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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. So this is how it works out.

    First, in the editor:



    Second, 3D-view of map (top-down):



    Seems like putting ground texture (here mud) on the banks and rocky (ditch lock) of a ditch makes it a gradual slope, while leaving grass makes it steep. For straight lines the steep one looks the best, but for diagonal the sloped one is better. Not quite sure yet which ground textures that cause this.


    Something fun while we wait.


    This week the final TO&E is being turned in. This is the data that defines the organizations in the game, such as how the battalions/companies/platoons are structured, what soldiers are in each team/squad, and what gear each soldier in the game is carrying.


    Some stats on the Black Sea TO&E:


    509 unique formations (this includes formations that belong to another formation, like a rifle platoon assigned to a rifle company)
    526 unique teams
    89 unique squads
    560 unique soldiers
    400 unique gear loadouts
    139 unique selectable equipment options in the editor


    I think the main thing in this is "unique" - you guys are a unique gaming company. Producing unique games. I'm so glad I'm into CM. Not many games can be played on a daily basis for years on end without getting tired of it. But rather gets better over time!

    Keep up the good work  :)

  3. According to Wikipedia, the Germans that defended Merville Battery was the Static 716th Infantry Division which troops were troops were "elderly Germans and conscripts from other German occupied countries, especially Ukrainians". It is also noted as the Artillery Regiment. I looked around in the editor but couldn't find a proper formation. Can anyone help me pick a suitable one (I don't know much about this stuff).


    Progress with the map is slow. Trying to figure out quirks in the editor to create casemates and other structures at the battery, as well as a convincing tank ditch. Sometimes it looks good and sometimes not.

  4. http://www.closecombatseries.net/CCS/images/cc5maps/mervl.jpgThats the mods map they use for Merville. If you are interested I could extract the jpeg from the actual map file of the game or write out instructions on how to do so. This is how I plan to get into making a few maps anyway. Essentially you can do an easy pixel to meter conversion and use the close combat maps as overlays.

    If you could extract the actual map as a jpeg it would be awesome. I guess it is fairly well researched. As big as possible would be great. Is there also a description on terrain elements (paved roads, trenches, paths, etc.)? Troop deployment? I currently use a Google Earth map as overlay, but pics I have found online tells a bit different pictures of what the battery looked like.


    Again, thanks  :)

  5. Kohlenklau urged me a while ago, before opening his "factory", to make my own scenarios - and here is my first try which was a ton of fun to create. And playtesting would be greatly appreciated.


    It is a small fictional scenario, 1 hour, with few units. Axis vs. AI only. 


    You get to take this on (among other things):






    From the briefing:

    The Allied invasion of Sicily is well underway and our forces has been more or less overrun by British forces in this sector. A small group of Germans has been isolated behind enemy lines and has for the past few days tried to make their way back to friendly forces. But finding a gap in the allied front without being spotted has proven difficult. The group has moved more or less by night but are now out of food and water and desperately need to make it back. In a final attempt they decide to move in the morning light. In the distance they hear the distinct sound of AA guns, and they spot a Focke-Wulf thundering past overhead. There is a forward observer in the group and luckily - the radio still works.
    The group decides that the last chance to make it back to their own lines is to try to punch through this AA position and exit to the north. Taking out the position would probably also take the pressure off Luftwaffe in their approach to the airfield in Gerbini.
    PM me if you're interested.
  6. The casemates are proving to be difficult to make after a few tests. Problem is that it can look quite good in the editor, but as soon as the battle starts, the bunkers "sink" into the ground and create a gap between them and their surroundings. It seems like it is impossible (for a noob map maker like me that is) to make the bunkers be embedded in the terrain like they were in real life. Also, adding two bunkers together to make a casemate suffers from the same problem as there is a gap introduced between them as the battle starts. BFC, casemate a new map object - please?


    I have started work on the map and will post pictures as soon as there is something to show.

  7. Could the book be "The Day the Devils Dropped In"? The bunkers in VP are not bigger (I think?) but can now hold AT-guns. I'm trying to make the terrain look like pictures from Merville, with banks of dirt/grass covering the sides of the bunkers and making them blend into the landscape. It is proving to be difficult. Another issue I have not figured out how to handle is that there is no way to simulate bangalore torpedoes to blast mines and I suspect that it will be impossible to have engineers "mark mines" while being shot at. More testing for sure.

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