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Earl Grey

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Posts posted by Earl Grey

  1. Well, different matter here. My ex-girlfriend actually beat me a couple of times in CM - though it was her absolute disregard of common sense and tactics... ;) Good I never came around to explain to her how to use tanks properly - would have been a disaster! *g*

    My hopefully soon-to-be wife plays games, too. But so far she only enjoys RPG´s. And she´s more afraid of loosing me to a tank than to another woman! :eek: But that´s out of the question, I´m afraid... :( Not enough Panthers left and not enough money to buy and restore one, anyway.

  2. Should have thought of that... I own it, too. *slap* But I think it´s the only book to mention that name. Or do you have another one, Gurra? Camouflage discussion is a favorite hobby of mine, especially regarding the Panther.

    Zweihorn, there are many names for that special pattern. "Hinterhaltschema", "Hinterhalt-Tarnung", "Hinterhalt-Tarnschema" etc. Every single one meaning the same. Actually, I think most people don´t really know what the REAL name was. But "Licht und Schatten" might be it...

  3. Well, never came across that... and I AM German. But it sounds reasonable. Would fit in with the description and the effect they wanted to achieve. But I´ve never heard of it and none of my sources speak of that term.

    Gurra, would you care to explain from where you have that information? Thanks...

  4. I´ve done extensive research on the Panther and you just wouldn´t believe how many minor details differentiate one tank from another - it even seems probable the different factories used different armor thickness. Though this is yet to be confirmed...

    Also you mustn´t forget upgrading/retrofitting. An early model A could as well have been an upgraded model D. But even the ´late´ model D (if you prefer to call it that way optically is not substantially different from the ´early´ model D - just minor details like rain covers over the optics and hatches, deleted smoke launchers etc.

    If anyone is interested I can point to a few VERY good books on that matter or maybe post a conclusive report of my findings... :D

  5. That´s an interesting topic... as far as I know, the 3d models are the same, so simple renumbering should do the job.

    Actually I think there is no 'historical Panther D early' apart from the version that was designated Panther D1 - and it just doesn´t seem likely BFC is referring to that version. Historically speaking, a late model D and early A should be the same - though there might have been a few D´s upgraded with A parts. I can´t confirm that with photographic footage, but only drawings so far. Maybe in time I´ll stumble over a few photographs.

    As it is, I just can point to a few very excellent books I value very much and regard them as very accurate...

    Does that answer your question?

  6. Tried the first scenario vs. the AI, extreme FOW, standard setup, no bonusses.

    I won - but only because sometimes the AI is as stupid as artificial. Against a capable human opponent, the German player would stand no chance whatsoever - the difference in quality equipment is just too big. And in the test game, my crews needed about half a dozen shots to hit once... ;)

    Anyway, a great scenario! Can´t wait to play the rest of them!

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