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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by LukeFF

  1. - Unknown Axis armor is for the most part not identified with a question mark or whatever. The game engine just default depicts all Axis tanks as Tigers. This actually is an excellent idea I think...

    That, and when playing as the American forces, all German artillery pieces become some form of an 88mm gun.

    If a scenario takes place in late September - early October, Germans lose a skill level due to being drunk from Oktoberfest celebrations.

  2. Maybe it's just me, but I've not seen a lot of these in any of the missions I've played. It seems like there should be a lot more of them:

    Chemical mortar battalions were not assigned as integral parts of divisions or other units. As other units went into combat, chemical mortar battalions were attached to them as support. In 1943 General Mark Clark's Fifth Army established a policy that no infantry division would be committed to combat without a chemical mortar battalion attached. As a result when infantry units were rotated out of combat, the mortar battalions often stayed in the line and were attached to the fresh infantry unit. Chemical mortars were in such high demand that often the companies of a battalion would be split up and assigned to different divisions. Two antiaircraft battalions in Fifth Army were retrained as chemical mortar battalions (99th and 100th.) On the first day that General George Patton's Third Army became operational in the summer of 1944, he issued a standing order to his staff that no infantry division would be committed to combat without a chemical mortar battalion attached, and no infantry regiment would be committed without a mortar company attached.

    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_mortar_battalion

  3. Are there any plans to fix the shadows in the CM series, ever? It's been nearly half a decade since the CMx2 engine debuted, and we still have the sawtooth/striated shadows (for those who never played CMSF, they are in that title too). Case in point:

    We have the striations/sawtooth on the tank, and the halftrack has the shadows of the troops inside rendered on the outside. Sure, shadows can be turned off, but if the game has the feature it should be working correctly at some point. It's just disappointing to still see this issue alive and well after so long.

    Agreed, it looks very ugly. Here's hoping as well for a fix.

  4. I can confirm it is a resource usage issue during runtime. Collectively sound effects have a significant impact on processing and RAM usage. Since an argument can be made that every weapon has it's own unique sound signature, one could argue for a unique sound for every single weapon. But it's simply not practical for us to do that.

    Steve, to be fair, I don't think anyone here is asking for every weapon to have its own unique sound. Personally, I would be happy if there was one sound for semi-auto rifles and another for bolt-action rifles. Right now it's weird to have 4 rifles all sharing the same sound, and if the trend continues, that number will increase once the British and Soviet (and the German's FG42?) forces enter the game.

  5. CMBN is totally different. Each trigger pull by each soldier in a unit gets its own corresponding sound file played. If a rifle team fires off 20 rounds in a turn, that's 20 individual plays of the rifle shot sound file. So it's probably something along the lines of a factor of magnitude more individual sound files being played in an CMBN one-minute turn, vs. a CMx1 turn.

    Again, I don't have any special knowledge of what's going on "under the hood," but it may simply be that with this dramatic increase in the fidelity of how and when small arms sound files are played, it is simply not possible to have individual sound files for every type of small arms weapon in the game.

    Again, all (somewhat informed) speculation on my part.

    Part of what Steve said as well is that (in his opinion) the sound of a Garand is not all that different from a K98, hence the lack of need for a separate K98 sound. Of course, I disagree with that notion, since I know from personal experience the two rifles sound distinctly different.

    I do hope a better implementation for the sounds can be found by the time the game returns to the Eastern Front, because otherwise the problem will pop up again. The SVT-40 sounds noticeably different than an M91/30, and the M38 & M44 are WAY louder than an M91/30 (an M38 or M44 firing is a great way to attract attention at a firing range :D).

  6. Also, in relation to #3, since requests for support must follow the chain of command, try to visualize your scenario this way:

    -Company HQ passes request on to Battalion

    -Battalion passes the request on to Regiment

    -Regiment passes the request on to Division

    Once approved by Division, the approval/acknowledgement of the fire request then works its way in reverse down the chain of command. So, like Emrys said, this all takes time. That's why requests for e.g., 60mm mortars takes far less time, since they are a platoon-level asset.

    Just wait until we have to deal the massive inertia that was the WWII-era Soviet fire control system. :D

  7. Just a little nitpick here, but nonetheless something I noticed:

    Currently, German soldiers carry their K98 on the shoulder as if the sling attachments are on the underside of the stock. In actuality, the rifle's sling attachments are mounted on the left-hand side of the rifle. As such, the K98 model needs to be rotated 90 degrees so that the left-hand side is flush with the soldier's back.

  8. That's a non issue and has to do with scenario design decisions not anything wrong with the game. At platoon level you can change each squad's fitness, leadership, head count, motivation, experience and supply. What else is there?

    And in certain instances you can specify whether they are carrying AT weapons (such as a Bazooka, in which case you can also specify the model).

  9. And for Axis:

    1. two PzKpfw IV's (according to photo information they belong to 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitler-Jugend", this is taken in Belgium during an inspection in early 1944)

    2. Marder III (France May 1944)

    3. a Panther parked in a town's central square (Belgium June 1944, LSAH)

    4. a group of German officers looking at something, maybe porn or a crossword puzzle (no other information than it's northern France 1944)

    5. a Panther driving on road (just somewhere in France summer 1944)

    6. a march column of young looking Landsers (June 1944)

    7. a StuG with foliage in a narrow street (June 1944)

    8. that Panzerschreck team (Estonia 1944)

    I think #7 is actually a Jagdpanzer IV.

  10. I had a German panzergrenadier squad with a Panzerschreck that I split up into smaller teams. The first thing I did was create a two-man AT team with the Panzerschreck, and then I split up the remaining squad members with the Split Teams command. When I finished this, one of the two split teams was showing the AT icon, instead of the two-man Panzerschreck team, as seen below. Bug?

    (The real AT team can be seen behind the building).


  11. I have a contrarian view of this:...

    Yeah, except that, since WWII (maybe even before that), American soldiers have been trained to give buddy aid on the battlefield. It's not a trivial matter. Medics can't be everywhere at once. It would be less realistic to have soldiers not giving buddy aid at all.

    And on that note, I think CMBN's implementation of buddy aid is pretty good. Typically, if troops are under fire/engaging the enemy, they will not stop to give buddy aid to downed comrades. We can debate the merits of whether or not the game would be well-served by adding true medics to the game, but at the moment the game's simulation of battlefield first aid is IMO pretty good.

    (Spoken as a former Army medic).

  12. YThe sound effects that came with the release IMO are largely sub par... they're largely just the old sound effects from CM... you shouldn't have to download somebodies sound mod to get decent sound effects. Another free game I have has better sound effects for the MG42.

    That's probably my biggest gripe with the game. Too many weapons share sounds in CMBM (i.e., small arms), and too many of them don't sound much like the real thing.

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