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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. Positive. I tested it out a long time ago. The ground condition heading went from dry to damp to mud if I recall correctly. Took about an hour with heavy rain.


    Here's a question; Will we see ice? I think frozen water would be very pertinent to the setting.




    I hope we see ice, as well as really icy roads. Several accounts of Shermans, with their narrow tracks, actually sliding off the roads.

  2. I looked in the manual I found nothing while searching the forum. It is my impression while playing "Eye of the Needle" (which to a large extent is one big marsh), that artillery rounds that land in marsh areas have a much smaller explosion and kicks up much less debris/shrapnel. Also seems harder for FO to spot. Is this modeled in the game? If it is, is that also true for other ground conditions such as deep snow (FI) and mud?

  3. Thanks ASL Veteran for giving a historic background I didn't know of. But in that case, AP rounds shouldn't be fired at all in game, and definitely not knock out the bunker. HE shells should make the crew suppressed. I'm not sure how this is represented in game, because visually no crew member cower, but maybe they act as suppressed, i. e. stop firing. I wonder if crew IRL would bail out of a bunker when under heavy suppression?

  4. Vo ist der Piper Kubs? :D 



    Ha! Kohl, I was going to post that very picture for you but you beat me to the punch.


    So here you go instread:



    Go get Gran Turismo 5 and then you can race the Schwimmwagen all day long. Heck, you can even paint it pink, or silver, or whatever floats your boat (pun intended).


    Great looking roads you're making for the Bulge operation.

  5. Definitely won't be in Bulge. They aren't really appropriate for a tactical setting. If CM were an operational level game where the player is commanding battalions, regiments, and divisions, they'd be a must-have.

    OK, fair enough. But just for the sake of argument - let's say a mission is on a 4*4 km map and lasts for 3 hours. Wouldn't that border on being more than a tactical engagement? Maybe Piper Cub spotting could just give visual icons, and not used for artillery spotting?

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