatured was really neither here nor there, and frankly still isn't.

    I would far rather BFC put in a cool feature that looks a bit wonky than leave it out, I think.

    It's 2011. Graphics have to start mattering more at some point (not that the ones in CMBN are bad, but they're not exactly cutting-edge, either).

  9. Ok, assuming you´re in a combat situation like the ones mentioned above. Were you trained to first move the wounded into security, or if not applicable and the wounded needs immediate treatment, would you at least try from where you are in prone position, or rather wait until the environment is more secure?

    Short on time here, but in brief:

    -First priority was in suppressing the enemy. Medical aid came second.

    -Once suppression was attained, then we would go to work in treating causalities. After all, a dead/incapacitated medic doesn't do anyone any good.

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