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Everything posted by TheNathan

  1. Oh, alright then, thank you very much.
  2. I just checked the CMAK maps on scenario depot and found that there is hardly anything there. As I downloaded some CMBB salvage maps when the Scenario Depot went splodey, I figured there would be CMAK ones as well (Since I just recently bought that game). However, there are no CMAK salvage packs to be found on CMMODS. Do they exist, and where?
  3. Well, as much as I normally agree with JasonC, he might be a touch off-base with the whole native american vs. european thing. By off-base, I don't mean his conclusions are incorrect, as he's absolutely right about the inevitability of the european conquest of north america. What I find somewhat disturbing is his one-sided take on it, and to a large extent, his callousness in how he views the state of the native american tribes, their customs, and their defeat by the hands of the europeans. JasonC seems to be somewhat shocked that the natives actually fought against the europeans in a violent manner, and in the face of an encroaching culture that trumped whatever the natives had in every concievable way, eventually the only recourse for the native american tribes was violent resistance or assimilation. One's way of life tends to be held very dear to most members of a society. Customs, establishments and personal connections within that society make up a large portion of a person's psyche, and it really becomes part of that person. When a particular way of life is threatened, people almost feel personally assaulted, and faced with the proposition that everything that they know and hold dear may (or will) be torn away from them or changed entirely tends to drive most people into a violent reactionary mode of behaviour. It is very easy to sit back and say "Oh, they have it better now, we were right" when you are not only seperated by the passage of time, but with the benefit of being on the winning side. To illustrate my point: Imagine an alien culture came to earth driven by the desire for earth-like planets to colonize (A relative commodity in of itself). They colonize a small part of the earth with the OK of whatever world governments are willing, and establish themselves, maybe with our help. However, it quickly becomes apparent that not only are they so much more advanced than us that our assimilation is a imminent conclusion, but there are lots more of them than we realize, in fact, there's so many they outnumber us at least 20-1. Faced with the prospect of human culture being effectively desttroyed by these newcomers, what do you think most humans are going to do? Why, I bet a few human hotheads are going to pick a fight with the aliens and get alot of humans killed. Why? Because they are reacting to the fact their way of life is going to disappear forever, and they want to hold on to it, because that is what they know. Given this situation, Jason, what would you do? Would you simply face the inevitable and embrace this alien culture, or would you try and preserve the culture you grew up in and hold dear, and fight these invaders.
  4. Not so much mods as textures, who in the world would pay money for extra textures? Even if there was the ability to make custom models for the game, you'd run into compatibility problems where User X does not have the same set of models for Y scenario as User Z does, and thus as Dorosh stated, would create massive chaos. It's already hard enough to find compatible OpFlash games with the literally thousands of real honest-to-goodness modifications out there, throw in the fact that people now have to pay for custom models in addition to having the right set, and it's simply a mess. Mind you I'm treating this scenario as if you could have brand new models, and not just re-skinned or re-modelled units, which as I said earlier, would simply not fly if people had to pay for them.
  5. Well, I might agree with you on the CMBB point, except that the technological (And to a certain extent doctrinal) gap between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were far closer than say, the U.S and Syria. Even in the early days of Barbarossa I can easily repel almost any German attack, given enough time and at least a few AT assets. Having at least a handful of armor makes this almost a done deal, especially if T-34's (or KV's, heh heh) are involved. The main problem with the Soviet Union's early failures didn't lie in some inherent technological inferiority (As in the case with Syria), nor any inherit German Uberness. It was poor leadership that did alot of Russians in, especially at the strategic level. Meaning, one can stand more than a fighting chance with a properly armed and led 41 Soviet force against a equivelant or greater German one, but the abilities of a Syrian force in a similar situation would most likely be less than stellar, even with a decent player on the Syrian side. Now, if this game included both the high intensity and low intesity sides of combat and occupation, I wouldn't have a single problem with this game, in fact I'd opt to enjoy the hell out of it. U.S would most likely dominate in high-intensity, aside from situations involving rough or urban terrain with a suitably prepared Syrian defender, and the low intensity side of things would be much slower and more cerebral, having to carefully plot out ambushes as the Syrian player and preserving as much manpower and material as possible, while the U.S player strives to maintain cohesion amidst the chaos. For some reason the latter seems much more interesting (And a touch more balanced) than say... a stryker unit rolling in and having a bit of a bloody nose (maybe) wiping the floor with the Syrian player. Further damning the Syrian player is a lack of civilians, although from what I have seen it will be abstracted. Whether or not this works or not has yet to be seen, so I'll reserve any comments or opinions I have on the civilian abstraction until I play the demo. But just an abstraction may not work, as having at least civilian figures in an urban area may make for at some some semblance of balance towards the Syrian player, or at least make an nearly inevitable victory for the U.S side that much more difficult.
