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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Just uploaded my King Tiger Henschel mod set to GaJ´s site: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5170/details - and to the repository

    This mod set contains three sets of skins for the King Tiger Henschel:

    King Tiger Henschel

    - a "normal" dirty version of the KT

    Two different sets for when the ground condition in-game is "muddy". You must choose which one to use:

    King Tiger Henschel [muddy] Dark

    - with dark (wet) mud


    King Tiger Henschel [muddy] Light

    - with light (dried) mud

    Some pics showing each of the three versions:





  2. What colour is the bow MG?

    It is brown-ish. But a bit of mud splatter had made even more brown. The mud is gone now.

    the muddy version appears to be having quite a lot of mud on the upper front plate, seems to me a bit too much since that particular zone wouldn't be subject to such a lot of splash during common manouvers or even fights.

    I would agree with your very logical assumption, if I hadn´t seen several pictures of King Tigers and/or Panthers with plenty of mud splash on exactly this part of the front. My guess is that sometimes the tank throws the mud far into the air vertically - and when the mud comes down, the tank has moved beneath it.

    your mud looks quite dry, you could add some of a bit darker tone on very few areas to add the effect of fresher mud over the dryed one.

    You´re right that it looks very dry when it is light. That is why I´m releasing both a light and a dark version of the [muddy] King Tigers.


  3. Hey guys, is there a mod available that will remove or reduce the background wind sounds? In every quick battle for CMRT and CMBN I have loud winds and I'd like to be able to clearly hear the other sounds.

    This sounds like a problem I've been experiencing with every CM2 game so far: In my case this happens when you toggle out of CM while waiting for the game to load. Then (and only then) I often experience loud gale like wind sounds. The solution is simple (if the reason is the same): Don't toggle out of the game while loading (or toggle back in before the game has fully loaded).

  4. I got a problem with the King Tiger henschel turret, where may I find Aris mod (if it exists)?

    I am working on a RT King Tiger mod. And even though I´m not as skilled as Aris, I try to make my mods in a style very similar to his. I expect to release it within a week (hopefully)

  5. No , please, mod them yourself, enjoy the process of doing and sharing, I will do My version, time permitting.

    I was merely trying to coordinate our efforts in an attemp to avoid double work by both of us making the same vehicle mods.

    You see, I think you and I mod vehicles in much same way. So much so that I´d understand it if someone were to call me an "Aris copycat" (well, I´m not: I made these kinds of mods for CMBB, long before I´d even heard of an Aris).

    The main difference is that you´re much better at it than I. I mainly mod vehicles beause I wan´t my game to look right, whereas I suspect that you to a much higher degree enjoy making your mods.

    The "problem" in my opinion is this: A couple of times I have uploaded my own vehicle mod, only to experience that you have then uploaded your own version of the same vehicle a few days later. And since your version is better than mine, nobody would want to use mine - not even me. Consequently, I of course feel I´ve been wasting my time and energy.

    At the same time I know that you sometimes have stated that there are certain vehicles you´re reluctant to make. So I thought I´d offer to make those, to avoid any future collisions.

    If you don´t want to coordinate, so be it. I´ll just use my CM time on making scenarios or playing the game instead.


  6. The king tiger doesn't work because it has henchel added to its filename in RT.

    Should be an easy fix if you know what to do.

    Well, I´m certainly no King Tiger expert - I can´t tell which is a Porsche turret and which is a Henschel turret.

    But I do know how to rename files and the problem here is that the Aris KT mods I have (I have two, incl a V2) both have completely different turret BMP´s than the one in RT. The images are simply not in the same places. So renaming isn´t much of an option.

    Maybe that is because they both are Porsche turrets? Then I don´t have an Aris Henschel KT mod - and if there is one, I´m not able to find it?

  7. Yesterday I made a quick test: I made a quick - but in no way complete - "german dealership" scenario with all the german vehicles I could think of. I then put all the corresponding Aris vehicles in my CMRT z folder (I think I have all Aris' vehicles from both CMBN and FI, including all modules - but I may have missed one or two)

    The only one that didnt work was the King Tiger.

    There are of course many more vehicles in that scenario that arent modded (for instance the Marder II, spw 233 and the Nashorn). But that is because there are no Aris modded versions of those available (to my knowledge at least)

  8. So was the poll for the preorder downloads or the regular purchase downloads? If there's money riding on this it makes a difference. ;)

    As the first post says:

    The correct time you must aim for is the official announcement of the release of the game on this site.

    So you haven´t won the poll yet, Wodin ;)

    (But BFC will have to delay the official announcement for days in order to take the victory from you)

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