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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. 50% CMBB,35% CMAK, 15% CMBO. Yes I am one of them guys that still enjoy even CMBO, I have converted scenarios, but I just enjoy the game also as it orig. played. No not as detailed or maybe correct. But it is fun to see the infantry play a stronger role than it does later. For me CMBB seems to be easy to find someone to play. Always interesting match ups can be found in Scenarios For CMAK, you need someone that enjoys the tactical challenges that are present in Desert warfare to really get into it. Yes it protrays ETO just fine, but the desert is where it really shines.
  2. I forgot,But I would like to Thank Walker and Dinga for their reviews at the Scenario Depot. Not bad at all considering I really have thrown these together, only one was on my files which I remodified. I would have spent much more time if I had thought I was doing it again, So Thank Major Tum for getting me to do it. I think two of these next three should be winners also. But we will let you all decide that.
  3. Jonny, email him direct, make sure you are getting emails through
  4. Round Two matches also have upset scoring, keep in mind if you win your battle by better than your sides adv. and are the lower rated player you will receive this Bonus scoring Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise Allies vs Germans JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado 0.5 point to Jonny Bert___ vs___ Fiaros 3 points fiaros Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort 1 point Gort Walker___ vs___Dinga 44 0.5 point Walker Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked 1 point major Tum Scenario E - One Last Hurrah Allies vs Germans Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior 2.5 points to crow Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert 3.5 points to Shell shocked Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish 1.5 Points to Jonny Fiaros___vs___ Mikado no Bonus Gort___ vs___ Major Tum 0.5 points to Gort Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death Germans vs Allies Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert 1.5 pointsDinga Fiaros___ vs___ Shell Shocked 0.5 points Shell shocked Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum 0.5 points Major Tum Walker___ vs___ Mikado 1 point Mikado Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish 1.5 points to Gort [ December 03, 2006, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  5. 10 points Bert 7 points Dinga 44 6 points Walker 4 points Fiaros 4 point Mikado 3 points Jonny English 3 points Shell Shocked 2 point Crow Warrior 1 point Major Tum scoreless Gort The scoring looks fair at the Top, Bert has had two Best score results and a 2nd Where as Dinga has had two 2nds and a First Walker has 2 best scores also, but losing to Bert has held him in check and also third place. Those with 3 or 4 points still sit in a nice position to make a second round charge. [ December 03, 2006, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  6. Round one final scoring Scenario A - Should have blown that Bridge Germans vs Allies 74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___Major Tum Dinga 3 points 70/30 JonnyEnglish __ vs __ Shell shocked jonny 2 points 49/43 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Mikado crow warrior & Mikado 1 point 27/63 Walker___ vs___ Bert Bert 3 point (one point for being the weak side) 26/74 Gort___ vs___ Fiaros fiaros 4 points (one point for being the weak side) Scenario B - Unlucky Company B Allies vs Germans 80/20 Walker ___ vs___ Fiaros Walker 3 points 74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___ Mikado Dinga 2 points 68/32 JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Major Tum Jonny & Major Tum 1 point each 55/35 Gort___ vs___ Shell Shocked Shell shocked 2 points 62/38 Crow Warrior___ vs___ Bert Bert 3 points Scenario C - Brick & Mortar forest Germans vs Allies 87/13 Walker___ vs___ Major Tum Walker 3 points 76/24 Dinga 44___ vs___ Fiaros Dinga 2 points 50/42 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Shell Shocked Crow warrior & Shell Shocked 1 point each 35/58 Gort___ vs ___ Mikado Mikado 3 point (one point for being the weak side) 26/74 Jonny English ___ vs___ Bert Bert 4 points (one point for being the weak side) [ December 03, 2006, 03:46 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  7. Round one "Out of the Dust Tournament II" Scenario's are now available at the Scenario Depot II. All my Scenarios have the prefix of BF.