  6. So uhhh, I think this may support the statement "Why play as the Syrians" Seeing as the game is mainly about the high intensity part of combat, as in the initial phases of the invasion and not the much more even (And maybe more interesting from what I've been reading in this thread) low intensity occupation, it probably will be one-sided to a very large degree. Now, having things be uneven isn't a game breaker, as most real world scenarios aren't exactly perfectly balanced. But in such an apparently extreme situation as this, really, what point is there playing as the Syrians?
  7. I see someone mentioned Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, but don't forget Morrowind either.
  8. In an Italian accent, and if so, from what region?
  9. They'll really mess up your furniture, lousy freakin mutts >| One of the advantages of a steampunk setting is the fact that even though it has somewhat fantastical machines in it, and is almost halfway into a more fantasy setting, is the fact everyone more or less functions on already understood principles, meaning the penetration values of casted metal, regular ballistics, etc. It looks like a sci-fi/fantasy game, but the feel of the combat would be something like an amalgation of WW1/2 and Napoloeonic warfare.
  10. http://www.trooperpx.com/SF3D/MaschinenKrieger.html That's some very basic designs from MAK, however there are many many more on sites such as these: http://www.maschinenkrieger.com/ http://www.trooperpx.com/SF3D/SF3D00.html And the M.A.K People links pages on the TrooperPX site are full of both official and custom Maschinen Krieger models, in addition to a RPG system and backstory to Maschinen Krieger
  11. Oh boy, Abbot is creeping in that political BS again, dare he unleash the fires of Olde General Forume, and all the powers of hellfire and vitriol within! I still say Steampunk, it's far enough to be considered sci-fi, but it still has a very modern-ish feel to the combat within the fantasy world. Tanks are still applicable, airpower is used, and it even has the allowances for mechanized (As in clockwork) horses in addition to walkers and light as well as heavy steam infantry. It just plain rocks. A starship troopers scenario would be fairly limited, what with only powered armor and such. If someone wants powered armor scenarios, they should play/build Maschinen Krieger. Which does bring me to another idea. What if they did a Maschinen Krieger type thing? I can dig up my ole favorites list if anyone wants to see en example of the mechanized armors from it...
  12. Or maybe even a Steampunk setting? Still allows for a sort of WW1/WW2 version of reality with some old style napoleonic zest, in addition to clockwork "walkers" and steam powered tanks, etc. WH40k is actually a kind of higher tech steampunk, btw.
  13. I'm hoping for a near future conflict with China. Come on baby, daddy needs some PLA! Seriously though, I really do hope they go for another near-future/hypothetical conflict involving some kind of war between the U.S and China, or at the very least some kind of Vietnam/Korea game.
  14. 21, but I got CMBO sometime around a year after it came out, and them CMBB about...well, a year after that came out.
  15. "I like big butts" by Sir Mix-A-Lot Edit: Got rid of the lyrics, was taking up too much space in the thread. [ October 13, 2005, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: TheNathan ]
  16. Huzzah! This is certainly a pleasant surprise. Even makes me feel alot better about the whole Syria game (Not that it was really a big deal, but I still had my reservations)
  17. Well, a U.S invading China scenario is more likely, but still way hypothetical. It would definitely make for a fantastic game, though.
  18. I suppose the new game is OK, but I still would have preferred China vs. US-Coalition if they want hypothetical, or even Iran instead of Syria if they insist upon a middle east scenario. What I was really looking forward to was Vietnam, however. >.>
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