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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Increase in aggressive air patrols including turning off transponders, nuclear threat against Denmark, activities in occupied areas of Moldavia, Georgia, Ukraine. Do you really think every country west of Russia is just wigged out and Russia is somehow just mis understood? Putin's moronic wolfpack biker buddies threatening to ride into Ukraine and fix the legacy of soviet occupation. You can try and dismiss the significance of any one item or disagree even but the sum of the parts paints a very vivid picture. People can make all the cute little responses like huh? and act like all is normal, but I would bet your German or Italian citizen would have responded the same way in 1935 and would have been just as ridiculously blind to what is so painfully obvious. The Russian opposition is in disarray and fear with many going into exile rather than face potential imprisonment or worse. Their biggest opposition figure was just assassinated right before the Kremlin. "Huh" is such a sorry response. Putin's proxies just submitted their demands for the occupied areas of Ukraine and they are sadly laughable. They absolutely know Kiev can not agree to those terms so Russia through it's proxies has once again made it clear they have no intention of de-escalating.
  2. Hey LnL, not sure what those are meant to represent. It is apparently a complaint that Russia is systematically trying to silence Ukrainian voices on Facebook. It wouldn't surprise me, but true or not what has that got to do with what I said? The fact of the matter is Putin's govt is systematically cracking down on opposition, promoting hate propaganda against select groups (gay community as an example) and promoting a militaristic expansionist aggressive culture. I won't dance around it, it is fascism period. If people in Germany had been willing to call out their own gov't in the 1930s perhaps we could have avoided a war. They didn't and so millions died How many will suffer before Russians are willing to call out their own gov't?
  3. He'll need to get his own cap, mine was a gift.
  4. Lock and Load, they may take a bit of time to load, but love the highly detailed pics, thanks!
  5. Well when we have a single political party running our gov't with a thug at the top of the ladder who then starts establishing a force outside of legitimate law enforcement bodies to "enforce" rules, then they can throw stones back. In the meantime they might want to start complaining to their leadership about why they are calling the Ukrainian leadership fascist when the term more appropriately fits the Russian gov't. Especially when that same gov't is doing all this chest thumping about it's victory over fascism. And before you start saying well why don't we .... You might want to reconsider. I already did time for my political opposition to activities of my gov't that I felt were wrong. There is an old saying over here - Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Putin is promising "security" and showing that off in his little parade. Russians might want to spend some time figuring out what they are paying for it. The cost is likely a lot higher than they think. Putting one's head into the sand is not a healthy political attitude. If folks are upset that I use the word fascism about the Russian gov't, is it because they think it doesn't fit or they are just uncomfortable with someone stating what is so patently obvious? An example of our differences - when a person becomes a serious opposition figure In Russia they can expect prison or possible assassination In America they can become a commentator on Fox news or Comedy Central. Where would you rather live?
  6. Your English is fine however unfortunately the answer is no. You can do some things with CMSF and eventually that is supposed to be redone in the current iteration of the engine. It is still very playable even without that, I still spend a lot of time with that game.
  7. Here's a unique way to celebrate the victory over fascism http://m.thefiscaltimes.com/home/2015-05-14-putin-turns-volunteer-vigilantes-patrol-moscow#1
  8. Can't respond as a military person, but overall Russian integration into us culture is really not much different than other groups. The initial generation tends to have problems assimilating and tends to also then become vulnerable to internal criminal elements. Just take a look at episodes of law and order or other crime shows about references to the Russian mob. My mother was also an ER nurse in Brooklyn and had a lot of difficulty dealing with the Russian immigrant community as they had difficulty transitioning to different expectations about medical care etc. I expect however as you get to 2nd and 3rd generation though that changes. As an example after all the hype about Spanish language issues in the US, the latest data is showing (at least in California) an increase of fluent English speakers in the Hispanic community and a decrease in those who still speak Spanish natively at home. Assimilation is a gradual process and typically takes a couple generations to occur.