  8. Round one Scenarios are now available at the Scenario Depot II, feel free to rate them. Since I cannot get anyone to rate a CMBO scenario there it would be appriciated. All my Scenarios have the prefix of BF
  9. Any comments for the first three scenarios are welcomed now, I will be posting them at the Scenario depot very soon. So it is you chance to have some imput. So far I am only modifying "unlucky Company B"
  10. My fault, this was a reserve unit, it is to be located in town, still it might not be needed with how the scenario is playing. But I forgot about it and did not get the marker in town. This battle needs some tweaking for sure.
  11. Thanks, Neil, for overloading my email today. I did not really want all your meg files of the AAR. The boy has been too busy.
  12. You have been sent a corrected file, warning to everyone, Iwent too far before saving his file, so it was past the setup phase. Hopefully it is the only one but everyone should see their briefings and have a set up phase, even if some of you might not have much to do in that Phase (evil laugh) [ November 30, 2006, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  13. I have sent out all of the next round matches, everyone should have received a email with their password verified and any scenarios that they need to start.
  14. I think I have it fixed, the goal is everyone should not have played each other before, Scenario F matches have been revised. Let me know if I have missed something
  15. oh no, major problem, now I have to start all over again, this is harder than it looks
  16. Also note: some of you will be getting new passwords for round two. I dont want to but am doing it to make sure you are protected. So just check because I will be sending them out.
  17. Bluecoats was the name of the Operation in Normandy at the end of Augest 44, This will be the Scenario that I did the most realistic design on for this match, tried to match actual terrian and so on. Norrey was my most Historically correct in the first Tourney. This will be my most correct in this one. You will be the British, just so you know, Walker. Keep this up and you might start loosing your hair, not just watching it turn gray
  18. Round Two matches Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise Allies vs Germans JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado Bert___ vs___ Fiaros Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort Walker___ vs___Dinga 44 Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked Scenario E - One Last Hurrah Allies vs Germans Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish Fiaros___vs___ Mikado Gort___ vs___ Major Tum Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death Germans vs Allies Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert Fiaros___ vs___ Shell Shocked Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum Walker___ vs___ Mikado Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish Your Lots have been cast and war is never fair. Actually I have made sure that the top 4 players will have played each other once in the 6 games; Yes Walker, that means you have to play your pal Dinga (Sorry) [ November 29, 2006, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  19. MajorTum, have you figured out how to show a AAR at your site without going over your allowable Megs yet. Maybe just post your text there and then link photos to that free site that so many use here.
  20. Ah Walkers plane must have decided to fly on a little excusion to the south of France or something.
  21. for sure I will add another gun bunker and a few hidden guns to beef up the defence. agree, need some more The would change it for sure but to get the feel of the true battles that were fought, I did not read about any armor located up front, the germans would counter assault and take back bunkers with armor formations when a known breach accured. Also the allieds did have just that, plenty of support fire and lots of smoke, so again I wanted to give the feeling of how lopsided the support is, but I also wanted a close battle that can go either way, Berts suggestion of cutting turns is a easy way to equal the battle some, but it is so hard sometimes to get the correct number of turns. but it is one way of adjusting it. The plane does have the cm logic of hitting friendlies and it did happened multi times in testing. My testing did deceive me some in this battle and thus the reason that the balence is off some. I like the scenario but I just need a few tweeks before releasing it. Thanks for the imput, it helps to see other views [ November 27, 2006, 03:52 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  22. Also, I am looking for sugestions on how to modify scenario B, the germans need a better chance to putting up a good fight, it played too one sided, it needs modified before I put it at the scenario depot. Just Email or comment here if you have thoughts about how I should do it.
  23. If I have added right, here is the present scores with two matches in 6 points Bert 5 points Dinga 44 4 points Fiaros 3 points Jonny English 3 points Walker 2 points Shell Shocked 1 point Major Tum 1 point Mikado 1 point Crow Warrior scoreless Gort
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