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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. An interview with Hitler that is nothing but tacked-on propaganda. 100% Putin totalitarian state anti-western raging paranoia. It was stomach-turning to watch, ruined what was otherwise a light weight shoot-em-up.

    When I saw Hitler in the trailer I became really suspicious - and it seems I had good reason to be so. Maybe best to stay away from this one.

  2. crater_hide_zps7y4qb8od.png


    Now released at http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5520/details 


    Thanks to all who pitched in with ideas and playtested the scenario. Worth a lot :)


    Historical scenario. Requires both VP and MG (a non VP version will be made soon). Allies vs AI only.


    From the briefing:


    It is 4.00 AM, June 6th 1944. D-day is upon us. The liberation of Europe is at hand. The beach landings will begin in a few hours. Your mission is to knock out the gun battery at Merville (four bomb proof casemates) which is a potent threat to the landings at Sword Beach. For weeks, elite British paratroopers have trained at a replica battery in England, constructed from aerial photos, and is ready to drop over Normandy. Each and every man has a distinct role to fulfil for the mission to be successful.
    At any price, knock out the guns at Merville. This is to be achieved no later than 05.00 AM. If not successful by then, the battery will be shelled by HMS Arthusa en route for the Normandy coastline (Note: This is not an "Exit scenario" - play until time runs out). However, it is likely that this shelling won't do the job, just like the massive bombings of the battery prior to the assault didn't. If possible, the shelling is to be avoided since it also gives away the position of the battleship and that an invasion might be underway.
    The paradrop was more or less a catastrophy. Poor visibility and heavy crosswinds scattered a lot of units way outside the intended dropzones. What was intended as a mission for some 650 men and heavy equipment, only 150 men made it to Gonneville in time for the approach to the battery. None of the heavy equipment made it, no mine detectors, nor flamethrowers - nothing but one Vickers MG. Use it wisely and make the most with the equipment available.
    A recon party has scouted the battery and cut holes in the fence for the approach.
    Three gliders are tasked to land within the parameter of the battery, between 4.30 and 4.45 AM, but considering how the earlier drop went, this is an uncertainty at best. Don't plan for it.
    The battery is defended by the 716th Static Infantry Division / Artillery Regiment - about 150-200 men. There is also a known 20 mm AA gun spotted by the recon party. There should be little resistance in the approach to the battery. Perhaps some night patrols, but no significant forces are expected.
  3. I'm in first planning of a new scenario and will import a real location from Google Earth. However, I want ro rotate it slightly so that roads are aligned in a better way to suit the way roads are constructed in the editor, to avoid the unfortunate zig-zags.


    Is there any way to make the compass in the scenario point in the correct direction as the real location's north has been altered in comparison to north in the editor?

  4. Just want to add that Rocketman did indeed an amazing work on this scen to be as historical as possible. Really serious work that will please many I think !

    I sure did my best with the resources at hand. Some info contradicted other information, so I balanced the best I could so that it is historically "correct" while making sure it is fun to play and adapted to the limits of what the game can produce. I added a few minor things as well as did some creative stuff with the map to make it come alive more. The real area is really flat and from the photos I've seen of the area, not that much farmland either.


    Also, at this stage I think I have sufficient playtesting underway. Thanks!

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