  9. Case in point this is how some in Hungary are remembering May 9th http://columbustelegram.com/news/world/europe/hungary-commemorating-victims-of-soviet-labor-camps/article_dbe20990-d7d2-575c-ab5c-266289e447d4.html
  10. Reputation? Ha they let me in, so much for worrying about their reputation. Folks attach a little too much to "beta tester". We aren't BF employees, we don't in any way whatsoever represent BF and as long as we don't violate our NDA, we are free to particte in the outer forums just like anyone else. Personally I agree, we have spent far too much time on this topic, but in LukeFF's defense, JK brings some of this on himself by making claims to information and credibility as a former analyst. Those claims of credibility inevitably bring on references to JK's own website claims which he has been told he can not bring in here. That then creates a somewhat unfair situation in that he can not defend his views that are now brought into the discussion. I am one of those who feels his credibility is non existent. He posts so many links eventually one of them has to be at least somewhat relevant. I choose not to pay attention to the links as I already spend time filtering my own exposure to the Internet, I don't need to repeat that for his posts. That being said, I don't respond to his posts either. At least I try not to. I found it to be an unhealthy diversion. JK obviously has some issues, I can't help with those and flaming him doesn't seem to be a positive thing to do for either of us.
  11. Yeah when the hat fits. It was a gift for the man who has everything, or will with the help of some friendly green men.
  12. execution by anti aircraft fire http://news.yahoo.com/north-korean-defence-minister-executed-korea-intelligence-004740331.html
  13. The added advantage is you learn a lot more about how the game actually functions. Makes you appreciate a well made map and scenario even more. Best advice I ever got was start small, from the same guy who wrote that pdf
  14. Same here, honestly can you see doubling or tripling the number of turns? It already takes a long time to play a scenario what with all the action reviews
  15. One other trick I have used to good effect against a human opponent is to have a unit briefly fire then slow move away far enough before they can hightail it unseen. This pretty much leaves your opponent in the dark as to whether there is a unit still there or not and the only way they can prove it is to take the position. They then tend to waste a lot of time and firepower only to find when they get there that there is no sign of an enemy. If you want to be really mean, have a trp located there. When they finally take the position, you stonk them.
  16. Doodyhead.... yeah okay. Back to your crayons before we send you to bed without dinner. I do like the Avatar, thank you!
  17. Perhaps, but I got you one step closer to using the proper name and titles for my Liege Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House. I do realize the challenge it presents for someone of your limited social skills, but we are willing to be patient knowing your impaired mental state. See correction above, sharpen your crayon and try writing it 100 times. Hmm yeah counting may be problematic for you. How about just 5 times, you won't even have to set the crayon down to count.
  18. Nah, all quiet in the Ardennes sector, no reason at all to expect an enemy attack.
  19. Well the museum just got an overhaul so don't be surprised when the system of camps gets restored. If Comrade Stalin is being rehabilitated it seems the Russian people are in for a new dark age. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/gulag-museum-to-reopen-but-proof-of-stalin-crimes-removed-director-says/517046.html Really sad statement on what the Russian people are learning of their own history and the whitewash of the atrocities committed by the Communist regime. Guess folks don't want to tarnish the image on the 70th anniversary.
  20. As a simple telecom engineer at a small Dotcom that was acquired by Cable and Wireless before it's ignominious demise I argued for and got $750,000 just to upgrade the C&W telephony infrastructure in Japan. A few $100,000 in military projects strikes me as basically the guy who said upgrade to color copiers. Old John, doing the copier thing... Sorry this was the closest I could get. Seriously for a super secrety high intel spook knowing guy a few 100K seems like peanuts in the way of projects.
  21. That is supposed to be a secret, I think you just violated your NDA. By the way when are you gonna join us down at the tiki hut bar lounge? This all expense paid trip to research a possible pacific theater game is so cool.. oh crap, did I just put this on the outer forum?
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