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Everything posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. You're right, Junglist. We switched a couple of them over to Objective. We should have done this from the start, but you have to remember what Jung said: BTW, if you want me to change your username just send an email with your product key and the new, final name (with the capitalization you want).
  2. ...is now available via Update. On Windows, use Start/Programs/Battlefront/DropTeam/Game Updater to get it. On Mac OS X, double click on the Update icon in /Applications. On Linux, use the runUpdate.sh script. Fixes in 1.0.1: </font> Numerous fixes to the single player campaign including fixed victory conditions</font>Fix crash caused by OpenGL</font>Fix crash related to "Sky Box" setting</font>Fix crash while exiting game on Mac</font>Fix fluid rendering</font>Fixed scoring for Territory game type</font>Improved scoring for Objective game type</font>Future updates are now performed from within the game lobby itself. You won't need to run the external updater application anymore.</font>Gracefully handle missing controls file when multiple instances of DropTeam are installed</font>
  3. The 5200 is toward the low-end, but it's not a horrible video card. It should handle DropTeam well enough but might bog down with the more advanced graphical effects (such as foliage, HDR, and shadows). However, I'm surprised that these options are grayed out for you. They become disabled like that when the video driver reports that it can't handle them. I'm sure the 5200 can do VBO and shaders (even if it does them a little slowly), so something is wrong here. How did you update your video drivers? Did you download the latest ForceWare drivers from nvidia.com directly? In "Display Properties" under "Advanced", do you have a "NVidida" tab with the NVidia logo on it which shows that the ForceWare version is 84.21? If not, then the drivers are not installed. If so, we can keep digging deeper, so let us know either way and we will see what we can find out.
  4. Since we've agreed in so many previous discussions that these systems are feasible in various atmospheres ranging from vacuum to high pressure, being underwater is not very much to ask of them. This is assuming, as discussed in so many of those old threads on these forums, that the systems are implemented properly (you're not simply taking a modern day 120mm gun and dropping it in the water and hoping it works).
  5. That is a very simple but very effective change. Thanks for the suggestion, Toby.
  6. You can still shoot him under there. Even better, you can (and in this case should) go into the water after him.
  7. Hit the Direct Play button on the Network tab and type in the server's local IP address.
  8. Use the hotkeys instead of the orders button for this. For example, hit ALT-M to tell all selected units to move. As an added bonus, when you give orders to a group of units in this way, they maintain their relative offset from another for the destination. You might not need to use formations quite as much as you are now. All of the rest of those are great suggestions. I've added them to our flyspray list for future updates.
  9. Hilarious, Caseck. I can't believe you still have a copy.
  10. Poesel, that is also why you couldn't see the lava. Fixed for 1.0.1.
  11. Los, email your username and product key to me and I will go look on the account server and see what's happening.
  12. ClaytoniousRex


    Bnej, have you tried putting your friendlies VERY close to the objective? That should wrack up the required points for you. We've just finished fixing some problems with victory conditions in the campaign. The 1.0.1 release will address them (which you will be able to get via Update).
  13. ClaytoniousRex


    We've reproduced and fixed that "funny blank box" you mentioned. Thanks for reporting it, Bnej!
  14. Thanks for the info, guys. For those scenarios with a black & white objective such as that first one on Archipelago you should be getting a message that says you've accomplished your objective, get the points for it (1,000 in the case of Archipelago), and then you can quit at that time with a victory. When you try to quit without a victory you should be getting a dialog that warns you that "if you quit now the scenario will be a defeat - are you sure you want to quit?" It sounds like this isn't happening for you, Toby. Is that right? The best place to start is by emailing your DropTeam.log file to me. Then we'll take each one from there. The upcoming 1.0.1 release has probably already fixed it, but you never know. They definitely will be and very soon! Yes, we've fixed this for 1.0.1 but some people are definitely going to get hit by this in the meantime, unfortunately. Were you logged in as user Oskar? That's the only report like this we have so far. If that's not you, then can you send the .zip of the crash directly to me? Here is some OGRE info. I hear ya. It's one of those few really dirty cross-platform problems. Maybe we can do it just for Windows, though. Poesel, your issues sound quite severe, probably all stemming from some basic problem. How much and what exactly did you copy from the demo into the retail build? That could be bad news. Can you send me a DropTeam.Log from the crash when you start a scenario? Thanks!
  15. Geforce4/Radeon 9600 64MB VRAM class video or better 512 MB system RAM WINDOWS * Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 * Pentium III 800MHz or better * Catalyst 6.2 or higher drivers for ATI users * Forceware 81.98 or higher for nVidia users * OpenGL 1.5 or better for other video cards MAC * OS X Tiger 10.4.5 or higher * G4 1.2 GHz or higher LINUX * GLIBC version 2.3.4 or higher * X Windows with working OpenGL acceleration * ALSA audio
  16. Sneaky bugger... When playing on the network the sounds you hear this way are out of date - they're only the last known positions of the objects in question. But you're right that you really shouldn't hear anything at all (and you usually don't). We'll clean it up.
  17. DropTeam is built from the ground up to be open and extensible. It's very easy to add new scenarios, vehicles, buildings, and other kinds of objects to the game. DropTeam uses an open, editable set of XML files for things like scenarios, terrains, objects, etc. This means you can edit them with nothing more than Notepad if you want. This allows you to use a wide variety of tools for the creation of scenarios and new objects for the game instead of being locked into our own proprietary editor application. For example, you can use Terragen, MojoWorld, or Bryce to create terrains for new scenarios, or any other tool that you can find including open source tools. In other words, we didn't want to reinvent the wheel by creating our own world editor, when there is already a thriving bazaar of such tools out in the market, some free and some not. We want to leverage existing technology instead of creating our own dumbed down, simplified editors that work only for DropTeam. Having said that, we know that some people actually want a specific DropTeam editor without all of this flexibility. For that reason, we're working with a 3rd party developer now who has expressed interest in creating some modding/editing tools specifically for DropTeam. Since the core game is based on open XML and industry standard terrain data, we hope to find other developers or hobbyists who might also want to create such tools. That way you, as the end user, will be able to choose from a variety of different editing tools. We'll let you know how this progresses.
  18. If you have been playing the public test, then when you install the full retail version of DropTeam you should register a new account with your product key. If you continue to use your old demo account then you won't be able to join any 1.0.0 servers (it will say your username/password is incorrect). Demo accounts are only allowed to play on demo servers.
  19. Talus, are you behind a firewall that would prevent your dedicated server from making an outbound TCP connection to our account server? If you're not sure, then give us some details about your setup (OS, internet connection, etc.) Also, do you have the same problem when trying to play against the public servers, or is this only happening when you try to connect to your own server?
  20. Yes, when you run a server you can decide who belongs to each team.
  21. DropTeam is now a universal binary.
  22. 0.9.92 is now a universal binary. See the post at the top of the forum for instructions on how to get it.
  23. ...is now available via Update. On Windows, use Start/Programs/Battlefront/DropTeam Public Test/Game Updater to get it. On Mac OS X, double click on the Update icon in /Applications. On Linux, use the runUpdate.sh script. Fixes in 0.9.92: </font> Universal Binary for Mac OS X. Dropteam now runs natively on Intel Macs. For this reason, 0.9.92 is a big update for mac users, so be prepared for some downloading.</font>Fix "sticky input" for steering/control.</font>Performance optimizations</font>Improved HUD text readability</font>
  24. Actually, it's the other baby - the real flesh and blood one - that's keeping me up tonight.
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