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Yair Iny

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Everything posted by Yair Iny

  1. You can't be seriously suggesting that the US Army and Marines would be better off having M14 instead of the M4/M16s they currently have? That would be like suggesting the M113 is the best APC in the world and should be used for ever more...
  2. Well, FWIW, two hours isn't really more realistic than four. Both would require air to air refuelling unless the "two hour" pilot was willing to run really low on fuel. In practice, AFAIK, station times are far shorter. Just imagine that there is more than one plane in the rotation, but only one on station at any given time.
  3. Heh, all these equipment stories are the same When I joined the IDF, we got these really crappy webbings that would just hang there off your shoulders and all the velcro in the mag pouches was worn out, so if you bent over your mags could spill out. Our rifle straps were narrow and rough, so everyone just went and bought a wide smooth strap privately. Good thing was, as soon as we finished basic training, we got brand new, out of the bag full upper body webbings that would just sit tight on your chest and distribute the weight, new helmets with new covers, it was great. I tarted up my webbing so much, but always wished I had it with me in basic, would have been much nicer Sad part of it is, as soon as I came back as a reservist, it was back to signing for really crappy stuff every time. One exercise, I was actually issued a tanker's helmet, made of steel (not kevlar), with the headset taken out, so besides looking like a complete tit, I had to run around with the huge, heavy helmet on my head That week couldn't have ended sooner...
  4. Ha ha Ricochet! Hope you're not letting The Ashes influence your attitude to the British Pixel troops. Also, you can't possibly dump the Jackal. Besides having a cool name, it also looks great, just ignore the fact that it's not very useful
  5. You are of course, entitled to your opinion, but in fairness, I don't see how you can state that BF are being un-objective. They are merely modelling reality, in that syria, like most middle-eastern countries, uses soviet equipment, and is inferior, militarily speaking, to the west, both in equipment and in training. Now you might rightly argue that BF should have chosen a different slice of reality to model their game after, but I can't see how they are being unfair or not objective. Are you arguing that soviet equipment and doctrine are not inferior? The one point I can agree with is that there is a dearth of red-side scenarios in the official selection. This was probably a decision by BF to focus on making scens that most of their customers would prefer, i.e. Blue sided, but you definitely have a point. Fortunately CMSF comes with an editor, and equally fortunately, there are some talented, dedicated people like Paper Tiger and many others who have made use of that editor to make some fantastic red-side scens and Blue-side infantry only scens which greatly diminish the blue-side advantage. Perhaps (and I mean this sincerely, with no cynicism), you could suggest some scenario/campaign ideas that would convey what you are looking for in terms of drama and tragedy for the West, and maybe one or more of the aforementioned talented, dedicated people (of which I am neither), would be able to make them.
  6. Cool, thanks for the response. I'll just have to wait for the module then BTW, any idea why some vehicles can and some can't? Is it a game or a RL issue?
  7. In the brits demo, I parked my WMIK just behind the ridge and sent the men (3 of them) to the ridge. Now, I spotted some guys somewhere (don't want to spoil anything). So I went back to the WMIK (this one had an HMG) and drove up only to get my guys knocked off one by one within a minute. Now, it would be nice if I could at least take the GPMG off the WMIK and take it to the ridge dismounted. I'm not expecting to be able to do that with the 50cal, but the GPMG would certainly be possible. When we used to dismount from our M113s in exercises, we always took one of the MAGs with us.
  8. Nah mate, Adam's been around for ever, previously as AdamL, and some of his posts on tactics, especially Sov tactics, in CMx1 were awesome (as were some on CMSF). It is a real shame, and somewhat of a loss to the forum. Don't know why his posting changed over those years, oh well...
  9. You're right of course, but then we wouldn't get the rest of that part of the movie to play out the same... You see, first the director wants us to build up our hatred of the sniper, by having him (or is it a he?) shoot up the wounded guys and the people who come to his aid, then he wants to reveal the final scene where our earlier hatred becomes oh so much more ambiguous... Great film, if not the most technically accurate.
  10. Don't you just love how the internet seems to be a license for some people to have no manners? Here comes a guy, into the CMSF forum, and basically says "CMSF sucks, when can we start discussing CMN, without me having to read through all this rubbish about sucky CMSF". All the while ignoring the fact that a. there are actual people (20-30, if you include betas) who put years of their lives into CMSF and b. there are actual people (10000s) who enjoy CMSF quite a bit. Thanks for your contribution to the forum! Cheers PS- to the rest of you, apologies for the rant, this ongoing thread pisses me off... must be the wait for Brits that's driving me mad (hint, hint BFC)
  11. This by no means is an official response, but as I understand previous posts made by Steve, and coupled with the fact that with 1.20 we will be able to switch between RT and WEGO for each mission, I would reckon that you can continue a campaign at the start of a new mission in the middle of it (assuming the campaign itself hasn't changed), but might have trouble continuing in the middle of a mission. Hope I'm not misleading you. Cheers
  12. Gamer's Gate is download only, it costs them nothing (or next to nothing) per copy. From their point of view, any dollar earned from a CMSF sale right now is a bonus, same as for all the old paradox games (HOI2, etc.) From BFC point of view, I would guess the benefit is that people who buy it from Gamers Gate would probably not have heard of it and bought it from BFC, and then become potential buyers of modules.
