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Everything posted by aittam

  1. happy birthday Iceman then!
  2. aittam


    a word on the ww2 mod plz...........?!?
  3. yes but not in an unfriednly AAA zone
  4. never really used the galaxy as a resupply vehicle, may be 1/20th of the time; rather than a repair vehicle I propose a tow vehicle than could take a damaged one out of a hot area and then the DS come in.......
  5. 1) well you do bots wrangling but a single commander can be elected by votation, still you are allowed to switch between units, 8 units per side, in a 6x6 will leave just an AAA vehicle and a jammer to be wrangled around, easy enough 2) due to the AAA range sometimes flying around it's impossible, nevertheless air units are actively researched by the modders, see subforum, as wella s new vehicles/weapons systems
  6. well we lost one and won two but on volcano we won by a strict margin, it was more or less like fort apache, death gulch was more of a well planned action with something that went really wrong on the other side I'd guess
  7. hope to make it, probably a little late anyways
  8. some news would look good at this point..........
  9. aittam

    maps & tactics

    I like: death gulch house to house raid two peaks(?) not sure of the name it's a while that's not on rotation the swamps black canyon don't like: volcanic deposit where eagles dare
  10. aittam

    maps & tactics

    well I'll play the other trumpet and say that alternate more the rotation will be better going back to tactics: the best defensive tactic has always been to funnel the enemy down one or two directions with antitank and mines but also AAA is emerging since when the cobra was added to the arsenal, actually is an area denial weapon even better then mines-> it force you to drive a long way to get there, bacchuse docet, I personally like to drop one and keep in at the edge of the engagement area as attacker I always like to scout a little the enemy defenses, and still a spotter function to direct mortars fire would be great once detemined how the enemy is placed I like to attack with a pincer manouver: a main attack supported by artillery if possible and ews; and a second attack usually from behind with either a 76 or a hermes to force human player to deal with me first and/or kill bots that usually aren't that good at perceive my presence
  11. well didn't want to open a new topic but I'd like to mention that a couple of minutes ago Volcanic Dep on Landis suffered of the so called quick sands effect, everything on the slope was down in the "mud" to the turret while on top (base) everything was floating a twelve inches or so above ground........
  12. I should say that also yesterday night wasn't bad at all; these two guys Crash6 and gopher or wathever his name is are kicking hard even if they lack some of the seasoned players deep knowledge of the techs
  13. points are made only if there are no opponents in the perimeter otherways only the hits are added, since I'had a platoon scattered on the west side from the houses to the top of the hill that was preventing any scoring but they never left the perimeter as well so...... poesel: sorry for the invisible trick
  14. I was in for two maps, both close calls, the swamp has been really intense
  15. newz newz newz newz............. plz!
  16. ...... but I don't care: Merry Xmas to everybody! I'll be off line for a week or so, hope to be there for the last 2006's fightings
  17. let me disagree, the rockets at least in the present form are a mighty saturation area weapon, let them give away easly the position for artillery counterbattery fire
  18. you don't have time to lock on a target with atgms in a fast moving vehicle unless you stop making it very vulnerable, dumb rockets are much better
  19. why not use the nebelwhatisname to fire dumb rockets instead to have atgms?
  20. Hey ask Phonan; he's always out there flying aorund in a Viper towing&throwing&dropping people's tanks
  21. ok that's explain my complaining in another post thanks clay but it should be done at will not automatically
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