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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. ...when they saw the fourth announcement line pop up, before they'd read it was an update for CMTouch?

    Moon, y'r a tease, putting such things up when there's such a weight of antici......pation growing for something vermillion and tonitrous (to mangle some latin).

    Well, I for one did.

    The release will surely remove the cause...

    ...but not the symptom. ;)

  2. Well, I was one of those 109. The reason I didn´t reply was because you have some very specific requirements, which made it hard for me to think of any suiting campaign.

    Furthermore, I don´t know whether you have the CW and/or MG modules. Your second post seems to imply you don´t.

    If you do, then I´ll recommend the stock campaigns "The Scottish Corridor" (CW) and "The Road to Nijmegen" (MG), even though they don´t exactly meet your requirements. But if you had the modules, you´d probably already played them.

    I don´t have any other base game allied campaigns on my hard drive than the ones you´ve mentioned.

    I think the problem with owning "just" the base game is that most scenario/campaign designers are "hardcore" players that will usually have all modules and design their stuff based on that. So basically, once the first module has been released there won´t be many new scenarios/campaigns made for the base game only.

    That wasn´t much of a help, I know - but at least some sort of explanation.


  3. I would like to add two of my favourite books on WW2: "Tankrider" by Bessonov

    "Tankrider" is a memoir written by a Soviet lieutenant who fought from August '43 till May '45. He and his men were tank riders (tankodesantniki), who in small teams together with T-34 and later IS-2 tanks had to lead the way for the bigger forces that were exploiting the gap after the front was broken. He tells an honest story, mentioning both combat action and more quiet life when his men were given a moment to rest.

    personally for me it was also interesting to read about their tactics - they had a platoon of tanks (I'm speaking from my memory, it was few years ago when I read this book last time) with tank riders and they had to fight the blocking elements of retreating Germans and pursue them, not giving a chance to regroup and rebuild the defenses. Being always at the spearhead, he was one of the first Soviet soldiers who entered Lvov in '44

    A story of a brave soldier who fought for almost two years leading the way.

    I´ve just finished reading Tank Rider - and I´m not overly impressed.

    Yes, Bessonov has surely been part of some very interesting and highly dramatic clashes with his tank rider company. Unfortunately, his writing resembles that of a fifth grader - and the english translation certainly hasn´t been made by someone who has english as his first language.

    In my view this book has some very interesting parts - but it is a clear demonstration of a case where a ghost writer should have been employed.

  4. Hi Bob

    Sorry to hear that. :(

    My guess is that is might be a out-of-memory problem, since I haven´t heard of any others having that problem. That would be plausible because the map is very large.

    I´m no expert when it comes to these sorts of problems, so unfortunately I can´t think of much you can do.

    The only thing I can suggest is this: Try downloading my other scenario using this map, Seizing Ciembienne (http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=112838).

    If you´re having problems loading this scenario too, then the reason probably is that the scenario is too large for your computer.

    Hope this helps.


  5. I think you are missing my point. The Pre-Release people will know in Advance when it is being released and could then just pop onto the site and vote for a date over the next say 48 hours.

    OK, I see your point now. Thanks. :)

    With this in mind I´ll have to add a new rule to our little contest:

    Guesstimates posted within the last 24 hours before the release of Red Thunder will not be part of the competition

    (Hope this solves it)

  6. Okay, all you refresh monkeys

    In order to kill the unbearable waiting time and give those F5 keys a few minutes rest, I propose a little competition:

    Who´ll make the most accurate guess on the release of Red Thunder?

    The winner earns the right to the title and sig-line:

    Supreme Red Thunder Release Date Spotter

    Submit your guess below (only one per member of course) - and remember to state both:

    Date and time (GMT)

    The time has to be GMT as I don´t want spend a lot of time converting guesses from 20 different time zones.



    The correct time you must aim for is the official announcement of the release of the game on this site.


    Here´s my own guess:

    BFC have stated that RT will be released in march. As it is my experience that BFC have the same relation to deadlines as myself, my guess will be

    April 1 st, 1:30 GMT

    (This will still be march 31st in the US and thus just within the deadline :))

  7. Umlaut,

    for some reason, I keep telling my wife I want to retire to Denmark. The weather I hear is nicer than here in Canada but she just laughs.

    She married you for your sense of humour, right? ;)

    In my opinion, there are many good reasons to come to Denmark. One could be that the pipe tobacco is relatively cheap (at least back when I quit)

    - but don´t think I´ve ever heard any foreigner prefer danish weather to their own (a scotsman might, but then they´ve got that nice golden medicine that makes you give a rat´s fart about the weather)

  8. Yes, a grizzled vet with 5 o'clock shadow and a cigarette hanging from his lower lip. Now that you think of it what about a pipe for the Brits?

    I am sure there are some pipe grogs around here. I think this is the correct demographic.

    I might be one of those - but I´m not sure about the brits.

    I used to smoke pipe until I quit eight years ago. When I went to Britain I always brought a stock of my usual tobacco brand along - as I had a hard time finding any pipe tobacco at all in Britain. And the little I could find tasted horrible - in my opinion. I think the name of the english brand that I usually had to settle for was: Three Nuns.

    The strange thing was that my favorite "danish" pipe tobacco, Capstan, was made in....Liverpool

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