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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. A lot of times I want to watch units inside a building really up close for immersion, but at a certain point walls cease to be transparent, so you can't see what is going on outside anymore, or the effect of your actions. It is mildly annoying. 



    Would it require a major overhaul to have a setting in Options to always have walls transparent when there is a unit inside?

  2. Thanks :) The key to doing these is time in the detail - that takes w hile. I can crack out the big details in pretty quick order it's the finishing that is the time sink on these maps.


    Re your question - You mean what maps I've made? On reflection I'm pleased with the two Wittmann series maps for CMBN - mainly because there was so much photo evidence I could even get small details correct - or at least correct for some key sections. I'm please with the Studienka map in Red Thunder and it's near cousin Kharalyk in CMBS. I'm working on another CMBS map at the moment (based on Morning Coffee) which I'm finding engrossing to play about on. So guess no clear winner :)

    Don't think I've played any of those scenarios. Guess I have something to look forward to.

    What are the names of the Wittman scenario series?

  3. You should be able to adjust the mission BEFORE the air assets arrive, but not after they show up.  They are NOT artillery with a long enough duration to adjust.  Point attacks will normally drop a bomb, Line attacks with use guns or rockets for helos....its not like you expect them to hit the same spot OVER AND OVER again....that the artillery's game.

    At least with helicopters (in this case Hind) I only get "Cease fire" before arrival, no adjustments available.

  4. If you gave the helo's an "area" attack, in essence you are giving them a search and destroy mission.  You designated the area and then its hands off.  If the area you gave is void of enemies (or enemies the air assets can see) the air assets will end the mission.

    Seems odd though that they could assess that in less than one turn and then abort. It was a 280 m area target full of houses. 

  5. On my end looks ok, 25 downloads already.. try again and let me know.


    Ah the winrar file is locked??

    Works for me.


    Anyone else got the problem? Or managed to open the winrar file successfully?

    Good, this time it worked. Some temporary snafu. That digital camo Oplot has got a distinct Space Invaders look to it ;-)

  6. Kieme CMBS reworked russian uniforms





    A quick and simple mod dedicated to russian uniforms.

    I kept the base files but changed the saturation of the colors and corrected a bug about missing texture near the top shoulders.









    I get some password check when I try to open the downloaded file. No such problems with any of you previous mods.

  7. 1) Will the heli abort its mission if the FO loses contact with company HQ? I had a mission where it (Hind) arrived for one turn, saw nothing, fired nothing and wasn't fired upon and still aborted. I don't know if I moved the company HQ during this.


    2) How come you can't adjust heli missions? Is there a real life reason for how these missions are called in that prevents it from being adjusted?

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