  13. I seem to recall Steve posting ages ago that KIA "weigh" twice as much as WIA.
  14. Wow, the maps in those last couple of pics look amazing! On another note, this is one of the funniest threads in a long time, first Bergerbitz's identification of his ex-wife as an in game vehicle and then GeorgeMc...
  15. Well, I doubt any of the riflemen themselves complained about switching from the M16 to the M4, reduced range notwithstanding. At least in the IDF, there were no complaints that I know of in the infantry (goes without saying that armour and arty didn't complain either). As far as I know (I'm a bit distant these days), the Tavor has been received quite well so far. I'm sure there are other examples. Cheers
  16. Just as an observation, that is exactly the kind of attitude a "Blue" commander takes into a mission in Iraq or Afghanistan, so at the very least that tells me that a) BFC have fairly well simulated the relative differences between the sides and that you are probably a better player than most, most definitely than me, as I would be most pleasantly surprised to have 0 KIA in a typical stock scenario. Cheers
  17. Just wanted to congratulate BF for achieving this. The ability to shop out development, not only of a module, but of an entire game, cannot be overstated. With all the doubt that some people were casting at the whole concept of modules and code modularity, etc., Steve et all must be feeling quite rightfully vindicated. Assuming all of this comes to fruition on time, we will be in a situation where by the end of the year, less than 2.5 years after CMSF was first released, there will be three games (CM:SF, CM:A and CM:N), with at least two modules (Marines, Brits) released (possibly 3 if NATO comes in too). A fantastic achievement no doubt. Cheers
  18. Come on Mikey, that there is a difference is as obvious as you knowing there is one. For starters, following your suggestion means that you have to also pick the opposition's forces, and that you know exactly which map will be used. Not to mention that, at least in CMx1, picking forces in QB was easier than going into the editor, and I don't see why that will be different in CMx2. I agree that anyone who doesn't play CMSF only because of the QBs is cutting off his own nose to spite his own face, but that doesn't warrant the dismissiveness directed at this feature request.
  19. All in all, Steve's about right. Hamas wasn't as well armed and prepared as Hezbollah, and it seems they bought into their own propaganda and over-estimated their capacity to cause the IDF damage. In addition, the IDF was far better prepared mentally for the fight. The head of the armed forces, Gabby Askenazi is a former infantry man, as opposed to the then head, Dan Halutz, a former fighter pilot. They did not go in thinking they could just bomb their way to victory. In addition, the overall commitment of forces was far more immediate and overwhelming, no staggered deployments, trying to win it on the cheap. For the IDF this was a lot about regaining respect and deterrence. Another big factor was that there was absolutely no restraint put on the IDF by the political tier in terms of civilian casualties, as opposed to the 1996 war in which the IDF started out careful (until they gradually lost all restraint, peaking at the despicable dropping of cluster bombs in the last days of the war, for absolutely no real military purpose). This time around, from the very top, all the way down, the message to the troops was "don't let civilians stand in the way of you being safe or of your mission being completed". This has since been verified time and time again in the Israeli press (especially Haaretz), and by reservists and even some regular army soldiers. This accounts for the massive civilian casualties and for phenomena like the usage of WP shells in a densely populated city.
  20. Hmm... maybe I'm missing something about your question, but you do realise that the M249 fires 5.56mm ammo? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M249_Squad_Automatic_Weapon
  21. AFAIK, it's a Vista vs XP thing. Print Screen works in XP, but not in Vista. That's why you need Fraps.
  22. ASL, The commanders won't be personally liable for civil damages. Rather the military will not be immune to being sued by hiding under the "combat ops" shield. Realistically, all organisations which are driven by funds, which is ALL organisations, are most sensitive to money. Making the military pay for it's commanders' negligence is the best way for people from the outside, ie civilians to force the military to pay the proper attention to those issues. As a slightly related example, I used to be in the IDF both a regular soldier and after that (as all IDF soldiers must), a reservist. Now, as a reservist you get paid your civilian salary when you go to the reserves every year. It used to be paid by the Social Security office and not directly from the IDF's budget. Guess what, the IDF used to call you up for the full quota every year, and waste your time doing crap jobs and what not. Some time after I became a reservist, they changed it so that the IDF's budget got a bit bigger, but it started paying the reservists' salary from it's own budget. Now guess what, suddenly they called you up for half the time and made sure you spent it well (at least way better than before). Nothing like money to force organisational change. Cheers
  23. Well, FWIW (not much I know), I would buy a module (or a series of modules) for the second family that brought in the content allowing a campaign from June 44 until the end of the war, as US and CW. There are many famous units that went through the entire campaign, and even had the same core of personnel, the obvious example being Easy Company from Band of Brothers...
  24. What we really need is a civilian variant humvee, preferably black and stretched. That way we can play "USMC vs. Rich Hollywood types in LA" scenarios. Hell, I used to live in LA, and it isn't that far from being a desert
  25. Hi, Just done reading WineCape's recap thread (thanks heaps for that!). A question came to mind. As the post-September WW2 west front will be another family, with (presumably) engine improvements, will it support June 44 - May 45 or only October 44-May 45? Meaning, can we play a campaign with a company that goes from the beaches to berlin? Also, I have a proposal for the CM:Normandy real name: how about CMBB? CM: Beacheads to Bocage? Cheers
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