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Everything posted by stoat

  1. I didn't give the AI an experience bonus, but I gave the Allies a 75% force bonus. I'm not sure that could really be described as an AAR. It was two sentences.
  2. I got a major victory fairly easily, but exited most of my troops after the 33rd turn. I got all of the trucks off but one, and it would have gone off had I but one more minute.
  3. The best. There's nothing like Ohio in winter. The way the sun never shines, the way the snow immeadiately turns dirty, the way the ice froms around the dead fish on the Ohio River...it's like something out of a Lexus commercial.
  4. Abiding by copyright laws mean the terrorists win.
  5. I hope someone sentences you for as much as you deserve
  6. I just got back from Ohio, and boy are my legs tired. Because I ran away as fast as I could. Seriously, though. There are good times to be had in Ohio, provided you have never seen a female before. In my absence (which most of you surely didn't notice [or just didn't care about {I'd be worried if you did}]) several things seemed to have happened. rleete: I'd fetch you your bucket (you'd be wise not to drink from it) but I seem to have acquired 2 bushels of apples. Also, I was "challenged" by some halfwit, who then promptly vanished back to the hems of his mother's dress. (terrible challenge [terrible name, too]I've blown more imposing challenges out of my nose) Weirdo. Enough said. NG cavscout: All the best to ya. And whence ye return, I think you owe me a turn. I should have checked before posting, but I am not smart.
  7. I was actually not entirely correct. Serbia and Montenegro could be considered the last members of the Yugoslav Federation, despite Montenegro's autonomy.
  8. It's just that there is no unified Yugoslavian government. The closest thing to a country by that name is The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Yugoslavia is a term now used to describe a region, not a sovereign nation.
  9. Whay about 'Yugoslavia' dumbass? and Oddstralia?... sigh... pseudo Scots these days hmmmm? </font>
  10. This is a political thread and should be locked.
  11. Now look you here bloat, unless you can provide evidence (NOT fabricated this time) that you are older than I ... doubtful ... you may NOT call me son. You MAY call me Justicar, Sir Joe or Joe Shaw provided that you do so with proper respect for my exaulted station and recognition of my humility. I can call you anything I like until (unlikely) you become a Serf of the CessPoll at which time I will be forced to properly spell your name though it won't be bolded until (unlikely) you are taken to Squire by some Knight with nothing better to do. YOU are an SSN, a Scum Sucking Newbie and as such you should bow your head and shed tears of gratitude that I am responding to you AT ALL. I do, I grant you, call YOU lad ... that would be because, HELLO, I'm older than you. Also because you're an SSN whilst I am not only the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, the Champion of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the Senior Senior Knight and the founder of the Shavian House but also, ask anyone, a HELL of a good guy AND a snappy dresser. Did I mention that YOU are a miserable SSN? Joe </font>
  12. I call to the stand the prosecution. Joe Xia you may make your opening statement... and before anyone asks, yes the stenographers will be along presently... </font>
  13. True enough. Light and medium bridges are two levels above default, and heavy bridges are 4 levels above.
  14. Certainly. Exhibit 4: Note the date in the lower left hand corner. It clearly states Decmber 11th as the last date of edification, not the 22nd as the Justicariate would have you believe. About that. I came here not for a battle of wits, but merely a battle. If some clashing of wit were to occur, I suspect it would be more of a fizzle than a match of any magnitude. Not sure what this is precisely, but it is original. Kudos for that, lad.
  15. Right then ... look you here bloat, we have rules here ... mostly unwritten and applied sporadically at whim but then it's OUR thread isn't it? You NEED, I repeat you NEED two things in your profile before others will respond to you. (XVILL) An email address ... missing from YOUR profile. {aaiiiieeee) A General location ... now in the case of Goober nations we allow just a national location, i.e. Swedeland, Hollandaise, etc. But in the case of a REAL country, i.e. the good ole USA, we need more. Without those no one of any significance here will respond to you. Obviously if someone DOES respond they are, by definition, of no significance ... let's see who bites the hook NOW eh? In any case your post was ... beyond pathetic ... do better or simply save yourself the time and SOD OFF NOW. Joe </font>
  16. Right then ... look you here bloat, we have rules here ... mostly unwritten and applied sporadically at whim but then it's OUR thread isn't it? You NEED, I repeat you NEED two things in your profile before others will respond to you. (XVILL) An email address ... missing from YOUR profile. {aaiiiieeee) A General location ... now in the case of Goober nations we allow just a national location, i.e. Swedeland, Hollandaise, etc. But in the case of a REAL country, i.e. the good ole USA, we need more. Without those no one of any significance here will respond to you. Obviously if someone DOES respond they are, by definition, of no significance ... let's see who bites the hook NOW eh? In any case your post was ... beyond pathetic ... do better or simply save yourself the time and SOD OFF NOW. Joe </font>
  17. In the manifest declension of your mental abilities, I shall again ask of you a CMAK battle. Sure, it will have nefarious results for your little soldiers, but no permanent effect will be done to your plebian self. I ask again, maugre your previous attempt at an excuse, and am myself not expert, thus negating your poor vindication of your ineptness. What say thee?
  18. Briges are two levels above the terrain they rest on. So if you put a bridge on flat ground (7) the road will be at level 9. To use the bridge, you either have to raise the terrain at either end of the bridge two levels, and then have it gradually return to flat, or lower the tiles the the bridge is actually on by two levels.
  19. No, the Defiant was its own kind of plane, built by Boulton Paul. He was just saying that you should stay off of his six because he retrofitted his Spit with rear-firing machineguns.
  20. And an e-mail address would be helpful, you festering pool of yellow bile.
  21. What the hell, I'm bored: SpleenBlade, I hereby and forthwith challenge you to a battle of disastrous proportions (for the likes of you) using the platform of CMAK. Ergo, I shall pound, eviscerate even, any troops you may sally forth against me. You cloddhopping waste of ozone, I shall chortle in glee as you lose both battle and dignity to my superior wit, intellect and cunning. I would not promote you to kintergarten member for fear you would kill yourself with crayons, or some other pointy object. Prepare to be beaten in a way not seen since Custer last stood, but you shall be even less gloriously disposed of, and the shell of your former self will be forced to pay homage to my greatness for all eternity. Since you cannot count (you registered the 13th. I don't know how the 19th is 12 hours later), I shall send you something, but only when I feel like it. I shall crush you thoroughly. Enjoy your evening.
  22. Sounds right to me. Except you forgot the wounded men that are captured and later killed.
  23. I figured you meant the 7.62cm gun, but I couldn't resist the jibe.
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