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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. If the original was too depressing to watch, I have made an alternative cut. :)

    Excellent! Very appropriate song in this one as well. But I find it somewhat depressing too, because it reminds me of all the stupid mistakes I make and at the instant there is a big explosion I indeed wish I could "Rewind". But like IRL you have to live with your mistakes and that is the beauty/horror of pressing "go" and watch a minute of action, and having no way of taking back a bad decision.

  2. Hi, just registered and wanted to congratulate Battlefront.com on a great game and release! I've always supported any work being done on realistic RTS's such as CM, but I've had difficulty getting into the previous games. Between the updated graphics, easy-to-follow tutorial, and much better user interface - I think I'm hooked!

    Have been a long time Close Combat fan (played all the new re-released ones), but this game brings it to a whole other level and definitely satisfies the my itch for a truly realistic WW2 game. My dream would be the campaign map conquest-style of CC mixed in as well :).

    One of the things I appreciate the most that I've seen so far - clipping through the tanks and vehicles and seeing all their little insides modeled perfectly.

    A job well done!

    Welcome! Once they suck you in you never get out ;)

    Kiss all your future free time away - but it'll be worth it :D

  3. Remember CMFI has more commands to contend with than CMBN does. Looking down a single menu was starting to resemble searching a long grocery list for the item you wanted. You're just experience the initial shock-of-the-new. Give it three days and you will have forgot there was a difference at all. :)

    Old habits die hard I guess, but I will keep an open mind about the new version :)

  4. I suspect Aris has been a bit discouraged by the news that he might have to redo all his skins to keep them compatible with v2 of the game.

    That sounds discouraging indeed, both for Aris and his tremendous work, but also for us users - as his mods has increased the value of an already great game significantly.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that they will work.

  5. Tough aint it? do you really want me to tell you and spoil the fun? I am guessing this is battle 1 taking and holding the bridges? I will pm the answer to you, but you should persevere. I am stuck on battle 5 the gerries have some tanks that just keep kicking my ass.

    Can you please PM me too about mission 1. I've tried it three times and keep getting close, but alas, no progression :(

    Much appreciated!

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