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Everything posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. Found and fixed thanks to the log that Pirate (and a couple of others) sent. This crash will occur any time you die WHILE clicking to fire. The fix will be in the next update.
  2. Got it. Fixed for the next update. Thanks for sending the log - that makes all the difference.
  3. Outstanding. Send me an email so we can do this directly. There's no reason for all of these innocent people to watch you and me writhing in torment...
  4. We got the dropships from a company called 3DRT on a non-exclusive basis. Max at 3DRT also developed some of the other meshes for DropTeam after we started using his dropships. He will eventually begin selling some of those to other outside parties, too. So some of the models in DropTeam come from 3DRT, some are original creations, all are originally textured just for DropTeam (mostly by the amazingly talented Marco Bergman and Gordon Molek).
  5. If this happens again, can you try to grab the details from the Apple Crash Reporter window and email them to me (assuming you get a chance to see that window at all)?
  6. I've implemented the first part of your suggestion - directing the spray back along the impact vector - and you're right. It looks MUCH better this way already. We'll see what else we can do before the next update.
  7. Kapps, there was a Mac-specific bug with HDR: if you played a scenario, and THEN turned on HDR, and THEN tried to play another scenario, DropTeam would crash. However, if you FIRST turned on HDR BEFORE playing a scenario, then everything worked fine. We were never able to reproduce this bug here, but it was reported on this forum. Have you tried turning on HDR before doing anything else? If so, and it still crashes, can you please email me your DropTeam.log and your system specs (especially your video card and its amount of RAM). Thanks!
  8. ...is now available via Update. On Windows, use Start/Programs/Battlefront/DropTeam Public Test/Game Updater to get it. On Mac OS X, double click on the Update icon in /Applications. On Linux, use the runUpdate.sh script. Fixes in 0.9.90: </font> Fix bug that caused jammed objects to not appear jammed to newly connected clients</font>Deployables now switch to team ownership when the deploying player disconnects or changes teams instead of disappearing</font>Numerous sound fixes on Linux including microphone input and doppler effects</font>More doppler sound improvements when using the "Extra Sounds" option</font>Fire button can now be held down for continuous firing</font>Fix login failures for Mac users</font>Added penetration particle effects for high caliber AP penetrations</font>Simpler inventory system that doesn't scale with number of clients (this results in smaller inventories and relatively more randomization)</font>Modest performance optimization</font>Numerous retail-only fixes</font>
  9. What happens when you try to refresh, Prinz? Do you get the "No servers where[sic] found" message?
  10. Yes, it was mac users who were affected. See this thread.
  11. You can update to the 0.9.90 release to fix this issue. The release announcement for 0.9.90 won't be posted for a few more hours, but you can run Update to get it now. Sorry for the inconvenience of this account bug. It was a Mac-specific issue on the 0.9.45 release.
  12. Yeah, grass looks beautiful but most of us end up turning it off once the novelty has worn off. HDR, on the other hand, makes such a big improvement to the graphics that I always try to leave it on.
  13. I'll defer to Moon on #1, but for #2: yes, playing on servers is free. There's no subscription required to play DropTeam.
  14. Servers are back up. Nah, no typos where found.
  15. This is happening in 0.9.45 because the Account Server was upgraded to handle demo and retail accounts side-by-side. It should be cleared up with the new release very soon. Sorry for the trouble in the meantime!
  16. Arpinum Station happens to also be: 1. A fairly busy http web server 2. The account server 3. The master server 4. Our primary debugging server So it's easy to believe that this is where you get the wonkiest behavior. After the public test we don't intend to host a game server on it at all anymore.
  17. Our TBG servers for the public test are all Pentium 4's WITHOUT hyperthreading. The lack of a 2nd core can cause slowdowns when lots of bots are doing pathfinding. However, packet loss is usually not caused by the CPU bogging down but by the network connection. The best cure is to connect to a closer (lower ping) server, which should be a lot easier after the public test (at least within the CONUS).
  18. Superb write-up, Yurch! We should eventually take the comments all of you have made here and use them as the basis for a "tactics" section of the website.
  19. Great ideas, all. The plan for the ion beam currently is: 1. Implement a "charging phase" so that the weapon fires in staggered bursts as proposed by Yurch. 2. During the charging phase, a precursor beam paints the target, preparing a vacuum tunnel for the ion beam to pass through. This precursor beam is usually feintly visible, so experienced players will realize that they're being prepped for an ion beam attack and can try to hussle out of danger before the ion beam is ready to fire. 3. Increase the ablation rate of ion beams - once the burst starts firing it's going to hurt a little bit more than it did before. It's important that they maintain their effectiveness at extreme ranges, so we won't be taking that away. These changes won't make it in before the 1.0.0 release but they should be ready very shortly afterward.
  20. If you want to share your mod(s) with the community, Yurch, I would be happy to host them for you so others can download them.
  21. Yes, this is definitely a bug. Should be fixed soon...
  22. You're not being stupid, Rampage - DropTeam is, at least on version 0.9.45. With the next release, the inventory no longer scales with the max number of clients - it simply obeys the inventory settings for your server (or scenario, for those scenarios that set their own inventories). So on the next update, you would be able to do this maxclients 1 thing without problems.
  23. Infantry is still scheduled to be released *after* the 1.0.0 retail release. They will be added for free as an update (just like the 0.9.4x series of updates have been so far in the Public Test).
  24. Sorry, Poesel, we're pushing hard, but I guess 2/3 of your weekend is already gone!
  25. Yes, they certainly should. Maybe a better rule would be "toward the greatest spottable concentration of enemy units" or something, but I agree with the idea!
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