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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Well, are you sure there are any vehicles left to mod at all, Aris? ;)

    Your speed - and of course quality - is amazing. Thanks a lot for the effort.

    I might give some of the remaining vehicles a go. But not for a while - other projects have priority.

    Enjoy your "vacation"

  2. I'd like to join the chorus: All the new flavor objects are great additions for scenario designers. I'm especially happy that one of my pet wishes, bicycles, are finally in (though I suspect they might have been more frequent in western Europe than USSR at the time - but I guess they'll reach CMBN in the next upgrade).

    Now all that is left om my wish list are train cars and perhaps a wee locomotive. All those beautiful stations we're able to make now look a bit empty without them :)

  3. Thanks Earl, but I think I'll stick to my own version (but why don't you mail yours to Stingray? ;))

    Besides: Did the german tankers really scrape off the zimmerit to make space for emblems?

    And another thing: wouldn't your solution require changes to the normal mapping files as well? IIRC, the zimmerit structure is in the normal maps too.

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