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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Just one decent size formation and the whole thing is going to get shaky. If Russian high command starts wondering about the reliability of its units, the tendency to want a ceasefire and grab whatever they can at the negotiating table will be strong. The alternative of a humiliating military collapse would be too much. DNR/LPR would fall though maybe not Crimea.
  2. I don't disagree, though I was being a bit sarcastic. on the other hand that ambush could have been much much worse. A few mines on the opposite side for the Russian to run into and/or a couple more AT teams and that could have been a bloodbath. So yeah maybe I was being a bit unfair, but I don't have to try all that hard to make the Russians look bad. The footage is pretty confusing. The after pics don't seem to show the same battle unless there is more fighting simply not part of the first image. The tank turret on the ground does not seem to be from that same vehicle.
  3. damn nice ambush. Interesting to see the Russian tactical response. Run like hell! The suppressive fire they put down was pretty quick but mostly seems to have been blind. They really didn't know where the shot came from and mostly seemed to miss the area where in fact it was launched from. Was that two AT rockets. The first looks like in may have missed. (looking at dirt kicked up to right of the target tank) or was that a top attack with missile continuing flight? no flank security whatsoever. Nice.
  4. no reports of any activity so maybe they realized it would be really stupid to continue the operation if it was already compromised. This is as close as I have come and interesting they have noted this as a concern. Lukashenko says Belarus army must prevent any attack on Russia from the rear (yahoo.com)
  5. They already have experience with Russian false flags. This was less than a year ago so unlikely anyone has forgotten. On 29 July, 33 alleged mercenaries from the Wagner Group, a Russian private military company, were arrested in a sanatorium near Minsk.[93] Lukashenko accused Russia of lying about the arrested "mercenaries", saying "So far there is no open warfare, no shooting, the trigger has not yet been pulled, but an attempt to organize a massacre in the center of Minsk is already obvious."[104] Belarusian authorities claimed that Tikhanovsky was working with Russians to destabilize Belarus.[104] All but one of the mercenaries, who is a Belarusian national and remains in custody, were deported to Russia on 14 August despite a request from Ukraine for their extradition.[105]
  6. this may go down as the worst false flag ever if it gets predicted in advance. Then again it would be consistent.
  7. According to one site I was looking at Russia had approx 20 officers at Major General level committed to the invasion. That translates to 15% losses at this level in 15 days. WTF?! I think the highest ranking officer in the US killed in Iraq was a Colonel IIRC.
  8. Captured Russian Pilot Says He Was Ordered to Hit Civilian Targets (msn.com) Have not seen video yet of the actual press conference.
  9. While Russia is squabbling internally about who to blame and trying to figure out what to do next, Zelensky is keeping Ukrainians eye on the end game and the will to fight. Zelensky says Ukraine has 'reached a strategic turning point' in its fight against Russia (msn.com)
  10. White House warns Russia against nationalizing McDonalds, Apple, other companies pulling out over Ukraine (msn.com)
  11. How did you know about my Fendi Peekaboo Iconic Mini? Your sources aren't that good though. Wrong color
  12. Why are you here? there are plenty of other places you could be that would love this stuff. This isn't one of them.
  13. Ukraine's anti-corruption minister thanks Russian military for allegedly being so corrupt (msn.com)
  14. Credit Suisse was caught trying to shred evidence of Russian loans backed by yachts. They just revealed they’ve given $1.7 billion to the country’s borrowers. (msn.com)
  15. They'll have more experience than the US versus a peer adversary. The student might in some ways have much to teach the instructor.
  16. If this is all true, it begs the question as to what Putin does with it. Let's assume he made his decisions based on a reality that was totally false but that he believed. Now that it is blowing up in his face what does someone like him do in response? A dangerous moment as now they are really going to be winging it in the midst of a huge crisis.
  17. you would need some generals showing competence in this wat to qualify for the first so my guess is that only leaves loyalty. Nothing says confidence in your impending offensive like firing top generals just prior. Be interesting if this is confirmed
  18. no way, it is all going to plan. Lavrov says so.
  19. "In very good condition"? Now that's a rare find!
  20. wait till these twits find out that it is quite a bit more then 500 and that the Russian army is getting gutted. They'll be lucky if they can threaten Lichtenstein when this is over. At least they recognize that as it stands there is no political/strategic victory within their grasp and the cost will be ongoing.
  21. I kind of thought we were already there. Unfortunately for China they are finding out their ally is ridiculously incompetent.
  22. nah I just turn to my new favorite news channel Ukraine Today hosted by Haiduk.
  23. Russia’s Antiwar Protesters Are Terrified and Still Marching (msn.com)
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