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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. One issue that annoys me is that sometimes you take out the squads inside bunkers but they remain "green", not taken out. The result is that any HUNT command for units that can spot the "green" bunker is negated. That restricts my options, especially when a lot of units can see it. And I don't want to spend precious HE to further attack an empty bunker. Is there any way to change the game engine so that it is considered vacated/abandoned/"red"?

  2. and then there are those of us who figure you guys have a way or surprising us with stuff we weren't aware we would like and will just buy friggin everything. I still am amazed at how much I enjoy CMFI.

    I fall into this category. I love each and every CM-setting, just for the variation and different challenges that they pose. Still haven't tried modern era. However, will happily try the next version of it.

    Keep up the good work BFC. Can't think of any other product that brings as much satisfaction per dollar spent. CMRT was an easy choice. Downloading as I write...:D

  3. Seven Cities of Gold indeed! Only people over 40 (like me) probably know this. What a fun game that was. Atari 800XL, I loved that computer.

    It was one of the first games I really fell in love with. Sailing across oceans and watch the map develop. Seems like ages ago. Wait, it is ages ago - which means I'm old now....

  4. I have heard testimony from several musicians who distribute their content free on the Internet. They just *ask* their fans for financial support, so they can keep making music, and they wind up making as much as they would if they went through a traditional distributor, with DRM restrictions, etc. The vast majority of people do have a very keen sense of fairness, and if you are giving them something of value, they are more than willing to give their financial support in return.

    Radiohead released an entire album this way and I happily payed 10 bucks for it. I wouldn't hesitate a second to pay good money for quality campaigns. Every time I download a mod, scenario or campaign that improves my gaming experience I feel spoiled not having/getting to pay for it.

  5. Seems like it was a chrome issue. Firefox works just nice :D

    Again having problems watching broadcasts. Neither Chrome, Firefox or Explorer works. The stream stops every 30 seconds. Have no other problems with streams.

    Really want to watch this - anyone have a workaround?

  6. Chris, you mention in your Twitch profile: "In deference to viewers that have a shaky connection to the Twitch website, I'll upload video highlights to my YouTube channel. They will go up either the same day or the day after a stream."

    I have had trouble with choppy reception when trying to view your previous broadcasts. Is there anything I can do to make it work better? Streaming from other websites work like a charm, so there is nothing wrong with my connection.

    Kind regards - looking forward to seeing more of CMRT :)

    Seems like it was a chrome issue. Firefox works just nice :D

  7. Chris, you mention in your Twitch profile: "In deference to viewers that have a shaky connection to the Twitch website, I'll upload video highlights to my YouTube channel. They will go up either the same day or the day after a stream."

    I have had trouble with choppy reception when trying to view your previous broadcasts. Is there anything I can do to make it work better? Streaming from other websites work like a charm, so there is nothing wrong with my connection.

    Kind regards - looking forward to seeing more of CMRT :)

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