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Posts posted by Baneman

  1. 9 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    The border he needs to watch is in the far east, His "friend" Xi might decide since Russian army is over committed and on fire in Ukraine it is a great time take Siberia into "protective custody", and more or less double the size of China. It is isn't like Putin has any friends left.

    I'm wondering in similar fashion how safe Lukashenko is with some of his army being deployed to Ukraine and no Russian troops available to bail him out again if the population decide they'd rather see the back of him.


    ( "if the population decide they'd rather see the back of him." - of course, that would never happen without the "West" organising a coup and Soros/Bill Gates/other boogeyman financing it. Because no population ever just decided they were fed up with a corrupt leader by themselves... )

  2. Then again, the EU might just decide to "fix the problems later" and fast track them in.
    ( in any event, the Russian goal of having Ukraine focused Eastwards in the Russian "orbit" rather than the EU's has spectacularly backfired )

    We're well through the looking-glass now, anything's possible that was unthinkable a week ago.

  3. 4 minutes ago, arkhangelsk2021 said:

    ... do you not see a problem with stripping them of rights they were already given?

    Lots of governments give minorities a hard time.

    Even in my case, I ( and many others ) here in Scotland feel that the UK government is stripping us of rights.
    We tried a legal referendum about independence and may try another soon.

    We didn't try armed insurrection or invite someone to invade the UK over it.
    I could also leave and move to a country where I agreed more with the government's policies.

    It's the turning to violence and killing people that tends to lose you any support.

  4. 7 minutes ago, arkhangelsk2021 said:

    ...you can only fire for cause. Refusing to do express a stance in a subject clearly not work-related does not cut it.

    And if that is the case, he can take his employer to court and win - because, that's how normally rights are protected.
    And, being the west, he's not even likely to fall out of a window for doing so.

  5. 49 minutes ago, arkhangelsk2021 said:

    Look at how easily a Russian's rights get sidelined. Sigh.


    Do you note a change in the tenor of the answers? Yes, it's slow. It's subtle, but it is happening - the status of Russians in Ukraine is progressively being reduced. One step at a time, and this is reflected in both the official law and testimonies.

    You'll notice that the bulk of your quotes about Russian "oppression" are dated post-2014.

    Do you really think that after Crimea and everything that went down in the Donbas in 2014-5, Russians would be popular ?

  6. 1 hour ago, Cpl Steiner said:

    ... I've seen captured Russian soldiers being paraded before the cameras and asked why they are there, which breaches the Geneva Convention, without so much as a peep out of the Media....

    Given the amount of dis/mis-information floating around in this day and age, compared with when the GC was drafted, this actually prevents any wild claims of POW's being mistreated and/or "disappeared".

  7. 9 minutes ago, BeondTheGrave said:

    Good points. Though would volunteer pilots in traded planes be a potentially escalatory step? 

    How would the Russians know ? They'd have to shoot one down AND capture the pilot.

    And even then, he/she could be "on leave". Russia invented that wheeze, it's too bad if it gets used against them, they don't get exclusive copyright on it, hehe. 😉

  8. 23 minutes ago, Sgt Joch said:

    ...Putin may be bluffing, but it is the same dilemna the West has been facing recently, are we ready to risk a nuclear war over Ukraine?

    Problem is that every time Putin has been allowed to get away with something, he's escalated.

    So if everyone says "let him have Ukraine or he'll nuke us", what do you say when he decides he'd like a land-bridge to Kaliningrad ? Or that some other neighbouring country is "historically Russian" ?

  9. 2 hours ago, dbsapp said:

    That is precisely why NATO rules forbid membership of countries with territorial disputes.

    If you know this, how is it that you don't see that it undermines the whole Russian demand that "Ukraine must not join NATO" argument as the conflict in Donbas prevents Ukraine joining.

    ( probably why Russia started the whole "separatist" thing in the first place, but that's a different thread )

  10. 1 hour ago, dbsapp said:

     1. Mobilization of NATO countries and restoration of the unity of the North Atlantic Alliance and the West as a whole.

     2. Demonization of the Russian Federation in the world and the creation of a stable toxic species for it.

    1. Russia achieved that in 2014. NATO was almost completely moribund when the Crimean invasion took place and galvanised countries.

    2. Strange, Putin is supposed to be so smart, yet fell right into their trap. Still, he could take the wind out of their sails by moving troops away from the border. I wonder why he doesn't.

  11. 2 hours ago, Sven said:

    I've moved the mortar teams back on board, but I can't use them. Not indirectly, nor directly. What am I doing wrong? I've even waited an entire turn since they embarked.

    When I click a spotter it says "not positioned".

    I think Elvis has it right - there must be something wrong with your installation - I've just tested dismounting and remounting mortar teams into their halftrack and I cannot reproduce this - even if I remount the mortars into the wrong halftrack ( ie. the one from the other team ), on my machine they then show as "Destroyed" in the artillery UI, not "Not Positioned" ( which is odd, but obviously a code wrinkle ).

    Is yours a recent install ?

  12. 1 hour ago, Grey_Fox said:

    Not necessarily. There is a setting that determines the likelihood of any individual unit showing in pre-battle intel. If you redo a campaign, it's entirely likely that you could get tentative spots of more or fewer (or potentially even zero) enemy units.

    Ok, granted I worded it badly - better to say "you would see some ?'s too", not the exact same ones.

  13. 3 hours ago, cdplayer said:


    So the guy I was watching on youtube who can see pre engagement recon on that 3rd mission of the campaign has used some sort of mod to unpack the campaign files ?.  It makes a massive difference to his ability to plan his troop movement. 

    No, the level of intel available to the player would be set in the campaign ( probably per scenario ). If you play the same campaign, you should see exactly the same number of "?" on the map.

  14. 2 hours ago, 6plus1SMC said:


    Now next question: Can folders contain other folders - do they have to be renamed, or is it OK to place a folder named "Aris Hetzer FB" in the Z-folder, or do I need to put every file in that folder into the Z-folder?

    You can have as many folders under the Z or Mods folder as you want - it helps to keep things organised ( when you end up with hundreds of mods like some of us 🤪 ).

    I have an "Aris mods", "Juju's mods" folders, etc.

  15. 6 hours ago, MikeyD said:

    Here's a fun glimpse of how the sausage gets made. An early shot of the M48 Chaparral AA vehicle model with the official US MERDIC camou pattern overlaying it. Adventrures in vehicle texturing. 



    What are those weird hoops in front ?

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